how do we fix the video game industry?
How do we fix the video game industry?
>western games with ONLY hetero white male MC, no female MC and no minorities NPCs,no gays and politics.
>only japanese games are allowed to do games with the restrictions explained above, but still no blacks or minorities.
>anthropomorphic characters (like crash or spyro, no furshit) are allowed both on western and jap games, both female and male.
>more qt girls
>more qt boys but "just for fun haha" type like crossdressing link in BotW
>remove gaming recensions with personal opinions and votes, only game descriptions of bug and problems are allowed. Only males are allowed to do those.
game industry saved.
You're gay in denial.
Devs should stop trying to be pioneers and just make good games, especially when it comes "amazing graphics". I'd rather have an ok looking game with good content over shit like battlefront.
Expansions should be standalone and dlc should be free.
Have some self control, stop buying bullshit, and convince your friends to do the same.
from the tumbnail it looked like they gave zelda some big ass titties hanging out
>how do we fix the video game industry?
Quit pre-ordering and paying for early access. Demand demos
Invent a time machine and convince Bill Gates it's not worth the time and money entering the console wars
There's nothing to fix. Every month since the 1970's we've been seeing solid games come out.
>Le MS is to blame for everything meme
Did you know that the earliest micro transactions can be dated back to arcade games?
Games like Double Dragon 3 which for more quarters gave you more power, health, even extra characters.
And how do we save? We don't, you autists have 0 power in the industry, you ride out what's happening is all you can do.
Been lots of great games coming out too, stop focusing on the negatives so much, BOTW is a garbage game anyway.
except arcade games are not a comparable example because you dont have to put a quarter in your super nintendo every time you want to play super mario world
way to say so much without saying anything at all ya dingus
ITT: poorfags complaining about being poor
stay mad lewzerz!!1!xD
ebin just ebin
Only another crash can save gaming.
Wh*te """""people""""" are literally the minority in gaming now. Fuck off cumskin.
By removing the people who started the trends killing gaming
Crash and burn it with no survivors.
Every time I see this thumbnail it looks like Zelda has massive cleavage.
But no it's always her fucking hands.
Fuck you.
I beated him the fuck up. aint no one touchin my crash bandercoot. damn nigga thought he gon play me the fuck.
shit he never though he saw coming.
then him mom call me and my father. bitch made a second mistake. called my bro(soldier) and beated the fuck off him again fuck his mom called the police and got my bro(soldier) locked.
shits fucked man but i played my bandercoot like the brave fellar i was thats right.
It's dead bro and it can't be helped. Just let it rot into nothingness like a zombie with no food. Enjoy what you can and pick something else to waste your life on. I suggest MTG.