>tee hee send me money I'm playing games!
Is this legal?
>tee hee send me money I'm playing games!
Is this legal?
name of that ass?
I name it Bronson
>Being a moron who watch other people play
What are you? A retard?
Post face and kill everyones boner
That would make me watch it
why can i never find a girlfriend who plays video games?
these posts should be illegal
Not as retarded as people actually giving money to them.
Twitch and Patreon are the worst things to happen to the internet
Because they don't actually exist.
Because you can't find a girlfriend period
>girl fight
What the fuck is this?
give out the name already you enormous faggot
ok, continue
You know, I honestly don't care if these women want to solicit donations from desperate adult men. Those men should know better.
But a large portion of those donations come from teenage boys who are trying to live out their gamer gf fantasy. These girls are fully aware that they're taking advantage of horomone-riddled children, and they still do it. Bunch of scumbags.
it's legal to have girls in gstrings walk around during cagefights, why not video games?
children play video games
It's some bitch on myfreecams or chaturbate probably.
>Those men should know better.
Honestly, the majority of people do not understand how watching something they like to watch can be a bad thing.
I'm in love :3
what's your point?
Haha imagine if she farted haha what do you think it would smell like haha
send her money so she can fuck tyrone and never ever give a fuck about you.
no, beta cuck, that's how she gets money
>those eyebrows
kids shouldn't see that kind of stuff. that's why we ban it from games.
i don't give a fuck if some one is actually retarded enough to give her money just let me look at that ass.
Women aren't intelligent enough to have actual hobbies. Find a boyfriend instead.
ban what from what?
ban women from playing video games?
Why is my sister on cam wtf
Will you be my boyfriend, woman hating user?
only if my bf is a furry
I dn why you guys always get mad at the girl and not the desperate, virgin, horny guys.
Maybe, but only if we really got to know each other well and you were serious about it.
Just look at her ass for free. I dont see the problem if some losers wanna pay her.
>Paying a person to have sex with you is illegal
>Paying a person to have sex with another person while filming them and then selling the video is perfectly legal
they're money hungry whores that are taking advantage of poor helpless virgins.
I blame both
this just opened my eyes
I think the cuck meme is a porn-industry psy-op to make prostitution legal now.... that has been going on for years... you may be onto something
Alright but I'm going to ask you to stop shitposting at some point and come cuddle me instead, okay?
whore enablers are worse than whores
this strip puts something in me, can i save it? I wish to closer examine this
I don't mind that they do it, it's just annoying to see them do shit like pic and easy-moding their way into money.
Yes, I admit I'm a bit jealous.
Of course, nothing is better than cuddling.
Just trap and do the same thing. Natalie mars does it
A short qt trap bf who humiliates me with his huge benis sounds hotter than a gf. Vaginas are gross as fuck, makes me think of an open wound.
I am not a gay, though.
looks like a smelly skank
Great, let's make this work!
That's free market, baby
she looks like scarflard
shilling for nike with those eyebrows
What the fuck are they gonna do when they get old and fuck?
She looks like RWhiteGoose's sister if he had one.
I bet her asshole tastes great, probably tastes like a rusty hammer
Who the fuck would send that fat cow money?
The last thing porn industry kikes want is for prostitution to be legal
Keeping it illegal keeps women's value artificially inflated
This means men are more willing to throw money at porn instead of women they could actually fuck, or even improve themselves to get a woman, since their value is so artificially high it isn't even that worth it
We are essentially all cucked by having legal porn and no legal prostitution
Porn is way worse than legal prostitution, it ruins women's lives, but we can't have men getting a fair amount of their efforts worth out of women can we
i just want a gf without having to leave the house or socialize is it really too much to ask?
bullshit, the porn industry wants to be pimps
the money wouldn't go away from the industry to the pimps
the industry would turn into the pimps and the money would all go to one source.
holy fuck, the more I think about this the more I think it's true.
This shit wouldn't be happening if prostitution was legal
It is not a free market really at all, women have monopolized on their cunts so that men are desparate enough to do shit like this
heck yeah you can
Whatever, women won't allow it anyway, they hate the idea of men being able to get what they deserve
There's literally no reason for this to be illegal. Rules aren't there to protect retards.
This. I just want a gf who's as obsessed with blowjobs as I am and will spend most of the day blowing me under my desk while I shitpost and play vidya
that's bullshit and you know it
women will have an even higher pricetag on their pussies if it becomes legal, thus "empowering" them or some shit.
they'd also be a lot more selective based on income as well.
Repressed beta males. All you have to do is have a vagina and not be too morbidly obese these days.
I'll be your girlfriend user, you can use my bum for £5, I am clean and tight
Good taste user.
It's overrated user.
Pussy is extremely underwhelming after you've used your hand for years.
aaaaaaaaaand thread's dead
nice ass btw
Can I paint it to look like a vagina? That'd make the ball slapping less gay right?
you kill the head vampire, not its descendants.
How is watching someone play a video game any different from watching people play sports, or people act in a movie or TV show? It's all things you could do yourself, does that mean you shouldn't watch any of those things?
i can only pity the idiots that would actually give money to this shit.
That's a lot coming from me, since I am fairly pathetic myself.
Beta males with too much money, and old men with too much money. Also just idiots.
No one except brain dead guys would send a girl money who brags about it like "lol give me more money betas."
That's not a girlfriend user, that's an auto-blow. The point of having a relationship is to share your life with somebody you love more than anything else.
is this, as the youth says, "thique"?
You're fucking retarded, banning anything artificially inflates its value because then the people in the industry then have to account for the fact that they will likely spend portions of their lives in jail, cannot use courts to solve disputes and many other reasons
An illegal market will always be undercut and out sold by a legal one unless the government taxes it obscenely more than the normal rates
Regulation doesn't even come close to being that costly and guarantees higher quality which brings in more money too anyway
Please, oh enlightened one, explain to use plebs why it is so wrong.
No virgins will believe you and all the normies know it's all about the emotional connection with a chick.
I tried explaining it to my permaNEETgin friend and he still wouldn't believe me and thought getting a gf would solve everything.
Damn OP who is this thicc little brapp hog?
is dat sum eva lovia
Mods delete fart posts now.
Stop it I was already hard
>le people who watch sports are normal!
They're actually just as autistic, but sports go back so far into humanity's history that it's ok to be obsessed with it. Videogames are a new medium in comparison.