>you mad?
How do you respond without sounding mad?
>you mad?
How do you respond without sounding mad?
you don't.
You don't respond at all. Just ignore them.
responding at all only confirms that you are indeed mad
"Calm down it's just a game"
Then block them.
Works every time.
>Ignoring him
You literall can't win this kind of shit you idiots
Just ignore them until they respond with an actual argument.
No u
"I'm gay"
or alternatively
"No, me tarzan"
You literally cannot, they got you
Even if you don't respond they'll know you're stewing with anger on the other side of the screen
You can't in any real way.
Even not saying anything looks like you're pissed and turned the mic off.
for you
Pretend to be a leaf.
"o ya, very mad, eh."
I know you are, but what am I?
Then watch the world burn
throw out one of these
for some reason this really triggers their autism
Umm no sweetie, YOUR mad
"yes you faggot"
Send them nudes
"nope, just lmao@ing at ur shitty life lmao"
Respond in any foreign language
"Yes, please stop... I'll call the cops if you don't."
calm down bro
>"I'm perfectly serene, tranquil like a summer's lake gently rippling in the wind."
Then again I love intentionally awkward/austistic humor so your mileage may vary.
>Call someone an idiot for playing stupid
>Says I'm Mad
>Ignore them and continue playing talking to other teammates normally
>They go into autistic screeching mode
Only if you were already getting baited in the first place, in which case he's right.
The last time I did this, he wanted to date...
This actually works surprisingly well. It's not perfect but it triggers the fuck out of people sometimes. I love it.
if someone say this
1. You're probably mad
2. You probably suck at what are you doing
better thing to is kill the faggot over and over and say "you mad?" with a funny :^) fave at the end of the game.
Maybe, but you managed to reply in a way that didn't make you seem angry, no?
It's just a game, nerd
Yeah, I like Mads Mikkelsen.
I wonder how I was transported back to 2008.
I replied in a way that made me seem submissive, isn't that worse...?
That's my secret cap, I'm always mad.
If you're not really mad why would you need to sound not mad?
The only good response.
I start BLACKED posting and accusing them of being a jealous white boi.
>enemy player says I'm mad although the game
>make his entire team RQ
Reach into your bag, white boy
"Yeah, I am, so what now?"
>Haha he's mad, I win
Well that really depends on the type of nudes you send, doesn't it?
Should have sent a dick pic with yogurt on it
Meant all through
Keep talking dirty it's sexy.
Don't respond.
>Start talking shit to the other team
>Teammates start getting offended and telling me to stop and that they will report me
It was pictures of my legs, thighs and butt...
no im [Insert Username Here]
>How do you respond without sounding mad?
By a long, loud bong rip. Never speak.
>Ya out fer a rip, bud?
*sits on his lap*
I am not daddy
>Responding to shitters
>Talking to shitters
>Doing anything to even acknowledge a shitter's presence
Doing it wrong desu
you have to beat them and then ask them if they are mad
that is only thing that feels good if you got sucker punched with a you mad
>"Damn, this game is giving me cancer"
The point where the person you're talking to says this marks the point where there is no reason to continue the discussion. It's like when you're talking to a Sup Forumsack and they start shrieking about cucks and jews, you're talking to a wall at that point.
"no I'm user"
Fuckin a, bud. She's four in the am an I'm headin to timmy's after
>implying it's not the jews
>tfw too intelligent to reply
Continue talking and laughing with other players so he looks like he douche.
If there's nobody talking, just type a :^).
What faggot game are you playing, faggot? I haven't heard anyone say in ages that since I don't play bandwagon underage shit like League of Legends and Overwatch.
By the way, it's not a question, it's a statement. Anyone writing "u mad?" is a newfag and doing it wrong. It's just "you mad."
>"No, me tarzan"
god tier
you mad
reddit face only confirms you're a redditor
he mad
If you've gotten to that point in a match you've already lost.
Once again it successfully triggers another simply by being present. Thanks for demonstrating.
>You literall can't win this kind of shit you idiots
you can, if you legitimately don't care. whenever you care you lose. it's as simple as that. the stoic one, or the one that finds it amusing, is the one that wins. you don't know how he's feeling but it shouldn't matter to you, if you want to win. you shouldnt be caring at all what he thinks. this is why OP has already lost.
then again you don't really win anything either. all you do is not sperg out. if that's winning then I guess you've set your standards pretty low.
>just makes the angry/evil reddit face in response
you've just confirmed you're a filthy rreeddddiittoorr
just change the subject and say some random ass shit like " i once shat on a turtle, then he punched my ballsack"
then they'll say "wtf" "ughhhh"
You automatically win if they reply to your bait
:^) works every time
>Look how fucking mad he is
>He so mad he put us on ignore :^)
>he got mad
holy shit it works :^)
>Being this mad
>Actually getting angry
>Don't respond
>Sort your shit out and beat them
>If completely outclassed, think about why you lost and git gud
>If outgeared, gear up/stop playing shit games
It ain't hard
>had a teamate who'd talk shit anytime anyone killed him.
>insults weren't witty, all just rage born tryhard salt of a child's mind.
>losing face with many other teams, no one wants to practice with us.
>kick the baby off the team, do infinitely better. have brotherly competition with other teams
people who run their mouth are generally just dumb children
The best way to respond to low effort trolling is an even lower effort responce
The best way to respond to high effort trolling is a low effort response. Trolling is always about getting more than you put in, so putting in less than them is the best way to respond.
no u
omg save teh kitteh
Unironically this.
last time i did this, he went full Sup Forums mode
You just counter trolled them. After that you silently mute them and let them realize that you weren't even listening the entire time.
I'm not mad, kid. YOU'RE mad.
>Don't respond
>Sort your shit out and beat them
>say GG EZ
most satisfying comeback though the one time I was butthurt enough to do it the guy got down to bantering about how I had ~500 hours in the game
>about how I had ~500 hours in the game
Respond with
>yeah, this game's fun
no, now i'm going to go fuck my gf(male) cause I can
if you say yes what are they going say say next?
if you say no they'll just say
>dude you're so mad haha XD
>yes I mad
followed by report
bonus points if you're playing a blizzdrone game where "u mad" is hate-speech and gets them b&
>"I haven't put you on ignore"
>"HAHA look how fucking mad! U extra mad bro?"
There's no winning this. FUCK