I bought Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator for my console a few months ago and it has become my favorite game of the genre on my PlayStation if not on any system. However when Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 was announced and when I discovered they're going to add 4 new characters and call it a sequel my heart sank, but when I found out Rev came out last year I was down right pissed off. So now I'm looking for a fighting game I won't have to worry about the newest one coming out every year like COD. No dlc would be great but I can get over it as long as it isn't ridiculous. I also have Mk XL edition and enjoy it if that helps. But I'm looking for something more similar to to Guilty Gear.
PS4 fighting games?
Blazblue ;)
Isn't that made by the same people... I've never delt with a company that did one shady practice for one game and not another
King of fighters just did another free update on PS4
BlazBlue would be the closest thing, the current version is the last for that.
>you buy a game once a year and it usually serves you the whole year giving at least 500+ hours if you're really into fightans
How is that unfair in any form?
What the fuck do you want? Xth every year with 12 new chars?
Do you even know how it works with arcade releases?
Mortal Kombat doesn't come out with a new one every year what makes Guilty Gear so special? It would be one thing if everyone did it and that's just the way it works.
rev 2 is a dlc if you already have rev 1
arc sys finally stopped being jews
great thread retard
MKXL is a thing. Every SF had various iterations, same went for every fighting game series that still is or was popular
Rev2 is also 20$ update.
Why call it Rev 2 then? It makes it sound like it's a new game
it is if you don't own rev 1 to get the dlc update
you can however buy rev 2 as a standalone disk that has everything
Rev 2 can be donwloaded as dlc for 20$ and you can still play online between rev 1 and 2 players if you don upgrade
So it's not really bullshit it's just confusing?
The real bullshit part is that japan already has the game in arcades, and that console vs pc release is staggered.
No, you're confused because you don't know how to do research before you buy a game. Also learn how to reply to people because you can't even do that.
It's confusing if you just look at the name but if you take a couple seconds to google it Arcsys has been pretty clear and concise about it all.
>The real bullshit part is that japan already has the game in arcades, and that console vs pc release is staggered.
they actually stopped doing this with rev 1.
pre-ordering the console release gets you the arcade version to play a month before
rev 2 adds some new story. slightly hyped
Geez, sorry for triggering everyone so hard.
The bullshit is that they refuse to implement cross play
Fighitng games thrive on revisions, because added content keeps it fresh, so generally if you find one that doesn't have a new "version" every year or two it'll be dead, or one of the old classics.
Rev2 is gonna be like an upgrade for those that own Rev though, like how Ultra was an upgrade for those that own older Street Fighter 4 versions.
I'll just ignore Rev 2 then if you don't even need it to play online
contain your spagetti, rev 2 is available to you as a $20 upgrade. which is pretty much the exact same shit as buying two DLC characters except this time you get a whole new game complete with couple hour long anime story mode
You need it to play online with everyone who bought Rev2, since it includes balance changes and stuff.
He has a right to be angry.
Overwatch is fone time $60 and comes out with new characters and maps for Free.
Even SF5 and KOF is like this. GG has no right to be doing this to their fanbase.
rev 2 players can play with rev 1 players
it just changes rev 2 into rev 1 when you do
SNK just released 4 DLC chars for KoF
Blazblue looks pretty cool, which one is the best?
>that daddy Ky
He's too hot
rev1 will be getting the same balance patches rev2 gets just like xrd got the balance patches when rev1 came out. only difference is rev1 players won't be able to online with people using new characters
the newest one, Centralfiction. It's not getting an Extend so there's a lower chance of it dying soon.
Always current version with BB, meaning CF.
>It's DLC!
$20 of DLC. This still isn't acceptable and so long as you guys are making this negative case to excuse it I'll be looking to alternatives.
Blazblue CF doesn't have as good of reviews as Chrono Phantasma extended on Amazon why is CF better?
More characters, mechanics more fleshed out, more viable characters, shitty changes like SMP reverted back, almost everything really. Many of the complaints that CF got were because of people getting mad over there being no dub to the point where they started petitioning for it and trying to rally people to give bad reviews.
normally it would have been a forced disk upgrade at $60
sorry that games aren't free
Nobody even plays anything but the current version for BB and GG so you won't exactly be able to even find players for any other version.
I thought other game genres always had dumb dlc practices , but they seem tame after this conversation.
Don't tell me you aren't going to buy her game again, user.
Who r u maining in rev2?
Bedman still ;)
Fuck off. This would be the 3rd time, I don't care how good Guilty Gear is.
I main Sin, is that cringey?
Street Fighter V is pretty solid. Only DLC if you want it, all characters can be earned, and they haven't released a sequel like this Guilty Gear shit.
A physical disc is probably super cheap by now too.
>Street Fighter V is pretty solid
Hi Capcom
>Street Fighter V is pretty solid.
Only due to playerbase size. As an actual game there are many better options
>mfw after those patches SFxT was actually legit fun as fuck but capcom just dropped it and wouldnt fix the gem issue
>but they'll keep driving hard on SF5 for like 3 more years
Where's Virtua Fighter 6.
They should make Undernight In birth late exe for the PS4, solid mechanics and you payed for it once
But SFV isn't fun.
What good is a fighting game if no one plays it like Virtua Fighter? I mean shit, you could have said Smash or Tekken or something.
Oh Jesus
VF5FS is legit my favourite fighting game but it never stood a chance in the west. I wish more people would have tried it out. It was fucking $15 and solid as shit. Only one friend was into fightan and so we basically just had constant Goh vs Eileen fights.
I enjoy smash casually, no interest in it as a legit fighter, and never really got into Tekken though I own TTT2 and T6.
But they are though
it's common practice to do either release characters or expansion packs yearly or so in the genre
nobody really likes it but the alternative is either the free-to-play model like SF5 (which isn't even fucking free and also sucks shit) or long hiatuses between games, ie. darkstalkers (which also sucks shit, fight me)
it's shitty but you kinda just deal with it or move on with your life
rev 2 has more story so its a sequel
You'll be back. Whether you like it or not.
Will the Rev 2 digital upgrade ($20) include Answer and Baiken ?
Or will we have to buy them separately ?
they're included
They are bringing the latest version [st] to consoles finally.
Why is he so based?
>cool design and personality
>moveset is goofy cartoony shit more fitting for Faust
Couldn't even take him seriously, can't even consider him cool anymore after actually playing him.