>hey, let's grab everything that is wrong with the Resident Evil series and make a CGI movie about it!
Gunkata is so dumb but fuck does it look cool
spergs will actually see this in theater for real
But that's Resident Evil 7 :^)
how many bullets does that pistol have?
Did Chris just AA a fucking zombie?
Counted 24 rounds.
that was pretty cool
Hey, i wanted to look at Chris, why is he just rolling out of frame?
Leon is cosplaing John Wick.
>90% Leon on screen
Give me more of my husbando instead, fucking hacks.
Fag Wick
see you there
Better a cg movie that a shit game like RE6
Man, that looks bad.
Who in the fuck could defend anything about 6 except for the lightning arm and that having 3 interweaving character arcs could have been cool.
This retardkek
slav kino
So who will die, chris or leon?
>25 bullet magazine
Chris... only to be revived as kekfield from RE7
Well we know what Leon's favorite movie is.
RE4 Merchant confirmed for having a supporting role
Who, Rebecca?
7 looks like ass too. Going for the Markiplier audience
Are you gay?
Is it less gay to look at Leon?
>still didnt play
>thinking his opinions matter
Stop sucking you surrogate friends cock and form your own opinions famalan
Neck yourself, memelord.
6 is definitely better than that piece of shit but hey at least they tried something new with the first person.
This is probably what devs thought re6 would be like
>He's still salty RE went back to being a horror series again.
Ha! get fucked fag now you know how it feels.
I like this and RE7.
Sucks for the rest of you fags.
>hurr durr infinite ammo pistol
Inventory reload, retards.
the wrong kind of horror. nu horror, if you will.
it didn't go back to anything that made it great.
>re went back to being a horror series again
'Back' and 'again' imply that it was there in the first place
You know, for all the time i played RE4 and the multiple times i finished it it never came to my mind to do inventory reload.
You can't inventory reload in RE4 IIRC
>The series that literally coined the term "Survival Horror"
>Not a horror series.
God you RE6 fags are sad.
There is any way to play RE Outbreak WITHOUT an annoying and useless AI Partner?
Its one of the only RE games I never finished.
What does nu horror even mean?
How is the jumpy campy B movie horror of 7 any different then the originals?
Its the same kind of horror you daft prick.
Fuck me it seems low budget.
also the camera work and editing seems much worse than last time around.
Anybody know what budget this had?
Anyway, i will give it a pass.
holy shit this was way better than i thought it would be
leon straight up using gun fu to wreck shit
will definitelz pirate this one
There's a private server, but I have no idea how friendly they are to new players.
Cant even tell if ironic or not.
It was always a Horror series. I don't see how RE7 is better than any other Resident Evil
-Generic enemies since all effort into creating unique enemies went into half of Jacks screen time
-Instead of being a super human boulder punching soldier you're just a brainless emotionless hunk of meat that can just reattach limbs non nonchalantly
-Worse boss battles
-No Mercenary mode
-Soft reboot/remake yet is still labeled the 7th game in the series
-Simple mind numbing puzzles
-Outlast overtones up the ass
-Killing off the only good characters off early
-Save rooms just make enemies dispensary when you walk through it even when the door is open and you're staring right at them
-Clunk FPS controls for VR faggots
-VR only for PS4
Were you scared by the original RE games? The reason why it coined the term survival horror was because of the original release's soundtrack and the limited ammo meaning it was more important to avoid enemies. The reason why it was called horror was not because it was actually scary, but because it was tense.
REVII tries to go for nu-horror that isn't actually like Resident Evil horror. The only jumpscare RE1 had was the dogs. REVII has many jumpscares, including one that failed horribly (the Marguerite door one where she's shouting but her lips aren't moving)
>No Rebecca
>The molded are great why do all you fags want generic zombies? there so overdone I'm glad RE decided to make something new again.
>Sorry to break this to you but besides Chris is not an interesting character besides they choice to make Ethan more shallow to immerser you more into you being him instead of him being his own character
>You couldn't be more wrong.
>Wouldn't work for a horror game like 7.
>Its in the same canon you retard maybe play the game and you would know.
>Birthday puzzle was great besides old RE puzzles were never hard.
>"Oulast is the only horror game I have ever played"
>Lucas and Marguerite are great too.
>Confirmed you never played an old RE in your life you hack.
>You shit on VR then cry VR is only for PS4.
Your a Faggot.
Too busy getting GLENN'D by the waterboy himself
Its coming out in theatres?
Is it just me or does that music jingle at like 12 seconds sound like the music in Nioh?
>you come home from work
>suddenly s.t.a.r.s. member rebecca chambers sits on your bed
>user you've be infected by the powerful f-virus and the only cure is to lick my feet for 14 hours straight
what would you do in this situation?
Do her in the butt
Fucking use meme arrows properly
>why do all you fags want generic zombies
inb4 there were also dogs, lickers, plant monsters, snakes, frog things, black things that molest you in re1
>muh immersion
I'd rather play a guy with charisma and actually says shit than generic fag #3456967
>you couldn't be more wrong
The closes thing to a good boss in Resi VII is the Jack chainsaw fight, but it's too short to be comparable. Every classic RE mandatory and optional boss is better than anything in VII
>wouldn't work for a horror game like 7
Then why is it a mainline Resi game
>its in the same canon
That's why he said soft reboot and not just reboot
>birthday puzzle was great
One puzzle in an entire game where the only hard part is figuring out what the scope is used for
>old re puzzles were never hard
Go play some REmake, also, at least the puzzles made you think for a second. In VII, the puzzles amount to 'Fuck around with this shadow for a bit' and in Daughters, its 'Look at this phone that you logically shouldn't think to look at as everything in this game has pop-in up the ass'
>'outlast is the only horror game i ever played'
Outlast and Amnesia popularized first person horror games dumbass
>lucas and marguerite are great too
Marguerite just shouted a lot and Lucas was okay, certainly no Wesker as VII fags are building him up to be
>confirmed you never played an old RE in your life
What he meant was, in old RE doors closed automatically and enemies couldn't get through doors (with the exception of REmake). In VII, you can walk out of the save room for a second, Jack starts walking to you, walk back in, he forgets where you went.
>you shit on vr then cry vr is only on ps4
If you're going to put something horribly restrictive in a game for the sake of gimmicks, at least make the gimmick usable on other platforms
You're autistic
Saw off her feet and carry them around in case you start feeling the onset of the virus.
I ain't licking those dirty ass feet
Looks like Leon's been taking Gunslinger lessons.
Speaking of which, I'd love to see a CG Devil May Cry movie like this. It'd be a good way to spark interest in the games again and they could go extra nuts with the action scenes.
June 19 in the US and Canada for one night only.
Faith in the merchant will lead you nowhere, Saddler.
Chris' model face is literally Iker Casillas.