High School

>High School
>In computer lab
>"Hey, Pass it around."
What game was it?

It wasn't a game, it was a gif of meat spin

Starcraft and Counter-strike.

Gameboy emulator with Pokemon Crystal

warcraft 3

>High School
>In computer lab
>Every single PC in the whole school has Quake and Empire Earth installed on it
>Used to have "11th session" where you could go back in the evening for an extra class
>Everyone went to the I.T one to play Empire Earth together
Fucking good times.

porn of cartoons

We had Sim City 4 installed on all the computers so didn't need one.

>High School
>In computer lab
>actually have to do shit like making animations on fucking pascal or making simple web pages


Duke 3D. Although there wasn't any passing it around, the day the game came out I installed it on every computer in the comp lab.

>Had a friend who had a USB with furry porn on it and would put it up on the computer when teacher wasn't looking

Counter-Strike, Gore or Porn

Halo custom edition

Starcraft and Halo CE demo

counter strike and some game which was like dragonboll but from the side where you can fight each other (4 guys on one keyboard was hell)

Why would you bring furry porn to school? What's the purpose of putting it on the monitor if you can't even fap to it?

I had a teacher who let us all play AoE2 in computer class for the last two weeks of school. Other class periods BTFO.

Cave Story and a copy of TOR browser to get around the filtering system.

>inna secondary school, get caught with my partner in crime playing cave story
>get banned FOREVER from the free computer work room, where we spent all day because aircon+computers
>it was the very last day we were in school anyway, and we were perfectly okay with finally getting caught, because it's was a nice conclusion to having gotten away with it forever else


Marvel vs Capcom 1
X-men vs Street Fighter
Modded Halo PC Multiplayer Demo
Fully loaded MUGEN

All of my computer classes were FGC as fuck in High School. We would usually all go down to Chinatown Fair after school and get bodied by asians.

This. Real porn is for scoring normie points and hiding your power level, so I get that. Furry porn is actually worth fapping to.

lol who the fuck passes games around
we passed shittons of porn, none interested me until I saw a lady clad in leather

>warcraft 3
the only right answer

GTA 3, RollerCoaster Tycoon 3, and Project64 with some roms. We used to play 1v1 Smash Bros each using half a keyboard. Good times.

my 2006-2007 Sup Forums image folder, minus the porn

Project 64 and a shitload of ROMs.

N64 Emulator, CoD1, Halo CE, or Super Smash Flash

Good times were had with those makeshift LAN parties

He liked showing me it even though I had no interest but I'd feel terrible telling him to stop so I just let him do his thing
Trust me

Dolphin porn. Nothing but dolphin porn.

A mugen called Isamu


Delta force: black hawk down
And half-life mp.

Unreal tournament
Fucking hell that was so fun
Teacher didn't care

I remember seeing "legend of zelda" and wondering what kind of game it was, if it was one at all, since the filetype didn't match with anything we had on the pc and we didn't have internet in my town back then.

little fighter 2


Elasto mania

My high school computer lab was filled with do-gooder honor roll kiddies. If you weren't doing your assigned work, they would always, at minimum, give you evil glances. I tried to watch fight videos on Youtube in class one time with my friend and some kid ratted me out. No fun allowed.

We did have an engineering class where one of the assignments was to land a plane on an aircraft carrier in Flight Sim 98. We'd always play that or Snood, but didn't bother to bring our own games because the computers were ancient.

q3a cpma

warcraft 3

Starcraft, always Starcraft.
We did have a class PC though which was basically a Liero machine. Shit was cash.

Counterstrike 1.6 and even normies and grils were playing. It was a glorious group dynamic! One girl named herself "Tr3ckie" and another one was flaming more and worse than everyone else. Never had so much fun with those people in sports for example.

Marble Blast Gold.

age of empires 2

Lots of them. Age of Empires II, Liero, Counter-Strike, Halo, Starcraft, HoMM III

in grade school a bunch of us would go on coke music and whenever the teacher was looking we'd ask each other math problems so it looked like an educational game


>be circa 1999-2000
>no USB sticks back then
>school finally gets PCs
>school IT guy is literally just some 20yo dude
>he's chill and lets us do whatever
>IT security is so poor you could literally just access the server's windows directory
>we install Unreal Tournament demo inside of the server's system32 folder
>the whole school knows where to find the .exe but keeps it secret
>our faces when every art, business, graphics, IT etc class was just a giant school-wide UT lan party
>mfw I even played it on a 133mhz Pentium in the library at 320x240 res at 16colours (not 16bit, 16 actual colours)
Pity they never taught us how to code back then because "This PC/internet thing won't take off".

Quake 3. got some pretty good lan games in college with it.

Need For Speed: Most Wanted

UT2004 and Empire Earth

I miss when the teachers didn't know shit about computers and just said do what you normally do

Quake 3 and UT

>tfw school computer lab only had iMacs
>a kid literally got expelled because he was playing Halo CE and someone told the principal that he was hacking the mainframe

>school's web designer
>have access to the shared drive
>mfw all the haloce.exe's in there
>mfw i add more

Quake, of course

>Typing class was still done on actual typewriters until year 2000 in my highschool

A program that let you get past the school's web filter. From there, every game.


I think you may be exaggerating here, user

Epic Battle Fantasy. Shit was cash.

Project64K. We'd play Mario Kart and Smash over LAN.

Quake 3 Demo

>classmate forgets to log out
>use his account and copy cs16portable.exe to the local shared directory
>everyone plays the game throughout the year
>classmate eventually gets his computer privilege revoked because he was the author of the exe

Definitely, but there were at least 20 people there every time without fail. If you finished your work early in class then it was either the handful of shit Flash games that weren't blocked or Empire Earth, so even people who weren't in to RTS ended up playing because it was the only other thing to do. Nobody liked Quake for some reason, I think we were too young at the time and missed out on it.

Halo: CE, Quake, Warcraft 3, or Starcraft: BW

Kitty Cannon


fuck you manuel you piece of shit stop using predator

Halo PC and a vpn out of the school to a forum one of the other kids in the class made so we could download flash games and cheat on our classwork.

Jokes on me though, I was supposed to get an A+ cert by the end of that, but the teacher went out for spine surgery in the middle of it, and so the class turned from a networking 1 class, to IBCA 2.0.

Halo CE
every lunch break we had lan parties in the library


>floppy disks: Pokemon Red or Gold
>Cd: some Fifa, CS, Unreal

Every damn computer on the library already had Quake
I do sure miss those times playing Unreal in the computer class. Even the teacher played with us

Well it was elementary and to break in the new computer lab with glorious ms-dos we snuck xatax on them. Much easier when computer club happened the next year so we can get doom and shit.

>be in middle school
>computer class was the best class to have in 7th and 7th grade because it was a cake walk
>everyone does dick all since the projects asked if us were piss easy slide show presentations.
>school has no filter enabled on the Web browser
>everyone would try to grab the back row since it was the furthest from the teacher
>spend my classes on early newgrounds, ebaums world, or stile project

>He liked showing me it even though I had no interest but I'd feel terrible telling him to stop so I just let him do his thing
B-but that's rape, user!

>walking through the computer lab in between classes in grade school
>open up paint and draw a dick

every time



I never drew a dick until like 20yo. Still don't get what is so funny about it.

>passed around minecraft and played in brit college during science because there was a science room that had a separate computer room attached
Fun times.

Multiplayer demo of Soldiers of Fortune 2

So many youngsters here

we lanned battlefield hardline on the school pcs back in the day, shit was so cash

I like that you have a memory of your first dick drawn

My whitebread school mostly consisted of kids playing flash games off of 2flashgames and the like. Later on, the jocks would tool around on social media while the nerds usually just did their work because our school actually paid for the iPrism subscription and thus everything remotely neat was blocked along with most file extensions outside of basic word processing being blocked.

My brother got sent to the Principal's office for being caught using Firefox.

One of those catapult games where the object is to take down the other guy's castle

oh you


It never got passed to me.

I always got left out.

halo combat evolved on lan

fuck you cory you cheater

>made a game in game maker
>everyone played that instead

Usually dick pics from various boys, sometimes an ass if we were lucky

Half-Life. We'd just play deathmatch all the time.

Brood Wars or the demo version of Halo. All it had was Blood Gulch and that's all we needed.

Some shitty shooter called assault cube in high school, we had about 20 people all playing at once

it was
>"Easy trick to see behind walls in counter strike.avi"
but really it was

>Shithole school with 2 electives and almost no after school clubs
>School had prep classes for HSPA
>Math teacher for that class was a huge nerd who used to work in software engineering
>His room was lined with PCs
>After a month he would give students access to game folders packed with loads of games
>Had NES and SNES roms and emulators out the ass even obscure jap games with 0 english
>Had Jedi Academy and a bunch of older star wars PC games loaded up
>We would have 16 man arena matchs of Academy all the time
>Towards the end of the year someone brought in Diablo 2 and we played that until the end of the year
>Next year we moved to a newer school and he lost all those PCs

Fuck he was one of the coolest teachers ever

Some standalone version of Counter-Strike that didn't need to be installed. Good stuff.

Halo CE Demo, you didnt even need a usb drive because you could download it right from microsofts website and it was a really small download. Everyone would play multiplayer on lunch break.


mame with marvel vs capcom

Brood War