Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

White male protag

I'm not playing it because I don't want to pay for XBL

I actually liked this one better than the other 3

Campaign felt really weirdly paced to me.

>playing it for the campaign

Kill yourself cuck.


I liked 3 better.

needs more Oscar.

>playing gears of war.

Boring as fuck. They also raped the story.

Windows 10 only.

The Coalition

>in game gambling

Does that game actually do anything new?


it has some new weapons

Main character tries to be Uncharted guy and they tried to make GoW sjw-friendly. Even if you're a die-hard GoW fan you should find it flawed because it derives from what made the series identity.

Does the PC version finally have cross play? I haven't played in a while and I get unmotivated to do so when I think of how small the community must be on PC (if not dead).


The only flaw is when you can't get it for half price on PC

only horde,social, tdm and koth

No Kait SFM porn

A few playlists support cross play atm even though there are minimal PC servers in general

they say they're working on it but fuck the games been out for months now

Found one, now what?

>"Guys holy shit the locust are back and abducting people"
>Mrs. COG pays multiple visits with her robot to talk about the situation through the campaign
>fuck off oh my god we don't want to talk to you jesus
>Late in the campaign
>"Looks like the cog finally figured out whats going on huh? Yeah took them long enough"

This upset me too much.

Wait, this came out?

Gears 3 drained any speed from the gears francise that was established in 1 and 2 and 4 continued the trend
Also the campaign was bad and there was no good hype trailer for it

No benjamin carmine.

It actually needed less Oscar

>watching credits with my brothers
>suddenly Oscar

>playing it for the shotgun only MP

found the fag.

The way they treat the cog felt so childish, they were always mildly evil but flat out making them one of the antagonists ruined half the fun of gears.

unnecessary sequel

>generic AS FUCK protag
>underwhelming final boss
>cliffhanger ending
>really no reason for this sequel to exist other than Microsoft flaunting the the Gears IP they bought

I got the Xbone bundle with it. Honestly, I played it for five minutes and lost interest. Typical le mature grimdark bullshit with corridors. It's trash for dudebros and zogbots.

I didn't say "does it have new things".

The only Gears truly worth playing is Gears 1 on 360, and not that faggot remastered shit. The atmosphere in that game was amazing. Gears 2 was alright, but it started the trend where the series went from dark and gritty to colorful and cartoonish. Just look at the character models in Gears 1 -- they're all grizzled, scarred, fugly looking trolls, just like they should be. In subsequent games, especially Gears 3 and onward they have baby smooth skin and perfect hair. Once they introduced playable female characters and gun skins, the series was over.

The Campaign was shit. MP is still solid though. Horde mode waves are shit.

campaign was mediocre but MP is best in the series. basically a 60fps gears 3

Yea I feel like they were afraid to do more human on human battle other than Dom's intro which was my favorite part. Then it goes full 3rd person Titanfall at the end. I didn't even know it was the final boss. Terrible abrupt end. I have however always been more untrusted in the locusts history since 2. So maybe we get more if they next time. Their relationship to humans it's closer than we've ever been shown before.

Is the one on the right baking a pie or something?

Holding a pie launcher

Gears died with 2

It's fucking Gears of War. A shit series since the first one.

So angry in a dead thread.

What the fuck is even going on in this? What is he trying to take cover behind? Rain?