Kirby time. What character/copy ability are you gonna main this winter?

Kirby time. What character/copy ability are you gonna main this winter?




Oh boy, another repetitive Kirby arena fighter with the same recycled bosses thrown in for the single player or boss rush mode

Yo-yo, oh wait, it'll never return.



How much apples you get from "all platinum area" quests?

I know that feel

50 per area. Shit's fucking sweet.

>each ability gets a fighter
I'm fine with that
>instead of helpers we get kirby recolors in hats again
>no bosses or side characters with unique movesets
I'm not fine with that

>not being a magician
plebs, the lot of you

>not being the best magician of them all

What's happening this winter?

best girl

Excuse you.

4-player Kirby 64 remake



post bandana dee designs were a mistake

So everything after Super Star?

A pumpkin is fine too.


I need it.



you guys are funny

>favorite female character
Either Dyna Blade or Adeleine
>favorite love interest for Kirby
Ribbon. Sorry Chuchu.
>Kirby series waifu
None of them you weirdo

>will never visit the cafe

If we're doing that

>favorite female character
>favorite love interest for Kirby
Even though I feel like Kirby shouldn't have any love interest
Elline, just because of her diary
>Kirby series waifu


>guy constantly shows up as wanderer in my game
>always a few levels above me
>has over 50 fucking hours in the game
>platinum DX gear almost a week ago
>42 platinums
>but had less than half the missions completed I did until today

I know you're out there, zenith. I know you're a huge consumer whore.

I had to go and check if this was for reals. How the fuck did I not hear about this is 22 years?

My 3DS doesn't fucking work

I press the button and the light turns on but both screens stay black what do

It happened in Robobot too, although it gives a Smash Copy Essence, not UFO. Exact same way of getting to it though.

Take the game card out




>playing freemium shit

Oh shit. I actually found the Robobot version first, on complete accident. I've never gone back to look for this sort of the thing in the old games because I didn't think even back then HAL pulled this sort of shenanigans. I was wrong.

I remember finding a lot of these secrets in NiDL.
Yo-yo was a great ability, and lots of fun to use. Is there anyway they could get away with including it in a future game? Maybe renaming it?

First you draw a circle


then a great big smile...

Decisive Battlefield is pretty much where the game goes "Didn't buy any apples? Then FUCK YOU."

>unlock a bunch of quests after beating tough! telepathos
>besides the "beat this guy" challenge, they're all use rarity 2 gear, get gold and get platinum
>the first two alone doesn't even come close to making up for their cost

i ain't giving my money and you can't make me, game

The "use rarity 2" mean after upgrading it to DX gear. You obviously can't feasibly do it at that point, you're supposed to go back.

and presto, it's qybby

A few dollars honestly isn't all that much, and it's pretty much all you need. Real talk, anons

by rarity 2 i mean shit like "use scholar gear" or "use warrior gear", just going by their number in the menu

don't care i ain't paying even if it is kirby

>no Spynum
>no Wester
>no Parasol Dee


Yes, it means later, you will be able to upgrade that crappy gear. They want you to go back after that and plat it with the upgraded crappy gear.

just give megolor the money.

>The "use rarity 2" mean after upgrading it to DX gear.

It's pretty easy to win using the regular rarity 2 gear without upgrading it to DX as long as the rest of your team has good weapons and armors

Suit yourself but this was pretty much the only freemium game I ever have, and probably ever will, given money to and I don't regret it in the least. It's either that or wait 1-2 months to just finish it. And it was about 2 bucks, which sounds pretty nice to me.

I hope it gets more upgrades next time it appears. It only got 2 new moves in Robobot and they were nice but not that great.

That's Rick, not Nago. Motherfucker.

Besides the feet it seems like Nago to me

>2nd slot

Check those ears, buddy.

Also, whenever Nago has "feet", they're just white nubs, not distinctly shaped, pink-colored feet

Real talk, anyine else a bit scared for more micro transactions appearing? The idea of a multiplayer focused kirby game sounds great, I look forward to playing with Sup Forums, but this shit bugs me. Of all franchises kirby is the one I want that shit away from.

>be me
be stupid and bought all gear up too rarity 3
>only buy rarity 4 for mage and grind until I get the rarity 8 mage set
>give Ai the mage gear while I get the mission gear
>beat it easy
also is the drawcia gear at dx better than platinum? because the degisn are trash and I like drawcia better

also at the pint where I could get the dx gear but then not be able to unlock levels after taranza

So don't support it. You haven't bought into it, have you?

I think you're right, the eyes got me confused

But the general intent is that you use the DX gear. I agree though, you can easily do it with a team of Drawcian Mages to accompany you.

Is the reason Yo-yo hasn't come back really due to copyright issues?

I can't see it ever becoming a part of the main series. I'll be fine with it if they just stick to the F2P model for the digital-exclusive subgame expansions. Though I hope the 3D Rumble game coming out this summer doesn't have microtransactions.

I'll change the filename right away

No, but still I don't want this to be a focus in the game. Lastbthing we need is a divide between the people putting cash down for all the good stuff and others playing to earn stuff. With a multiplayer game I worry even more focus might be given to it.

As long as they stick to the "you can buy it if you don't want to deal with microtransactions" model, it's fine with me. I just hate the ones that are designed to suck infinite little drips out of people without ever having anything to show for it, like gacha games.

People always say it's because the name "Yo-Yo" has a copyright on it, but I'm sure that's not the reason because it never would have gotten into Superstar (and Superstar Ultra) in the first place.

I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it's a one-time deal with this game. They dropped Kirby Clash on us out of nowhere but they straight up announced Blowout Blast as a full game coming this summer at an actual price. And I'll assume they've been working on the fighting game for a while and if they have a set time period they want to release it, I think they've got decent content planned for it. Maybe I'm just being too forgiving but HAL has never given me too much reason to be doubtful of them.

Now, if they actually drop another freemium game on us then they'll be getting some angry letters, but until that happens I feel pretty chill.

"Yo-yo" is a copyrighted term, shitty I know.

I wanna dance in the wind like a leaf and suckerpunch you guys with my weedfist.

Only if they go full Pokemon Shuffle style jewery.

I'm ok with being able to buy the whole thing but NEVER for games that say "oh hey, put some more money in for a few coins, but remember to come back again...and again."

>Kirby will remain on 3DS instead of being on Switch.
What ever new game they are making should be at least ported to the Switch and run at 1080p@60FPS.
I want the definitive Kirby experience.


Suplex Kirby is best

look em up you borb


Mi negro

>God Tier

>SS Tier
King Dedede
Meta Knight
Dark Matter

>S Tier
Plasma Wisp
Capsule J
Dyna Blade
Galacta Knight

>A Tier
Waddle Doo
Bio Spark

>B Tier
Sir Kibble
Poppy Bros. Sr.
Blade Knight
Mr. Shine
Mr. Bright
Knuckle Joe
Bandana Waddle Dee
Prince Fluff

>C Tier
Waddle Dee
Axe Knight
Mace Knight
Trident Knight
Javelin Knight
Chef Kawasaki

>D Tier
Broom Hatter
Mr. Frosty

>F Tier

What did he mean by this?

It's pretty good.

Could someone make this have a transparent background?

Be patient, friend. The Switch just came out last month.

If this IS Kirby Smash, will we have Kirby Sup Forumseekends?

>f tier
Always has a special place in my heart since 64 was my favorite as a kid

One job, user.

>Switch hasn't even been out half a year
>Kirby will never be on Switch, you guise

Even Wii U got a Kirby, calm your damn tits.

So, what kimd of game do you guys want?
>all players are a kirby, allows each player to have and change copy abilities
>roster of multiple character with different attributes
>brawler style, everyone is against each other, maybe in a power stone style
>players work together to accomplish some kind of common goal together
I really hope E3 gives us some info, this seems like it could go in just about any way.

Hell yeah motherfucker

>all players are a kirby, allows each player to have and change copy abilities

Make this optional, everyone likes to play as Kirby, but some people may want to play as someone else

30 years in paint

Basically I want Smash bros with Kirby characters. A SSE style mode where you run through levels smashing up mooks, tons of different game modes, collectables, a big roster, ect

Should have specified, these are all different ideas.

I still wish this was Air Ride 2, to be honest.


That's still the best route to go, though. Same how Returns to Dreamland did it. There are folks who wanted to play as MK, Dedede, or based Bandana Dee, but it's probably also nice to just use whatever ability you want. It pleases literally everyone.

It depends on what Kirby's Inhale does in this game though.
For example, if someone playing Kirby were to swallow someone playing Dedede, would Kirby get a full hammer moveset or something much more watered down like in Smash?