I enjoyed Xillia very much (Characters, battle system, Gaius...), altough Vesperia was great too (liked the graphic style), started now with graces f...
So whats your fav tales game and why?
Tales of Destiny Remake because I love sprite.
Zest, why? take a guess.
Nice, because you're a fucking pedophile. You put aside the fact that Zestiria is the worst Tales game ever made, the gameplay sucks dick, the story is nonsensical bullshit, but ohhh, it's got a loli in it.
I don't have a favorite Tales game, but I've only played Vesperia, Zestiria and Beseria. They all sucked. But I guess Vesperia was the least sucky.
First Tales games I've played and nostalgia
Xillia is the best, because I can play as Jude unimpeded. Vesperia gets an honorable mention for having the 2nd and 3rd funnest characters in Flynn and Raven, while also having a huge amount of content of all types, and generally being solid all around. Berseria is really high up there if just for the characters and their interactions.
Who said I want to have sex with her? I find characters like her adorable and they remind me of my little sister before she got married/divorced, and had two kids
Now my Niece has taken her spot in the adorable section. I just like protecting those smug smiles
>liking nu-tales
>Arguing with Ednafags
Pissing in the ocean would be more productive user.
I tried playing Tales of Symphonia but I just got bored a few hours in and never picked it up again
The combat was boring and the story did not capture my attention
>playing tales games thats not abyss or symphonia
You weebs asking for an ass kicking?
Berseria followed by the first half of Symphonia followed by the second half of Abyss followed by the last third of Vesperia
>not wanting to have sex with Edna
What the fuck?
Xillia 1 / 2 just because Jude is literally the martial arts character I've always wanted to play and it's the most CUHRAZY Tales game.
Runner-up is probably Eternia simply because there's a fuckton of post-game content that the Symphonia-era and onwards kind of stopped doing.
I guess my favourite is Abyss beca.....
>Looks at thread
Never mind.
Alt!Milla didn't deserve to die.
Overall, Eternia in all honesty. Vesperia was pretty damn good and Berseria has the best cast in the franchise hands down.
Sit yo basic ass down.
>That pic
Best child character easily
>that t shirt
I want to play Eternia but has a shit tier dub and the psp version with the undub has a stupid battery that distracts me how do I play it?
>I find characters like her adorable and they remind me of my little sister before she got married/divorced, and had two kids
Honestly, this shit is way more creepy than just outright admitting you want to have sex with them.
Abyss is easily the best for me.
Best Main character by far too.
Both versions of Hearts, because I like the cast pretty well, the story is overtly cliche'd to the point of being fun, it's the last entry to have a decent soundtrack from Sakuraba in my ears, and the insane easy aerial combat in both DS and R is fun as fuck. DS offers more mechanical experimentation and more polished presentation, but the actual mechanics used in R felt more solid in turn, so you have something for two different perspectives.
Turn the voice volume off.
I don't understand the love for any of the tales games Graces f and anything past that
There's nothing wrong with liking these games but I wouldn't make any of them my fav tales game, there are previous titles that are solid in all aspects rather than the modern games falling short in one or two aspects whether it be graphics, combat, story, characters, and overall feel
I've played Graces f and all the the games up to Berseria and even though Berseria my fav modern tales game, it still has problems from all the way back with Graces f or Xillia
In all modern tales games the graphics are dated, the combat is piss easy, the environments are boring and are just hallways, the characters are 10/10 or are complete snores or buzzkills, and they lack in content which they try to make up for with dlc and sequels without changing much to their previous installments
these games to me feel really mediocre to past games
tl;dr games before Graces f were among the best tales but if you like the game or anything like it that's fine, it's just odd
>you'll never play a game with Jude as the protagonist/always in your party ever a game
How do I deal with this feel, bros?
She deserved impregnation.
My favorite is Abyss. I wish Berseria had better dungeons, otherwise it would have been higher.
Xillia 2 because it had the best characters and gameplay
>that gif
Fuck, I want to play xillia 1/2 again now, but i'm halfway though symphonia. I fucking loved the guns in 2 but you can't beat fists.
Elize is for ____
Learn nip because you're missing all the skits that aren't just to remind you where to go in the English version anyways.
daily rape sessions
Why is it creepy? Older brothers tend to want to protect their adorable younger sisters.
After they get older though it's more like a watchful eye.
>Tfw Europe faggot and never played Legendia,Rebirth and Destiny which is apprently the most beloved one
Fuck you Bandai would of took 10 minutes to put it as a PS2 classic or something
Fuck you I heard it.
>Try shooting it!
>Go teepo! Sharing is caring
Phantasia is the only good Tales game.
All the others are middling to disgusting-weeb tier.
US didn't get Rebirth or Destiny PS2 either, so they'd have to localize it too if they ever wanted to release a PS2 Classic or HD Remaster of it in the west.
>waiting for ToD director's cut patch
Xillia 2.
I'm a huge sucker for time traveling/dimension shenanigans, especially when they don't turn out well.
Xillia was my favorite so far.
Graces was the last team Destiny game before both tales teams got merged. You may not like it or its influences but it absolutely should not be lumped together with the games the proceeded it.
I'm American and while I liked Legendia because it was the first I played, it had bad gameplay.
Rebirth never came out in America. I never even played Destiny either.
How did you people managed to get past the complete auditory garbage that they call a "dub"?
Tales of the abyss
It was the first one I played, I liked the story and the themes, adored the music and Tear is a QT
Innocence R
>Elize has a cute little crush on Jude in Xillia 1
>he only ever had eyes for Milla, which I understand, plus I'm not surprised a loli gets shot down by an older teenager
>Xillia 2 rolls around
>heavy Alvin and Elize shipping, to the point where they should just fuck already
>he's 27
I'd say Vesperia is currently my favorite, I stocked up on a bunch of Tales games last year because I got em for cheap
I'm currently playing Hearts R on Vita, it's pretty generic but its a Tales game so I'm not expecting to have my world shook. I don't mind schlock if it's fun schlock
its got some neat stuff in the battle system. It's way better than Symphonia 2 that's for sure
Lisps make my dick tingle.
Why didn't you protect her user?
Also I empathize with you, being the eldest myself.
Alvin is literally more than twice her age but I still don't find it as creepy as an 80 year old with a 20 year old.
The Bird game.
I didn't notice the lisp when I first played it
now I can never play it again because I can't unhear it
I thought her dubs were ok until i found out they replaced sawashiro with that.
Now all I know is rage.
Because it wasn't as bad as most make it out to be. It wasn't anything special by any means but it wasn't Chaos Wars/early 90s Steamline anime dub, bad. Y'all clowns forgot what an actual bad dub sounds like, either that or yiu didnt have to live through those years.
>didn't noticed
Did you play on mute?
>Project put on hold to translate Phantasia phone port
Elize in 2 is very mature and precocious for her age. I didn't find that relationship weird at all, even though it should have been.
Her dress and hair in 1 are still cuter, but the spunky outfit in 2 fits her character development.
Velvet and Artorias were wrong. The real answer is birds fly because they fucking can, that's it.
Prove me wrong.
I was the only one in my entire family against it.
It's endearing.
>>I'd say Vesperia is currently my favorite
what a boring opinion. I bet you hate trump, too.
>2's hair with 1's outfit
MUH indeed.
But wasn't that Velvet's answer.
>looks cool
>realize he's just pressing X X X X R2 (hold) OOOO L2
>Jude's smug face
ToDDC has been on priority for like eight months now though. They even just got a new translator to help.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a lolicon. No matter how great Edna is though her game is dogshit.
What a slut.
Forget the games which games have the best opening songs.
Vesperia > Abyss > Xillia > Xillia 2 > Beseria > Rebirth > Legendia > Innocence R > Symthonia > Symthonia 2 > Vesperia > Graces
This is the reason why the artes tree system is lame as all hell. I think Xillia 2 perfected combat in all honesty.
This translation has been going on for like 9 years. It probably won't finish before 2020, if it finishes at all. At this point I have more faith in an official translation in the form of a remaster.
>Double Vesperia
Damn son. Anyway, the objective right answer is
Zestiria English
Tales is already B Grade so I don't mind it as much. Neat that it's dual audio now though.
Wtf I wrote Vesperia instead of Zetiria at the beginning
We can all agree that Luke was easily the best Tales Protagonist, right?
Either Xillia or Berseria.
Berseria is the superior one objectively, but I have a strong fondness for Xillia that didn't particular dwindle when I replayed it.
He is.
That's not Phi
>they have to remove yuri from any character poll because he wins gigantically every single time
>m-muh luke
No, your opinion is objectively wrong.
>m-muh Yuri is the best
Violent yet loving impregnation.
I want to impregnate Elize and raise family together.
She won't be lonely anymore with 12 kids.
Graces f>Symphonia>>>Xillia 2=Xillia 1>>>Zestiria>Symphonia 2
They're the only ones I've played.
>tfw Xillia was the last good Tales game
What went so wrong bros?
Luke is more interesting, but Yuri is more entertaining. That said I like Luke more.
I mean I sure as hell didn't vote for him but I let my vote do the talking in terms of my politics.
What's wrong with Vesperia? Wouldn't it be "boring" to consider Symphonia the best one?
>muh popularity
Calm down man no one is saying your a pedophile...but your a fucking pedophile and if i was in yo senpai I would keep that niece of yours away from you you fucking pig, who knows what you did to your poor sister
>What's wrong with Vesperia
Contrarian hipsters hate it because everyone agrees it was the best tales game.
He's not my number 1, but he's top 5
Dunno about him but I found kids disgusting and loli attractive. Maybe because loli are made by drawing adult woman shorter with flat chest while actual little girl looks like deformed shit with extremely big head.
Xillia was only 2 games ago.
Does watching Tales of Zestiria the X ruin much of Berseria? I just want to get as much out of that without having to spend 30+ hours on a bad game first
You mean without lyrics? Bullshit.
That voice is fucking glorious. Including the "nanana"s.
>the vocals when Alisha is turning
>then when it's going through the armatizations