Destiny 2


Neat, I guess. I probably don't play it.


redeemed 5 of them, thanks

Thanks user, I got that.

>can't redeem for PC

>people still don't believe marketers post here

Fuck off and die you shill, nobody wants to play your garbage LOLSORANDUMB xD Borderlands ripoff. Bungie died with Reach, they are literally incapable of making anything that isn't complete dogshit nowadays.

When does the beta start anyways?

I think that's just to log into the bungee account

maybe you'll be able to choose when it begins?

I hope they add a beta for PC, I don't wanna play it on my PS4 again.

3MX-DXM-VGG 'deemed

FUG. I'm too late again. Also people wondering about PC, yes there is a PC beta. This registration is to get into beta, and you will be able to pick the platform you want to play it on closer to the beta period.

more pls viral marketer kun

Where are you getting these codes?

post more you sweaty dandy


Look, I know you're there viral marketing dude, waiting for the time to dump more codes. The thread wont pick up unless you dump them.

Honestly It's kind of weird you're dumping these before gameplay is even out? Do this later.

post some so I can go to bed

Only for consoles?

Switch version only

XBox live is for the PCs

>a nigger
>muh speece murin haircut

wtf, did they completely do away with the aesthetic of the first game?

I'm only level 8 in the first one. Should I keep going, or is it too late?

wait, there's already a beta for Destiny 2?
I thought this game was officially announced only a couple of weeks ago?

the aesthetic of the first one is keep a helmet on at all times unless you're an exo. All the characters on there are humans anyways. No one knows what the other races will look like.

fallout 4 convinced AAA devs to do a short marketing cycle.

Honestly I like that a lot.

Do have all the DLC? Why not finish it or play till you get bored. If not, there really isn't a reason to play an incomplete game.

OP are you still here?

If this uses the shitty Xbox for PC thing Windows 10 comes with, I'd honestly rather not play it, either in beta test OR its final version.

>viral marketer-kun has a bunch of people refreshing the thread.

>blew his load at the beginning of it

Rofl, dude gets a bunch of people paying attention and whiffs it.

wtf i hate Destiny™ 2 now

>Destiny 2 expected to launch in Steam

>Microsoft IP
>implying they're gonna let Steam get a cut

It's gonna be Windows Store exclusive.

>microsoft IP

They already confirmed it will be in Steam

Microsoft doesnt own Bungie anymore

are you retarded. destiny has exclusive shit with sony.

the publisher is activision

>Microsoft IP
But the original Destiny was on PS4 and had more content than the XBO version.

He's just dumb idiot

Are you telling me MS doesn't own bungie

Not since like 5 years ago.


Does this ass garbage even run on windows 7?

I bet not

Microsoft is fucking retarded losing all their exclusives to an OS no one even likes

Or maybe it's genius?

Then how do they keep making Halo?


How Microsoft is even connected with Activision?

Bungie doesn't make Halo anymore, that's 343 studio.

How'd you get keys op?
Anybody have any more?

Please come back marketer-kun.

please shill-kun come back i'll preorder the game with the season pass if I get a code

If you give me a code I'll be your friend

Where the fuck are the keys?

Even though the first one was terrible if they have some bomb ass raids I'll buy the shit outta this on pc.

Cota was an OK raid nohatepls


it was wonderful when you could glitch your way up to the tower and snipe nonstop everyone from the other side
i remember soloing the abyss as an hunter
shit was fun

Ok, let's do some rolling then


come on tomboy

rollity roll

Class Rep get

fatty pls

I'll bite

Uppity slut only answer

Get fucked faggots

h-haha no 0s please

still looking for keys

If fatty Imma kill myself.







Praise be to the waifus




Might as well roll

doesnt matter.

>dreams of being a sexy milf
There is no competition.

>no option with a trap
well fuck


Let's see where this goes




Now the thread has purpose again

Just like real life, except I didn't go to college.



post more codes please



traps are gay


anything works as long as its cute and fuckable



i-is that a trap

Know I missed out, but what was this for?