Do most western video game developers make their female characters intentionally ugly?
Do most western video game developers make their female characters intentionally ugly?
nigga what are you talking about, she's hot as fug in sfm gangbang porn
they dont try to make ugly characters.
the west tries to make realistic characters
I said most
Nu Lara is pretty much the only good looking western female character
she looked great in the first game, I don't know what the fuck happened to her in the second
agreed, whoever thought this second face was an improvement has shit taste
I guess they thought she didn't look British enough, kek. To be honest, the previous Laura looked Mediterranean.
>sfm gangbang porn
>not 3dsmax atwt horsecock porn
get out pleb
if lara croft had any fans left by 2013 this reboot would have been like dmc: devil may cry
Depends on the dev, but they're usually fine.
>British enough
>in the current year
so she should be wearing a hijab?
I want to sniff Lara's underwear after a long, hot day of climbing.
>ywn rub Lara's feet and listen to her stories after a long adventure
>ywn offer to do her laundry while she rests and steal a snif of her sweaty panties
I'm not seeing a point in waking up tomorrow
my love
It honestly hurts me to look at hurt. It fucking sucks to be in love with fucking cartoon character
>they dont try to make ugly characters.
>the west tries to make realistic characters
This is true. Of course, realistic looking women look like absolute trash next to idealized perfect waifus, but they're not actually trying to make them shit looking, they just have embraced a design aesthetic that makes them look like shit.
Is this that game where Nate Drake gets his ass beat by a black woman half his size?
No. And if you'd stop cherrypicking facial animations in midchange (where actual people also don't shine) you'd have to admit that.
the nigress is also hot so her uterus is more powerful than nate
Yes. If they actually made them pretty, Tumblrinas would feel threatened.
>not realizing this was actually a joke about the token strong independent womyn
No it's the game where Nate Drake and Co. get their ass pulverized by a black woman half their size.
nice meme
Let's settle for feral wolf gangbang porn and we have a deal
Bioware certainly does.
As for other western devs, probably not.
both of you are some retarded fucks
>the best waifu ever created was created in the West
Crazy how that works.
Out of all the waifus you went for the one that you couldn't fuck even if she was real and wanted you.
Good fucking job.
Waifus by definition are unfuckable fantasies. Might as well go with the one that rides that concept home better than any others.
I think Cortana in Halo 5 is an example of a western dev deliberately trying to make a female character ugly. She looked great in Halo 4, face and body included. Then they fucked her up in Halo 5
Waifus by definition are also girls you fucking idiot lol not just a god damn hologram AI lol wow what a retard who wants to fuck a flashlight
So you're cucking yourself in your own fantasies. Wow.
>wanting to fuck your waifu
Fucking normalfags.
How can you claim to love your waifu if you don't think her body is sexually appealing?
>not wanting to cum inside your waifu and feel her with your seed
>virgins having another 8/10 would not bang thread
Kek never change Sup Forums
>not in the hardlight fleshlight hype train
Yes, because a trannie face is more progressive my goy
>only appeals to disgusting foot fags
>shit tier voice
100% agree.
Halo 4 Cortana was the pinnacle of a soft supple and not overweight woman.
That cunt in 5 looked like bruce jenner on a bad day.
>tfw rape path ends with you dying
>doesn't want to have leg locking, missionary sex while coming inside of his waifu
>not loving your waifu so deeply that you overcome your animalistic desire to possess her
>knowing nothing of the higher virtues
>not being a silent guardian, a watchful protector of that which is most precious to you
Are you sure you're not actually looking for a daughteru?
>he thinks there can be no physical relationship and actually be in love
I love how one of the first things that come up when you google her is a picture of her feet
Have you ever actually looked at the average female? Or the average human for that matter?
Most people's faces look kind of fucking weird if you think about it. People hide it with longer hair, or a tan, or simply having a good body but most faces are kind of weird looking. Not very attractive.
She really looks like a female nathan drake there