How come most RPGs don't have whorehouses? What if the MC has to bust a nut? Did they ever think of that?

How come most RPGs don't have whorehouses? What if the MC has to bust a nut? Did they ever think of that?
I think it's ridiculous.

>Tfw i can name probably more RPGs with whore houses than without

Because video games are inherently for children and whorehouses are basically asking for drama and bad press.


Strange Journey has a level that is a whore house then it turns into a torture dungeon

>MC receives an STD

>has a permanent debuff for the rest of the game

STDs arent permanent and will clear on their own in a few days

I can tell you're a virgin

because writers on videogames usually model themselves off TV writing, where all mentions of sex is almost totally banned

yeah, those herpes will clear right up in about a week

just keep telling yourself that faggot

So what game is your pic from?

>STDs arent permanent and will clear on their own in a few days
Ha. No. Not that many are permanent but they are also the most common behind Warts, and genital warts.

I would prefer to rape a random passerby but most games don't have rape mechanics either.

isn't herpes very common like a simple coldsore is a type of herpes?

or are there different stages and types?

Raping is wrong, user.

Fallout has rape scenarios but not a "press f to rape" button. You would have to look into mods for that.

Gothic 2, Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment, Witcher series, Fallout 2.

murder people is even worse.
I want to be a merciful hero who rapes female criminals instead of killing them...

I can't run the latest fallout, I do my rapings in Skyrim though.

There is nothing wrong with rape as long as it's consensual.

mouth herpes is common
genital on the other hand, you are fucked for life

mouth one is pretty common I imagine and really manageable
genital one must be terrible but I've never known anyone with it


So having mouth one isn't so bad?

Though if a person has genital herpes they're fucked? Don't a lot of people have it?

And also, dumb question but obviously if one has mouth herpes, they can't transfer that to genitals? Like If I get a blowjob from someone with mouth herpes, that won't give me genital herpes will it?

Modded Skyrim will make your every sexual fantasy a reality.

There are two types of herpes, HSV-1 and HSV-2. One is usually associated with cold sores, the other with genital herpes. Contracting one type of the virus makes your body immune to contracting the same type again, after your body develops antibodies. So your cold sores won't transfer if you go down on someone who already gets cold sores. But if you have cold sores and you're getting frisky with someone who doesn't get cold sores, then they could potentially end up with herpes on their on their loins AND their lips, since it takes a while to develop antibodies. And of course having cold sores doesn't protect you from getting the other type of herpies, on your lips or your genitals.

t. adult virgin who had to Google this shit because American sex ed sucks

it's not the same virus so one can't transfer to the other
the mouth herpes is apparently easy to handle as you just need to dry out the sore for it to go away and apparently lysine helps remedy/prevent breakouts

>whorehouses are basically asking for drama and bad press.

Oh right I have to just will away the HIV.

Almost all STD's are permanent and you have to live with them, you just don't notice the symptoms.

Both types can be contracted at either site. It's just that well over half the human population has HSV-1 from getting kissed by parents/relatives as a baby, and you tend to kiss someone well before you go down on them, so most people are immune to contracting HSV-1 on their genitals.

>not knowing about the house of earthly delights

Women are empowered and can do anything, and you shouldn't sex shame them even if they're prostitutes
But if you depict prostitutes in your game you're a misogynist pandering to male power fantasies
You might think these people don't hold any power, but you're wrong. Sup Forums lost the culture war when luggage lad aka "cuck a duck" banned you know who from Sup Forums
Most devs would rather avoid the backlash that would happen when Kotaku, Polygon and Rock Paper Feminism write their hit pieces about their game. It's not worth it to kick the hornets nest for such a trivial thing


The short answer is that there's Type 1 Herpes and Type 2 Herpes. Type 1 Herpes is less severe and what we generally think of as cold sores, or oral herpes. Type 2 Herpes is more severe and is what we generally think of as genital herpes. Despite these common conceptions, however, you can get Type 1 on your junk and Type 2 on your face.

Once you get it, you have it forever, but it's usually invisible outside of occasional outbreaks. I've heard there's a new medicine that'll cause all the dormant herpes to flare up at once, giving you the mother of all outbreaks but allowing your immune system to wipe it out completely, but I don't know if that's true.

All the rpg's I have played have. Oh wait, they were made in late 90s and early 2000s.

>Though if a person has genital herpes they're fucked? Don't a lot of people have it?

A lot of people do. It doesn't really fuck up your life as bad as people think - up until the 80s or so, IIRC, it was just considered cold sores in an unusual place. It's not going to cripple your or anything.

That said, it's unpleasant when it flares up, so it's a real dick move (no pun intended) to spread it around.

>You would have to look into mods for that.
And you probably wouldn't have to look far. It's been my observation that rapey mods are more common than mods where people just fuck. The Amorous Adventures mod for Skyrim stands out precisely because it's not full of rape.

>I want to be a merciful hero who rapes female criminals instead of killing them...
I don't judge people for their fantasies, but "rapist" and "hero" are mutually exclusive.

I feel like if I have herpes I could never have sex with someone unless they have it too, I'd feel guilty or something otherwise.

That, and I'm afraid to have sex incase I catch it, there's no protection against it right?

Because in all honesty resources would be better spent elsewhere like preventing the game from being more bugged than a Bethesda launch

Lies. I have yet to see a gentle femdom mod.

Most do, though, or at least feature prostitution/stripping in one form or another. you actually not know about condoms? Because that's what condoms are for.

i suppose i would take that chance if I could be rid of it for good
i dont go outside so nobody would see

>How come most RPGs don't have whorehouses?
Because most writers and developers of RPGs have no experience in paying for sex as they have no need too, they are drowning in puss

I know a way you can clear up at least one STD that's bothering all of us.


Condoms don't protect from herpes.

people are accustomed to ruthless heroes who kill and maim their foes, but I offer them an alternative.
A merciful hero who don't believe in such barbaric punishments, but instead choose to gently rape the evil out of them and grant them another chance.

>merciful but rapes people
>gently rape

How old are you, honestly?
And have you ever communicated with a female before?

I just want to fall in love with a pushy man and go on sexy high fantasy adventures

>jew with an ass like that

I don't know what movies you've been watching or games you've been playing, but there have always been plenty of heroes who weren't ruthless and only killed reluctantly if at all.

I suspect he's probably just trolling.

>implying murdering is worse than rape

Murder can be done for a good cause, like killing evil people. There is no scenario where rape is a good thing.

If the woman deserves it.

They exist.

One of my friends dated a girl who looked like she could balance the white house checkbook on her nose, but dear god, that body was just insane.

>How come most RPGs don't have whorehouses?
Lots of RPGs have them.

This is pretty evident with Fallout: New Vegas desu. Gomorrah was pretty tame and throughout the entire Mojave there was only one other whorehouse with 3 prostitutes. It was kinda weird how this game had slavery, cannibalism, torture and actual rape in several storylines, yet very little sex.

>tfw raping and enslaving thalmor bitches

neverwinter nights had a whore house

Which level was that again?


In what way would a woman ever deserve to be raped? How would her getting raped do any good to anyone (other then the person getting off maybe)?

If you were a criminal, and you were found out by the hero, would you choose a death sentence or a rape sentence?

most games don't let you spare your enemies, sometimes, I wish I could teach the female criminals a lesson but all the buttons just kill in gruesome ways.

>tfw you could own a whorehouse in the original fable and even refuse to free the girl

>chance to be raped or killed by a Sup Forumsirgin
death, please

It's fine if that's your fantasy but how would raping her solve anything?

Where you couldn't actually fuck a whore.

Why are you replying to obvious bait?

Raping is, at best, a neutral act on the good/evil scale.

If it's a man raping a woman, then at least 50% of the parties enjoy it, which makes it neutral. If it's a gang-rape, then 50%+ of the parties enjoy it, which makes it mostly good.

You could argue that the "victim's" family would get upset she was raped, however the rapist's family would certainly be happy one of theirs got laid, which nullifies the previous statement.

Whether a woman deserves to be raped or not isn't truly of the essence.

This is an interesting statement, given, for decades, it's been maintained that the earliest forms of Human courtship were most likely rapes. You see this in the animal Kingdom in some species, and it's thought the primitive Humans, and likely the earliest Humans on record simply took the females they wanted, and, if they were strong enough, no one could stop them. This would happen within a tribe or clan, but also as tribes, clans or small groups fought with each other over meager resources, things one group could make but the other could not and over other things.

Just the same, it was thought the alpha in a group would give out women they were done with, or didn't want, to his male supporters. While weaker males would sneak in their seed by seducing a female, or raping her while she was defecating or bathing or otherwise isolated.

In all these examples the females really didn't have a say. No choice. It was all technically one brand of rape or another, but they wouldn't have viewed it as that, and societies at large wouldn't either because without this basis of males working together, and trading in females, many aspects of early society simply would not have worked. A female was a worthwhile thing to have around, for your own future, to make your supporters happy, to trade to other groups for goods you wanted and many other uses.

Women were most likely amongst the first traded and consumed commodities on the planet in Human society.

The older the person is, the harder it is for them to catch it.

If the woman was a really bad person. Also, Vikings. They would rape women because it was their reward for a successful pillage.

Even ff7 had a whorehouse son what are you talking about.

Well, they did the fade to black thing. You could purchase one, spend the night, and fade to black. That was about it.

I think Gothic II had a cutscene for its whore house, but just one.

Ehhh... More like the older someone is, the less likely they will show symptoms of the herpes that they already have. Something like 80+% of the population has it.

>then at least 50% of the parties enjoy it
>making it a neutral act on the good/evil scale
this is an excellent lawful evil post, actually

Best you can do is be responsible and exchange notes early, so you can be prepared when the time comes. You can choose where you want your herpes as long as you know about it in advance. If it was me, I'd rather deal with it on my junk than on my face. You don't want to be going around giving a gift to everyone you kiss.

there's a chance she would repent for her sins and change her lifestyle for good, what kind of monster would deny that chance to a cutie criminal?

fable (tlc version) had a whorehouse that you could swindle ownership of and fug all the whores for free

And then you could fuck them all for free.

Wouldn't that be neutral evil?

Lawful evil would follow the law of the land. If the law said women had no rights, they'd act accordingly, if the law said raping women was wrong, they wouldn't. The lawful evil character doesn't break the law, but instead does terrible things within the confines of the law, so that you cannot legally strike back against them.

At least that was always my understanding of it.

Oh my god this fucking SJW thread.

Jesus fucking christ.

Yes, yes. come into the thread about whorehouses and SPREAD THE GOOD WORD OF SOCIAL RIGHTEOUSNESS TO THE IGNORANT.

Fuck. You.

theres a cute girl at work how do i make her my gf


What's wrong with raping imaginary women?

They don't have rights.

>what are bacterial infections
We have had antibiotics for 100 years now where the fuck have you been. Its the viruses that stay

HPV says hello

Something on your mind, Ano? Or did you come here to make a big mess on the floor without actually contributing to the thread?

>This is an interesting statement, given, for decades, it's been maintained that the earliest forms of Human courtship were most likely rapes
Maintained by brainless idiots and people attempting to project their fetishes onto history (which happens all the fucking time)

Why even have a good/evil dichotomy if your explanation of it is so stupid? What makes an act evil then in your view?

>Also, Vikings.
I think most cultures that had raiders raped as the looted and pillaged. But again, how is that beneficial to anyone. Imprisoning or executing a criminal prevents them from committing further crime. Possibly even rehabilitate them. What exactly does rape achieve other then the satisfaction of the rapist and the physical and psychological damage to the victim?

But why tho? How would her getting raped make her repent? If real life is anything to go by it would only worsen things.

It's worse than murdering a real life woman apparently. The way I see it: Nobody gets hurt, is okay!
>arthur's note: she's a 1,000 year old demon!
>arthur's note: she secretly enjoys it :,)

Don't use Belle! It's a sheep.

Yeah sorry, I forgot this is a good liberal board and talking bad about the (obviously superior) female sex is punishable by reporting and a ban!

Take that, GG. That will teach you to joke about rape >:)

>What exactly does rape achieve other then the satisfaction of the rapist and the physical and psychological damage to the victim?
Soft serve justice. You can't rely on the law every time. Rape as a punishment is no different than locking someone up or taking away their rights. See the pic: these men. Forever bitches. They will never rob again. Or perhaps they will be made into rapists. Then they will be caught and RAPED themSELVES!

Oh yes.

it's not so bad. I have it and it's basically just like having goosebumps on my balls and around the base of the dick, the worst it ever gets is no more than an uncomfortable rash.
t. virgin who was born with herpes

compliment her on something

Holy shit. Don't try to correct someone when you don't know the facts, asshole. Someone is less likely to catch it, the older they are.

What you're sperging about is "Carrier" which is a different matter, Dunning Kruger.

Ano, repeat after me: It's okay for people to have differing viewpoints. If it really bothers me that much, I will debate with them. I will not walk into threads and pee on floor like baby.

Got it? Good. You can stay shut up now :D

Lawful evil is not necessarily following the law of the land--it's following any specific set of codes/rules/morals at the cost of any gain that could be immediately achieved by breaking them. The law, in this context, is the table of morality rather than the law of the land.

For example, a lawful good character could technically just be following the law of a religion very strictly. If that law says "kill heretics", then a lawful action in that situation would be to killing heretics, even if they were the character's friends and that deliberately goes against the law of the land.