Wrecked/shitty mechanics webm thread

wrecked/shitty mechanics webm thread

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git gut

working as intended


Is there a lore explanation for why enemies can hit you through walls?

funny as hell, and if you've gotten that far you should have seen it coming
this is why you don't set your framerate to 60fps

nice jif for ants you got there

purely balance and/or technical limitations of enemies not all having clank animations

The poster child.

its all just a dream


Soulsfags are worse than the people who buy Early Access shovelware

I mean I guess technically.
they do all go away as soon as gwynevere goes poof.

I mean it's a big issue in every Souls game and annoying as fuck at times but if you at that point don't account for it, you are retarded.

>making me yell
I could say the same

It's OK that it's a buggy piece of shit because despite its flaws it's still a great game

I've gotten to the point where I can't even get mad at shit like this. I just laugh it off.

>fly, you fools

you could actually roll out in DS1, it's a lag compensation thing.
for that matter, it's generally also predictable in its difference from normal play.

I'm pretty sure it's just Drakeblood Knights in general being a pain my ass. I swear no single enemy or boss has given me more random, rule-breaking bullshit than them.


kek. Is there a vid for this?

Fans will defend anything lol

So this is why dark souls is considered a 'hard game' wow.. nice difficulty there..

>tfw that was my original filename but I changed it

So many bitter Souls tears every day.

Tbf I've played through demons souls upto to Bloodborne (too many other games to play before ds3) and I've only found a handful of glitches in the series. Maybe I'm just lucky?

Every game has bugs, Dark Souls tends to have a lot, but only a fool would defend malicious bugs like these.

rocks are slippery, fuck you want
after the first time you can adjust for it like everything else, that's not the only place that happens

There's nothing wrong with a game you like having a couple flaws. It's healthy to accept the good with the bad.

that doesn't seem like a bug though, the level designer fucked up here

Let's move on to other games so as not to hurt the more sensitive among us.

Is there a funnier way to die than falling off shit?

Turn of DSfix and play as the creators intended it to be played.



I fucking love the death animation in Dark Souls series.
Slowly kneeling down and falling. Instead of having some screaming spasms.

Not a single CSGO webm, I'm actually impressed.


Miyazaki envisioned this.

Wait that's not what I want

>top 10 anime fights

Fucking mimics.

What a pile of shit game. CS:S is much better.

Not really

That's just retards not understanding the recoil system. You didn't really prove anything.

What a terrible thing to call someone!


how can ppl even play this shit?

>Give me more proof than the proof you already provided

lmaoing @ ur lyfe

Because his proof didn't prove anything. 1/10 shitpost.

These have never happened to me playing last of us, but there are some times playing on hard difficulty where the plant zombies just out of nowhere turn around as your sneaking up on them at the slowest pace the game allows.


This game is so shit.It looks and plays like a mod of half life

The Alva set is stylish as hell


>running around at 50% health when you still have 5 estus flasks

the whole souls series is shite

Thanks for your contribution.

ur welcome

From have made 4 Souls games and Bloodborne. Yet they cannot fix enemies attacking through the environment.

or pvp
or a complete game
or making patch notes
or decent covenants

or target locking getting you killed
or netcode
or backstab/parry fuckups
or shitty level design that causes nonsensical falling off cliffs

this is done on purpose. I have played that stage like a hundred times.

Shit I got this.

god watching this webm reminds how awful the controls in a the early 3d sonics was

you just fucking slip and slide everywhere, it's like you're playing on an icecube

I finally have a reason to post my shitty webms.




This is too fucking real. I decided to play it on Dolphin a few months ago for old times' sake, had roughly the same experience and deleted after this part. Childhood destroyed


Me too thanks. At least he's not falling through the terrain.

Out fucking skilled.


There's a 0,5 meter fall in Blighttown that's programmed to instakill you on one of the walkways near the bottom.



dark souls 2 is the king of stupid bull shit


The only thing i disliked in DaS and DaS2 was the literal cheaters and lagstabbers in pvp (I liked the concept of invasions, so playing offline was never an option)
I heard a rumor that DaS3 made it easier to fuck up invaders' shit. Is this right?



>I heard a rumor that DaS3 made it easier to fuck up invaders' shit. Is this right?
more like, you invade at a huge disadvantage
allegedly gotten a little better since DLC2, but I haven't played it since I got banned for hacking

I don't remember this. What is it? A ledge you clip through?

>the characters who come back from DS2 are the ones who glitch
Nice attention to detail Miyazaki


you'll always fall off unless you take a specific path and at 60 fps, you will almost always fall off regardless.

thats one of my biggest problems with dks games i love them as a whole but it irks me when the game just blantantly cheats in your face like that, when the rules of the player isnt applied to the enemy its just cheap like in an FPS game we are using the same rifle and ammo but the ai can hit 50% more or that BS.

>final fantasy tactics advance


Every time I see this webm it makes me angry. The guy clearly just spawned (you can tell because he buys a gun just as he turns the corner) and has spawn protection...

holy shit really? pls show

>better take a sippy quickly


looks like either some crazyass deadangle bullshit, or DSfix bullshittery.

Games had wall collisions back in early 2000 thats no excuse.

the amount of work that goes into player animations and enemy animations is vastly different. that's not polish, just economics.

getting crushed by shit

lol that's retarded and unrealistic. what a shitty game


