Outlast 2

Where were you when the horror genre was saved?

resident evil 7 ripoff

>walking simulator that sometimes screams "boo!"
>saving anything


>First person games
I hate this meme


Went and spoiled myself on the ending. So the whole thing was just inside the head of a really autistic Catholic Schoolboy because of muh bullies?

Kinda weak twist if you ask me.

Playing RE7...saved the horror genre and the RE franche with one game.

so how does it tiest with the first game, muh nanobots?

Exactly as we wanted then

Whats the ending?

Kill yourself

Who the fuck wants a stupid fucking walk simulator that makes you go "eek" every 15 minutes? Why is there no outlast combat system made, fuck these "horror" games that make you be a spineless bitch the entire time.


and i thinking the franche would trigger the kids...stay mad

the whole thing was just inside the head of a really autistic Catholic Schoolboy because of muh bullies

Salty as fuck review

t. resident evil 5 fan

Nothing wrong with survival horror, the biggest problems with the games are the bad AI and the excessive jumpscares

What makes you assume that? I thought that last scene was just a flashback to the characters school days, nothing about it being all in his head

Why can't you buy the game on steam? Theres not even a pricetag.

but it was already saved OP

get out

>Outlast 2
Japanese have cucked the Americans again this year. RE7 shits on this game.

It releases tomorrow.


From what I've seen the gameplay is the exact same as the first game. The genre isn't saved if you're just adding yet another identical game to the pile.

No VR support no interest.
My overpriced screen to face gimmick is probably the only thing the would make a walking sim enjoyable.


>most immersive perspective is not scary

>Even considering this meme

I knew it was a meme and i bought it anyway.
No regrets here, user.

Do you only get one save slot?

>RE7 without combat

No thanks.

>liking RE7
>at all

RE7 is the best RE since 4 you cuck.
Or do you just want more shit action games like the other RE6 cucks.

Just finished reading it. Good god it sounds like a crappy 1970s exploitation film. If there's anything worse than a crappy $10 budget haunted house, it's an overbudget haunted house where everything is turned up to 11 to the point where it's not really necessary.

Least Resident Evil 7 kept a good atmosphere and pace going with it's setting.


Your post rekindled my interest for the game.
I fucking love 70s exploitation films.

summarize the plot of this game pls

yes but if you would reload from there its not like the alien would still be there.

The Outlast games are absolutely the video game equivalent of exploitation horror films.

>pic related, a pile of dead babies

I think they're actually kind of charming how overboard they go with the imagery.

Problem is that i played the first one and while in the beginning it was actually ok the game got boring and stale for me fast.
The more you go down, the shittier the game gets.
At least that is how I felt playing it.

re6 shits all over the bullshit that is re7, re7 isn't even close to resident evil anymore, its just a crappy indie horror game with a big budget

I gave up all hope once we got into ghost robots. I mean come on.

This, Outlast 1, Alien and Resident Evil 7 are the reason why i'am going to buy a PC this year. This games are so comfy

>"DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE BRO did like *burps* see that shit my man?! *hits pipe* bro dude she like chopped off my dick an- *eats chips* balls bro!!!!!!!!!! That shit was fucking hardcore my man!"

It wasn't saved by Outlast 1, why would it be saved by an even less original sequel?

Youtube was a mistake.

>reddit spacing
opinion discarded

But the ending was only the single perfectly preserved piece of corn in the pile of shit it had become during the 2nd half.

That's pretty sad considering the first 2-3 hours of the game were really promising.

But some devs still have to learn that annoyence isn't horror but kills it.

Same with that gook horror thing white day.
Good start but later becomes a pixel perfect run or die shit where you have to reload every 10 seconds.
Killed the otherwise spooky game for me.

None are exclusives.

I-It'll have even more ghosts and jumpscares!

so what's the story on this one? nanobots finally overtake some poor village and shit?

what the fuck is reddit spacing

Found the first game shitty because LOL JUMP SCARES instead of actually trying to be scary, is this game the same?

of course its the same you donut

Re7 already did this

so whats this about and how does it play?

better to be comfy in M A X I M U M D E T A I L

Didn't the first outlast have dicks in it? Like the monsters were just naked? I need to know, for reasons.

No. This time the game is all about Edgy McEdgelord and his Edgy adventures through bumpfuck america

Yes. Also in the DLC you see the MC's dick.


I clearly remember monster dicks that were constantly shoved in my face....
from my first and only outlast playthrough.

I wonder what the devs meant by all this dickery?

That nude mental asylum inmates still have dicks?

>expecting anything better from leafs

>first person hide and seek

wow, riveting

Game? Is it just "Aliens" or? Been needing a real spookster and this looks good to me

So are there significantly less jumpscares?
I enjoyed the demo aside from the sudden jumpscare in the school.

The first one in my opinion was meh. The sequel was just a confused mess. Scott Cawthorn could have written a better fucking lore.

Are you getting uncomfortable by seeing dicks, user?

>first person hide and seek turns into first person ring around the rosie and first person freeze tag.

Alien Isolation is the title.

I was curious about this game, but knowing it's Canadian, I suddenly just wish for the developers to go out of business. Definitely not playing this piece of shit.

Why does a monster need a cock? Does the monster(s) having a penis add anything to it's design? If not, then why have it in the first place? Same goes for that one enemy from SOMA.

>it has comic series
what the fuck who the fuck cares about outlast story?

>the best horror games are still untranslated ps1 horror games
>modern western horror is still 30 years behind the times
that being said outlast 2 is fucking garbage

Please recommend me a non annoying person on YouTube that will play this game

John Wolfe is decent

>the best horror games are still untranslated ps1 horror games
I'm pretty sure the Silent Hill series was translated.

First person isn't immersive. It's the most jarring bullshit tunnel vision perspective that feels most like all I'm doing is controlling a camera, not a person.

Because the "Monster" is an insane person locked in an asylum.
Those usually have cocks if they are male and aren't into self multilation.
srsly - i don't mind my M rated titles having some genitalia, I'm usually neither disgusted nor aroused by some pixel dicks.

>If not, then why have it in the first place?
...because it's a human, dude. They aren't straight up monsters that someone cobbled together with maximal killing efficiency in mind.

Honestly I just find it distracting. Not because it's sexy or gross, but because it's just THERE ya know?

Why...? it's just a penis. Get over it.



>people say game is scary.
>It's not.

t.kiddie that's never played a real survival horror game in his life. go play the REmake on hard. THAT is survival horror. not this shitty walking simulator.

I honestly have no idea.

that's a whole lot of buzzwords without any evidence.

Shitty youtube bait game, enough said.

>no one ever cared about outlast 1
>now its getting shilled full force on Sup Forums right as it releases


Not him....
But despite loving the shit out of the first REs i really can't bring myself to finish REmake.
The core game really didn't age well for me.
Maybe REmake 2 will change that, since i always thought 2 (and veronica) were best REs

Than find the first monster, give its shitty polygon penis a really close look, laugh, and go on.
Probably will ruin the rest of the game for you.
or make it better....

Play games with acceptable fov then

It's the dead space effect.
People tend to remember it more fondly just because the beginning was good.
They just deleted the rest of the otherwise shitty medicore game from their minds.

opinion discarded

What's with the ending?

Is that supposed to be the sun expanding,
or a bomb going off?
