I hope Yooka-Laylee gets a sequel, I really liked the game and feel every professional, negative criticism of Yooka-Laylee is a fucking joke.
>Hub World/Levels confusing/difficult to explore.
Sorry you don't have the ability to remember where you've been. I could almost entertain the notion of levels being confusing (if you're a fool), but in the hub you're literally going in a straight line, any divergent path is so short as to not matter. A map/waypoint wouldn't make exploring the map better/more fun, it would make it a boring slog from point A to point B, like every "Open world" game, which YL is not.
>Too difficult
You're bad at video games, full stop, maybe you shouldn't be reviewing them as your jobb.
>Annoying voices
Maybe valid, even so it's legacy shit backers wanted, you can skip most dialogue noises by pressing A.
>Game is unclear about progression, whether or not you can tackle a currently available objective
I don't know how, in a game where continually learning new moves is a BENCHMARK mechanic, you can throw yourself at any challenge more than once without getting that you can't complete it yet. If you need the game to SPECIFICALLY explain to you WHAT move you need and where you get it, you are actually retarded.
And the worst of all
>Game is TOO MUCH like Banjo-Kazooie/a 90's platformer.
I can concede that the camera is SOMETIMES difficult, though it hasn't impacted my enjoyment of the game in ANY capacity. I can concede that flight, introduced late game, drops the bottom out of basically any challenge that could be found in the platforming segments, but to the people saying the game is too hard, I would ask why that is a problem to you, and personally I am deliberately only using flight only when the game necessitates I do. Also, expanding worlds is poorly implemented and basically just walls them off twice.
I'm frustrated that critics decided to shit on the game/kickstarter that totally delivered on everything it promised.