Which bundle of 20 heroes are you getting completely for free tomorrow, Sup Forums?

Which bundle of 20 heroes are you getting completely for free tomorrow, Sup Forums?

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post more,shill
how do i obtain them

you literally just log in tomorrow and pick one

what is this?



Looks tempting, but I'll rather get the Dota 100% unlocked heroes bundle.

>buying people to play the game

Shame that i have almost everyone, can i pick multiple bundles on different regions? or 1 account 1 pick regardless of region rule applies here?

Assassin pack gives me zuljin alarak and tracer. Seems good. I stopped playing for a few months when they came out but now I'm hype.

This game is literally more fun than nu-dota

they should all be free

t. 3k mmr

>game is more buzzword
OK. I'll take the more complex game tho, that's what's I like.

I think you also get lockboxes depending on how many hero levels you got

I know, i play the game pretty much daily sadly with a friend, almost gonan break the max rewards, but i play from time to time with my cousin in the NA server, so it would be cool to get the bundles in multiple servers

>can i pick multiple bundles on different regions?
Yes. Different regions are basically different accounts in Blizzard games

hots is far more "complex" than dota2.



A desperate attempt at shilling their failed moba that nobody talks about.

We wouldn't get frequent new heroes then.

What pack should i get? I prefer tank/supp heroes but It would be nice to get the most value I can.

n1 m8

Probably Tanks and Bruisers, because that's the bundle that will give me the most heroes. I already have a lot of the heroes in the other bundles.


If only Dota 2 didn't go full retarded with balance and game design decisions. I fucking miss it.

Support and Specialist looks like the one with the most expensive characters. But I haven't done the math really.

Flex has the best heroes


I don't mind the skill tree changes as much as the map ones. That shit pretty much killed split pushing and late game hypercarries. I enjoyed the deathball for a bit but now it's just fucking boring.

dota 2 player here, can i get a quick rundown on how to play

Zagara isn't in any of the bundles. Why is that?

It doesn't help that most of the talents for heroes are fucking boring.

Probably but it also has a lot of cheapo ones. It seems better to take a more expensive pack and just unlock the basic ones with funbucks

but am and furion are being picked frequently in kiev

t. 3k

deathball is not a thing if you know how to pick and towers got changes to stop deathball ffs

The same as d2 instead when the objective pops you go, make sure no lane is left alone while nothing is going on, nothing sucks more ass than being behind because mcnigger and his 3 buddies decide to do some epic gank, fail and never leave a single lane

neither are jaina or tyrande, i think they give one of those 3 for free after you reach a certain level or something.

what about the maps with 2 lanes

if unranked draft (you probably should play that one giving that will give you free heroes)

Solo laner goes top (stron solo laners are stuff like leoric, alarak, thrall, arthas, rexxar, ie "bruiser" type of warrior or melee assasains with good self sustain, certain specialist works too) 4 man bot fighting against the other 4 man

solo laning can be pretty tough if you have a shit matchup, so if possible beg your teammate for ganks, is pretty much your only hope

maps with two lanes need early game fighting, especially the diablo one, if you dont win every team fight you lose, same with the other diablo objective map
