Can we discuss Metal Gear Solid 4?

Can we discuss Metal Gear Solid 4?

Do you think the game was deliberately made to be underwhelming? Personally I just find the game to have a sort of bitter tone to everything. Maybe Kojima didn't tell his team to make it that way, but this game definitely gives the feeling of tiredness, like you're reluctantly treading familiar ground, which actually is kind of amazing.

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Kojima always pretends like it's a reflection of his mind state towards the series at the time. He'd said he was going to quit but was dragged back in and he was tired of it all, much like worn out Snake being forced back into warfare as that's all he was created for.
But then the fag goes on to make 2 more games anyway.

It was a great game for what it was and to try to share that experience here on Sup Forums you just get the same regurgitating opinion of

>muh long cutscene
>muh nanomachines
>muh plotholes

and never about

>great gameplay
>memorable moments
>Metal Gear Dino Thunder showdown
>fist fight against Ocelot
>BB admitting he was a hypocrite shitter

No. I think was a decent ending to the storyline of the games, though many parts were convoluted and could have been condensed like Eva's speech in Act 3. I liked Snake persisting despite his accelerated aging and how Snake was the only one who actually managed to fulfill The Boss' wish with Ocelot. I also got some satisfaction out of Meryl being cocky because of her nanomachines and then getting dicked because her and the two baldies relied on them unlike poop man and Snake.
>this game definitely gives the feeling of tiredness
Well, duh. That's what Snake felt the whole time during the game.

ironically, MGSV doesn't have
>great gameplay (removed lots of things from 4 for no reasons, even)
>memorable moments (metal gear showdown, fist fight with ocelot)

MGS4 was the first game of the franchise that i've played, i still remember going at my friend's house for a sleep over and we played the game for hours through the first to third act and i was just blown away by the little gameplay you where shown, the over the top characterizations and the whole universe of the game.

It was thanks to MGS4 that i've went through all the previous games, and it will forever have a special place on my heart despite the flaws.

Its sad that i cannot say the same for MGSV, that game was a total disaster from start to finish, Ground Zeroes gave me so much hope.

MGS4 still manages to make me tear up

Maybe im just a little bitch

I didn't find the game underwhelming to begin with. dunno what all the flak is about

MGS4 is a good, albeit flawed game. The first thing to get out of the way right out of the bat is the performance issues. The game doesn't run very well on PS3 and could really use a PS4 or PC "remaster."

After that, I will say the plot is stupid, with long cut-scenes and plotholes, however sans the one cutscene with Johnny and Meryl at the end it still distinctively "feels" Metal Gear, which while trying to be a serious anti-war story, never really ventured to take itself too seriously.

Gameplay wise it blows MGS5 out of the water and is the best MGS to date in my opinion. Fluid controls with decently designed levels and the signature feeling the series has always had. Add in great set pieces like controlling Rex and you have yourself a hell of a time.

this game is a fucking waste
with that gameplay they could have done everything, but they decided to put 8 hrs of cutscenes and maybe 4 of actual game

There are only two bad points in MGS4

1) Meryl
2) Johnny

>tfw sitting through the b&b cutscenes with dad

I honestly must have spent 200 hours in my childhood sneaking around and playing with Octo-Camo, that shit was the bomb nigga it made my little kid pussy explode

Kojima really, really needs a decent co-writer and editor to reel him in

>great gameplay

You never get the chance to ever do anything with it

>childhood game

What did the Shadow Moses part make you feel?

are the BBs considered good bosses?

they were all good except fro wolf, she was just annoying

bird lady wasn't that great either.

You're going to have autists screech about this post, but it is an objectively correct opinion.

You should feel good about not having shit taste, user.

There was nothing underwhelming about MGS4, and still isnt'.

I thought it was a perfect conclusion to the series. It was the last MGS game that felt like an MGS game.

It wasn't as original as the first MGS, or as mindfuckingly subversive as the second, or as scenic and memorable as the third. But it passed on an overarching thematic structure and gameplay elements that made each of those titles so great in their own right. It featured an improved control scheme, (at the time) great PS3 visuals, some very good boss fights, and great attention to detail. One could spend hundreds of hours unlocking all of the secrets and exploring the various ways one could progress through the game. The story was heady, emotional, and neatly wrapped up the personal narratives of our major players. It's not my favorite one in the series, but damn I do love this game.

I'm in the midst of playing MGS 5 now (I got the game late, so just now getting into it) and I have to articulate my sincere disappointment. I'm only about 20% through but I find myself sort of forcing myself to turn it on every time I play it (an affliction none of the other games imposed on me).

Whatever faults the long and frequent cutscenes in MGS4 may have added to the game, I have to say that least there was some sort of compelling story or narrative that drew me in and encouraged me to keep returning. This piecemeal "choose your random missions that may or may not have anything to do with the story" way of structuring a game is not appealing to me at all.

I literally no lifed Metal Gear Online in this game. Playing Prison (Tdm where everyone on one team goes in the cell) and 90% of the time playing knife only. Greyhounds clan what's good? This game was amazing OP

Knife only Tdm not prison I mean


That being said, I think the gameplay and stealth elements are as tight as they've ever been. There's just so much content that I feel is imposed on me that I have no interest in exploring. The fact that MGS V is an "open world" is meaningless to me. What "world" exists outside of scattered military outposts with varying degrees of difficulty to infiltrate ? What fun is there in riding around deserts aimlessly with tons of enemy structures but no mission? No fun, I would argue. Therefore, I stick to missions. But how much entertainment am I getting when I am on "Capture enemy specialist soldier 6"? It's monotonous. It's busy work. Even if this gives me the freedom to change up my strategy and accomplish these missions in different ways, the reward (some money, a new soldier with B rank in Intel) feels empty.

I also don't feel much reward or feel particular interest towards base management. I don't want my primary concern on a base infiltration or prisoner rescue to be which talented soldier I can kidnap with Fulton. It feels ridiculously unrealistic and unbalanced.

I sincerely wish they had dropped the base development aspect of the game and focused more on padding out the main story and character interaction.

This is another aspect that has been incredibly disappointing. Big Boss is basically a silent protagonist, that silently reacts to what other people around him do. Is this an MGS game? where are the quips? Where's the personality? Given the history of BB and Ocelot I expected some sort interesting interaction there, but he's basically Otacon with an old west accent.

I loved the prologue to the game. It felt like a newer, darker MGS that I was hoping for. I've enjoyed the cutscenes I've seen (Skull Face's appearance in the Mist during the Honeybee mission was unforgettable) I just wish there was more of it! I feel like there is an interesting story that is being sidelined in favor of "player freedom" that isn't actually fun.

good multiplayer

I agree with all of this

I like suits/robots/aliens with sexy human features

All except Raging Raven, she's the Hind D/Harrier of MGS4

MGS 4 was Kojima shitting on Snake, shitting on the themes of MGS 1 and basically turning the canon into the biggest cluster fuck imaginable.

Its the curse with MGS4
Absolutely amazing gameplay coupled with the absolute worst level design


It's a corridor and a room

Worst Metal Gear.

No. It's an amazing game.

It's an anti-metal gear

>Can we discuss Metal Gear Solid 4?

Can we not?

That lost to what it was supposed to kill.

Rays were designed to swarm shitty Rex knock-offs

>Ray is a direct ancestor of the Orbital Frames in ZoE


tfw no Substance or Subsistence version of 4

Nice posts user, you're pretty good.

i agree

>tfw everyone hates Meryl and Johnny but I thought that scene was cool


No one has mentioned the awesome soundtrack yet, so I want to throw that out there. Probably the best Metal Gear OST.

They're good boss fights but as characters they didn't have the depth we've come to expect from Metal Gear Solid bosses since the original game.

You get to experience a lot of the game play in Acts 1 and 2 which were, coincidentally, the best parts of the game.

These are all valid criticisms though. Metal Gear Solid 4 isn't one of the worst video games ever made but it's certainly not as good as the first three games in the series. We had higher expectations for it, so when it didn't deliver people had a right to feel disappointed. It's the same with Dark Souls 2. It's not a bad game in it's own right (by which i mean it's not unplayable garbage, it's like a 6/10), but it followed two games that were generation-defining masterpieces.

The canon was already a cluster fuck. 4 was Kojima's attempt to bridge together a bunch of disjointed shit he wrote because he thought it sounded cool at the time. It's like Lost. The writer had no fucking idea how he was going to tie it all together at the time, he just wanted to make cool stuff.

This sucked.

Everyone is going to have a slightly different arrangement for the top 3 but the rest of the list is spot on.

My personal preference is

>he wrote because he thought it sounded cool at the time

More like he purposely didn't want to explain.

More like:

I really liked the cutscenes

Where are all the shadows?

>Do you think it was made to be underwhelming?

Oh boy, you're one of those guys who justifies TPP being unfinished by saying "it leaves the audience with le phantom pains, just like snek"

My major gripe was 2,000 lethal guns being in the game that you'll...never use. No one uses lethal in MGS unless they're raging homos.

Acts 4 and 5 almost make it so you HAVE to go lethal, which is obnoxious.

That really annoyed me throughout the game. I think there's only 4 weapons in total that is non-lethal. On later playthroughs, I did make it a thing to actually use all 2,000 guns, really works in the first few areas. They feel surprisingly good, almost like a FPS. Glad The Sorrow wasn't in this game... fuckin' cunt.


5 is even fucking worse, there's like 2 INF supressors, and you can't even make them until after mission 38 ffs.

it's like they're trying to force you to just say 'fuck this shit' and go lethal guns blazing in battle dress etc.


I didn't mind the suppressors being limited, using a suppressed tranq gun to headshot everyone in your way is probably the most boring way to play MGS. There's all manner of ways to non-lethally dispose of, distract, or otherwise fuck with your enemies. Try to clear an outpost with a water pistol as your only weapon, using grenades and other such things to help you along. It's a fucking blast.

MGS4 had the best iteration of MGO at least.

>beep beep
>you have been playing for [48] hours. It is advised you take a 10 minute break every 4 hours.

I don't think I've ever played a game for 48 hours straight other than mgo. SWAT on maelstrom was what I was playing 90% of the time.

People are just salty that a literal pants-shitter is infinitely more charming and handsome than they'll ever be

Kojima didn't have the great co-writers from the rest of the games, but 4's story really did a good job of framing the rest of the universe.