What is it about healing in MMOs/RPGs that attracts beta males to the role? Women I can understand...

What is it about healing in MMOs/RPGs that attracts beta males to the role? Women I can understand, but there always seem to be a massive amount of beta males. Not only beta but passive-aggressively beta. Is it a case of being too terrified to step into a tanking role (DPS always seems to be a mixed bag of alpha and beta personality types) and assume leadership of the group as expected of that position? As mentioned DPS is a mixed bag of alphas and betas, with alpha DPS players focusing on melee roles and the betas taking the role of ranged DPS. This innately shows the natural tendency of beta-type individuals to shun direct conflict and risk, taking the safer, less direct, less noticeable route, shrinking away as is common in nature of the beta role.

In closing theory betas are drawn to the role of healer in an effort to show subservience to their fellow alpha type Tank and Melee DPS players as a way of showing they are of no threat to them and wish to contribute to their success while not appearing as competition for their position of dominance. It should be noted that while an alpha-type player can take on the role of healer as a means of breaking potential boredom within their standard role, it will always be a sub-specialization compared to the constant and standard one of the beta-type.

Whats with americans and their fucking obsession with animalistic hierarchies?

Just because you're a faggot doesn't mean everyone else is.

I'm not about to read this

What's with all the fags wanting to RP healers and project their sissy healer fetish onto the only thing keeping them alive?
Every single time I play a healer, I make my tanks beg for my healing liquids

Also, sage goes in the option fields you newfags

>hurr im gay beta let me show u my man legs
>btw im gay
>also did i tell u im gay

haha dude very epic

MMOs and games in general attract betas above all.

>salty betas

As was said, alpha-type personalities can pick up healing as an occasional way to break the stagnation of their standard role, but healing will always be the standard role of the beta-type player.

Healing is a role that exudes a lot of responsibility, but people are okay with you fucking up because somebody needs to be healer, and they don't want it to be them. You feel wanted and all of your bullshit is forgiven just because of the role you play. Kind of like being a house wife.

If you're playing an MMO you're automatically a beta

depends on the game

Just keep posting meaty tits and I'll think about my answer

Depends, OP. The problem with beta's, is they can't do anything right, so they tend to prefer to be the "only door in the room with the shitty handle" so they are forced to be useful, yet hated by everyone secretly because you're fucked without a healer. As a DPS man, who hates having to deal with whiny, snobbish shits who bitch and moan if I fuck up even once because something goes awry that is out of my range of control, I personally don't care for tanking. Now, if everyone was a fellow alpha who was on the same page, then we'd all get along and shrug if bad shit happens.

Beta's ruin MMO's, every time. And women are infuriating to play with, as well.

You're all faggots over thinking everything.

Just for you user-kun

What America is in a nutshell

You have consumer peasantry
You have riot police
You have medicine that numbs the brain into being a consumer
You have the obedient class that defends the actions of the state even if it retardedly hurts them.
Still peasantry
You have religion
Illegal drugs which should be legal
All devoted to the death of your self
Death for profit
You have media that say the same shit
Push the same entertainment
Make people distracted with their Shit ass life
Then you have the military who supports the riot people
Then you have the slave drivers aka CEOs of peasantry who control people all their lives and do not let people have their own life.
You Have secret societies at the top
Making sure all religions fight to destroy each other and threaten war when the populace thinks for itself

>women are infuriating to play with

It's an easy job, basically. It's not competitive unlike DPS.

>doctors are actually beta
Never thought about it that way

maybe because it's a fucking stupid way of thinking

And there are no even alphas and betas among humans.
Alphas and betas basically mean you have two phenotypes for the same sex with two different sexual strategies. (and the betas are not especially less succesfull otherwise they would be breeded out by natural selection)
Urang-utans are an ape species with alphas and betas and the most dominant beta will undergo actual physical change if the local alpha leaves or dies.
And with most species with alphas and betas, the alphas are literal cucks.

I didn't read your post but those are good anime tiddy

The only good thing about this post is the anime tiddies.

Didn't read beyond first sentence, but the answer is attention, they're attention starved.

As an American I have meditated my kundalini meditation

I feel others pain sicknesses
Emotional problems and general annoyances

I feel it enter my body and I meditate the bad go away

I am alpha omega beta
I am one with everyone
Everyone is a part of me

And American medicine does not accept my abilities because I won't do it for money I want to heal for free

Found the beta. Whose a good little heal slut?

Holy crap, there are some really autistic posts on this thread.

You pissed off alot of beta's, OP. Kek, good job.

>Not being omega and maxing every roll
Fuck off you casual faggot

>Comparing Slutty McCowTits in a video game to any kind of medical professional doctor, nurse, or otherwise

I played tons of ASSFAGGOTS back in my day and I typically played healer because healer chars typically require a modicum of intelligence and positional awareness - something I couldn't trust any of the retards typically playing the game.

Also DPSy healers are a great way of snowballing your team early

I've never seen a single healer in an mmo being one of those cock loving sissies from Sup Forums. I don't know what your wierd obsession with ERP is but usually people who play mmos don't play them for any sexual reasons.

I hate the ugly losers that rp as 'cute' ''''fembois'''' on Sup Forums.

OP, stop replying to your own thread, it's just embarrassing.

Where do I find people to treat me like this over mic, but are fine with me not using mic?

You can't breed out a mindset. There are plenty of Chads who have beta sons, and plenty of Beta dads who have chad sons.

Going off on a tangent, I am part of a RP server in WoW (I know, I know) and it's hilarious how many people are over there are damaged goods. Almost all my friends in the server and people I know either suffered from severe parental abuse, partner abuse, suffer from some kind of mental disorder or are part of some minority that routinely gets shat on.

They are great people, don't take me wrong, but they are damaged goods nonetheless. I received some pretty massive bullying at school and had to go through years of therapy, but all things considered I'm one of the most high functioning, least damaged people in the server

Post more tits, thanks.

I ain't the OP, beta.

Okay OP

Okay nigger

I like playing Healers/supports in MOBA's because no one else will and it allows me to stand back and point out everyone else mistakes.

Tanking and healing are both very proactive roles. Neither is very betaish.

Melee DPS on the other end are the most beta shitters there are. They're literally mudskippers - slipping in underneath the tank's dominant presence and skimming along, then running away the moment it looks like they might have to hold their own for a moment or two.

Ironically, Sona was the alpha healer of choice in the good ol' days. Her killing power and range were insane, and the utility she offered was kinda broke.

...I miss LoL being good.

Best resolution,

Okay OP


OP stop bumping your own thread

What you don't love league of Oneshots?

Which server? I'm guessing MG

When I was playing mmos, I would play healer because it's a more real objective.

Like what's the objective when playing DPS ? Make the higher score on the meter ? I'm gonna get bored and it's gonna be a chore. While when I heal, I must stop characters from dying.

If their health falls to 0, I lost, and it's my responsability to get everyone full and not letting anyone die.

But even then I would get bored.

wyrmrest accord represent

dpsfag detected, btfo and stop pretending to be alpha

>Years ago, populations were more varied, and some people saw the social advantages of playing a female character
>Now, RP groups/servers are full of almost everyone playing as submissive females
>Create a manly man healer
>Suddenly have a harem of busty sorceresses, thief girls, elf archers and Red Sonja looking amazons all on my Cleric dick


They know that no actual alphas play MMOs.

So they're betting on beta orbiters providing them with free shit for being a slut.

I tend to like healing because I like to take an interactive but still passive sort of supporting role.

I'm submissive but don't really make healing about being a cocksucking slut.

MtF tranny.


Once again, if you're playing an MMO, you're a beta

>MtF tranny.

And you felt the need to point that out why...? You faggots really do perpetuate this stereotype that all trannies are just mentally ill attention seeking gays that are entertaining your own autogynephilia for your own degenerate pleasures.

I play healers because I don't have to pay attention to the game.

I mean fuck, I used bots when ARR first came out to get all my crafts and classes to 50.

Tried tank, didn't like all the positioning I had to do.

Tried DPS, there were no rotation macros at the time when I played.

So what's left? Healer.

Playing a healer was minimal effort for Titan and Coil of Bahamut.

It's the easiest yet most important job and no one else wants to play them because their boring, so it attracts useless faggots who play for the purpose of recieving attention.

I fucking hate this meme and hate even more the lack of battle medic in games.
Planetside 2 was the best healer experience i ever had.

It was relevant because I'm not a beta male.

healer would be fun if there was an ability that made it so you'd automatically heal the lowest health member in the party. playing health bar whack a mole is 99% of why no one wants to play healer.

>be cleric
>multiclass one level of fighter for martial weapon proficiency
>become better deeps and tank thanks to self buffs, lose out on all of 5% healing ability
>solo endgame
To rely on others and continue to struggle under the trinity is to be a beta.
You're not a beta, are you?

yes you are

I play games where Healers/Supports are needed to win, but everyone wants to be a dps retard.

So because I like to win, I pick Healer/Support.

at that point why even have a playable healer class. just make healers AI or better yet remove them from game because all healers ever contribute to gameplay is trivializing encounters and erasing mistakes.

Yes you are you dumb fuck, you're the most beta a male can get - so beta that you fucking reject your masculinity

>it will always be a sub-specialization compared to the constant and standard one of the beta-type.

Stopped reading there.

Pretty much this. I was a shadow priest in wow for the longest time until one day my guild asked "hey person that never speaks in chat, come heal this raid for us and we'll give you loot"
So I did. It was boring. But I got loot.
So there I was every tuesday, doing progression raids with maxed out gear, drinking whiskey and bullshitting in vent because I just had to play health-bar whack-a-mole.

It was pretty ok.

desu you could say that about any class since bots can see the game in terms of hitboxes and frames.

But...Trump is getting a divorce...that hat is irrelevant

>not rotating players on roles
Sounds like you play in a scrub guild, OP. A good group rotates everyone so if your only tank or healer isn't on you're not fucked.


>throw 18 of the same pet job at stuff
>win everything forever

DFO is a miracle

Not everyone sucks at playing DPS, go be retarded elsewhere, betafag.

>healslut for 3 years
>still no bf
Was it a meme all along?

Nice try, libcuck.

>be a beta
>still play tank

I don't know, I just like the short queues. I also could never get into healing.

If I found a FemDom healer though that would be the tits.

i always play support/healers in games because it makes it hard to play through solo
also its fun running around healing random people during battle and running away in an mmo. fuck all those invites

just post more oppai if you want tosay something

The difference is healbots wouldnt have a bad attitude like healers always do.

I don't understand the tranny mindset as identifying with the word "tranny" and telling people openly that they were once the opposite gender without being asked, I thought the objective was to become the other gender? Not create a bastardized joke of a third gender that nobody takes seriously?

You're even on the internet and could entertain your little fantasy world by saying you're a woman because that's what you aim to be and completely leave out the point that you're a tranny, why categorize yourself with people now synonymous with social rejects?

holy shit what fucking game are you playing?

it's the hardest role in WoW by far.

No I'm a girl ._.

>with alpha DPS players focusing on melee roles
Oh, well thank you for the compliment. I know I'm not alpha at all but I take what I can get.

It's true.
The micro penis has been exposed.

Fuck I need to play more medic. Such a good character personality
Why don't more games do the threathening/crazy type for healers?


I'm self loathing and don't really think I'm a real woman so I don't call myself one. I don't think I'm a man either though.

You think anybody that plays an MMO is an alpha? MMO is a woman's genre.

I tried healing because I was trying to prove that any dumb cunt could keep a group healed if they paid even a small amount of attention. It didn't help that I'd had the shittiest healers in existence back before Burning Crusade. Now I do it just because micromanaging health bars is rather soothing.

Perhaps suicide is the only option

Then get therapy, your brain is just fucked up. Not even trying to be mean, but you'll never become what you think a real woman is so you're better off facing the reality of things instead and trying to live your life with achievable goals instead of tormenting yourself with something that isn't physically possible.

I honestly don't even hate trannies, I feel bad that making a goal of becoming the opposite gender is a fad now that's shaping impressionable youth.

Hope you get help, genuinely.

I refuse to go to therapy

I'm really not that young and I had tranny feelings as early as I can remember


sorry for shitting up the thread I'll leave

I used to heal mainly because I didn't like being responsible for my teams dps output and I'd rather just keep them alive than have to do the hard work myself and possibly fuck up / lose the game for my team

But then I started having fun and not giving a shit. Now I almost always play DPS

Well if you don't help yourself its your own fault. You're the only person that can help you so there's no point in complaining that you can't be one gender or the other if you don't seek outside help, there's a reason professional therapy exists and not making use of it when you clearly have an issue not only with gender identity but self worth is foolish. Make the first step towards feeling better about yourself and get help.

That tends to cover most healers.

My guild's healing officer is the biggest asshole I've ever played with in an MMO. We could clear 3 new mythic bosses in a week and he'd still call it garbage progress and bitch everyone out.

He's also sat me for 'low dps' after one pull of a faulty strat that got me killed by doing the job I was assigned. I was like 7th dps out of 14 overall that night. Dude's a right asshole.

I can't wait until MMOs phase out healers

Fuck America

>breaking everyone's balls
I thought this saying only worked in the country I live in, and not in english

>tfw DFO is a game full of top tier waifus and husbandos

how did they do it?

Hat ruined it