Okay you've got the toppest of top PC for 2017 to be able to play any games with ultra settings, 60 or 144 fps and 4K.
What games do you actually have to play on PC to justify the purchase?
Okay you've got the toppest of top PC for 2017 to be able to play any games with ultra settings, 60 or 144 fps and 4K.
What games do you actually have to play on PC to justify the purchase?
Old School Runescape
Run 9999999999999999 dooms at the same time
nigga what, i'd just shipost all the time
I guess I could install that 30 GB of 4k textures for rainbow six siege
Arma 3, Nier Automata, The Witcher 3, Doom, Overwatch, actually all Blizzard games, Shadow Tactics, Civilization 6, Tyranny, Shadow Warrior 2, maybe Syberia 3.
Waiting for Danganronpa V3, Tekken 7, Mount and Blade 2, Elex, Escape from Tarkov, Dawn of War 3, Quake Champions.
>What games do you actually have to play on PC to justify the purchase?
Dota 2
Holy fuck, how can anyone pay that for a PC? Mine cost about 600€ four years ago and still can play any 2016 game at max settings.
Now I get the 'gaming PCs are expensive' meme. You people are being scammed.
your $600 pc cant play at 1440p or 144hz
Gotta play those games at 110 fps otherwise it's shit
No, such thing didn't exist then. But I'm sure if you build your own PC now instead of buying some overpriced pre-built PC you can manage something capable of that in the 600-700 range.
dwarf fortress
Thinking about making a PC, my budget is about
$550-$600, would this be good to run?
This. Wonder how long until FPS death
If you already have a monitor you like, should suffice to get something decent.
Short answer: Yes
Long answer:Look up Sup Forums's wiki/Faq on PC building.
PC is the mid-life crisis of a gamer, you spend a lot of money hoping to rekindle the flame of joy you once knew in vidya but it's all for naught.
Eventually you're just left with a $1000 Sup Forums machine and a lot of regret.
Why do people lie like this? You would need a gtx 680 or hd 7970 and I doubt either of those can max most modern games.
>actually all Blizzard games
It is my opinion that they legitimately don't know what they're talking about. Not a bad way to play, especially since it's much cheaper...
Maxed withing the possibilites of the hardware. That means obviously no 4k 144hz, but 1920x1080 60hz all options maxed in Dark Souls 3, for example.
same shit I'm always playing
>in Dark Souls 3
What a horrendously retarded example.
i already got what i thought was a good pc but it doesnt get games close to the "bullshots" that i see in game trailers. for example Ark looks amazing in their trailers but on my pc everything looks jaggy as fuck(relatively speaking) even when everything is on ultra. The only game i got where i said "yeah this is where the money i put into this pc is paying off" is alien isolation. I have been playing 10 year old + games mostly anyways.
Okay, I'm retarded. You can go pay 3.5k to prove how stupid I am. That will show me.
I don't understand the question. Most games will benefit from 4K and up to 144fps (provided they support it / you can make it work)
how so? is dark souls 3 not a modern game?
Projecting much user? Tell us how you really feel.
>You can go pay 3.5k
Don't need to, just saying you have basically no idea of which games are actually technically demanding.
I actually have a great time PC gaming, though I'm usually grossly underutilizing the expensive hardware I put in my rig. Just do budget builds anons.
Got a monitor already and a Keyboard and Mouse of a friend. Just need the actual thing
not him but It's not the best game to show off the maximum capability and power of your PC. I have a shitty grandpa i3-6100 and an RX-480 PC that cost me 600 total and on max settings I can get 60fps everywhere except just outside the cathedral in the graveyard with 100 undeads roaming around constantly
even then my framerate only drops to 47-52
Because everybody that is at least somewhat informed knows it's not a demanding game at all.
>how can anyone pay that for a PC?
>Forgets there are GPU's that cost more than his entire machine
What the fuck could you possibly buy to spend $3500 on a PC, SLI Titan XP?
you can spend over 2 grand alone between a needlessly advanced i7 and a titan
>not buying an InfiniteReality4 Display to play minecraft at 1400fps
>or a Xeon compatible dual cpu slot server motherboard
Are you a fucking cheapskate?
Meming aside Xeons are terrible for gaming.
>finished building my high end pc
>want to play games
>see multiplats I have beaten on my ps4 and early access everywhere
Seriously, shitposting aside. What the fuck are some GOOD games to play on PC? I have an open mind and play all genres. But all I see is shit I have played already. Help me out here Sup Forums.
preferably not strategy or open world. I have burned out on those games and am too tired to play another one. need a break from it
you play Dirty Bomb nigga?
Arma is fun, MMOs are fun too despite everyone on Sup Forums hating them.
Reality is there are just no new MMOs really. Anything you go and play has been going for years for the most part or its Korean P2W grindfests.
So ugly, console parity fucked this game's shit up.
you haven't found the right games for you to play with a proper machine
perhaps your choice of vidya needs to be readdressed
I have 30 pirated games installed, 12 Steam games installed, 1 MMO, and probably over 100 games I like to or plan to(who am I kidding) emulate. There's also that never ending always expanding roster of games I can pirate if I ever didn't have a backlog.
I built my first gaming PC when I was like 19 to emulate games mainly so in my opinion that's all the justification you need. Especially if there's at least one shooter or MMO you like to play. That's thousands of hours of gaming right there, for free or close to it.
Modding is also a great time sink if you're interested in making games you like more fun or better looking. As is making videos/webms or screenshots.
I'll keep playing the same games I'm playing on this one in 1440p now. I don't see how it'd really offer me a benefit. Okay, 4k would mean a bigger screen is feasible, I guess?
Anyways, just started soma, because the shadow of mordor dlc kinda sucks after a while.
4k isn't even enough for 27".
Only if you have your eyes glued to the screen.
You must not know what aliasing is.
You must not know what aliasing means. It's not related to monitor size.
Monitor size is related to pixel density. Required pixel density for a non-pixelated picture decreases with viewing distance. At a healthy distance - about one meter - 1440p 27" is perfectly fine.
I mean, I got my computer for a combination of work, vidya and general use. Has been totally worth it for when I want to do smaller tasks or when I feel like modding the shit out of something or playing modern games and not worrying.
>It's not related to monitor size.
It's related to render resolution and the smaller your screen is the lower the amount of aliasing you're going to see.
>and the smaller your screen is the lower the amount of aliasing you're going to see.
The only reason you may see less aliasing is because you see less everything.
The actual amount of aliasing remains exactly the same.
And you still get aliasing at 4k, and can see it on a 27".
>left with a $1000 Sup Forums machine
Quake Champions, Escape from Tarkov
But that's the issue with the game and its anti-aliasing, not the monitor and its pixel density.
With proper AA, you won't get noticeable aliasing.
Not at max settings you can't. For that price you're still stuck at 1080p60fps at max settings or 1440p60fps at medium settings (at best).
Fun Fact, on arma 3 multiplayer servers you are limited to the FPS of the server which is usually 40-50
dorf fortress
Sims 2
Space Engineers
idk that's all I play
AA can't remove all of the aliasing in games even at 4k.
It can reduce it to "no one gives a shit" levels, because you've reached the quality of the textures.
Low standards pleb.
You can get a 980 for like $180-220 these days and it's perfectly capable of maxing 1080p 60FPS
Dota 2, the ultimate game
what else would you be playing on PC?
Dark Souls 1 is better and actually has people playing.
>reduce issue to "not noticeable"
>low standards
It is noticeable or we wouldn't be talking about it.
But I've enjoyed my PC for gaming for about 8 years now
No regret :^)
No, you claim it's noticeable. There's a difference.
>overpriced dominator RAM
>Corelet CPU with no upgrade path
>expensive, extremely dated case
Looked up the video just to see how shit the rest is
>Shit AIO
>two slow as fuck 3tb 5400rpm HDDs
>massively overkill 1200w psu
>founders edition GPUs
Wow, what a fucking horrendous build. 0/10, enormous waste of money.
Actually I have a great time finally playing all those super eyebloom HDR STALKER mods when my GPU isn't having driver issues with W10 for the DX12 useage
NVME SSDs are not worth it unless you are a video editor or something
But still, when you're going for a $3500 build, may as well throw in the $500 1TB NVMe. At least no cables to manage.
>build my PC with games I wanted to play in mind
>played those games
>play newer games as well
I don't know, next time maybe try not buying something you don't know what you want to use it for.
old school runescape, minecraft, choose ur moba, world of warcraft, team fortress 2/overwatch
that's about all anyone would play on pc with any build.
Artificial Academy 2 at 4K
after im done with that i go replay FONV for the 1390107344079th time
greetings reddit
Blood is a great game though