ITT: Absolutely shit games Sup Forums memed you into playing, I'll start

ITT: Absolutely shit games Sup Forums memed you into playing, I'll start.
>Persona 5
Seriously people on this board has absolute shit fucking taste if they can actually unironically enjoy this garbage.

not an argument

What games do you enjoy, stupid frogposter-kun?

Then leave faggot. Make the post quality go up.

I agree Nier and Yakuza are dogshit

But BoTW is fine and while Persona 5 isn't great but it's what you expect of a Persona game

dump frogposter

ape escape 4, thank god it's not real

I prefer real videogames like Breath of the Wild, Splatoon, Xenoblade, Bayonetta 2 and Super Smash Bros.
But being the dumb pleb you are, I doubt you'd appreciate them for the artistic merits they have.

Nintendicksucker pls.
Shit in the Wild is genuinely the only trash title in OP's shitposting list.

>weeb speak
you're only proving him right

>console games

Found your problem. Sup Forums can't figure out a vga slot from their asshole.

nice false flagging retard

Only shitty game I was memed into buying was resonance of fate.

bait thread


Hey man just because you have shit taste doesn't make those games bad.

>He can't enjoy games anymore

Guess you'll have to find a different hobby lol


fallout new vegas

>please look at me for I do not enjoy popular thing most of you enjoy

Please kill yourself.

user, this false flag does not work since OP already mentioned BotW himself.

I was shitposting because this was meant to be a shitposting thread.

hook line and sinker

Is this the designated (you) fishing hole?

In that case: liking traps is both gay and pathetic.

yeah lets just ignore the milions of people who love that game, clearly theyre memeing but the sonybros who never played it or looked at it for more than 1 minute who say its trash are obviously right.

>deus ex
>fallout 1/2
>planescape torment
Basically anything on the "I want to fit in on Sup Forums" starter pack. You're not cool for pretending to like these piece of shit games.

Your favourite game
Your other favourite game