Hey Sup Forums, just finished Nioh and have been getting the MMO itch for a while. Looking at pic related, but down for any discussion about any of them, and especially looking for recommendations.

-Maybe not WoW. I'm not sure how good it is now, but I haven't played in over half a decade.

-No FFXIV. Tried it, installer wouldn't work, tried troubleshooting it for 3 hours and Square Enix Support just said "lol we could have helped if you didn't redeem the code."

-No TOR. I actually gave it a shot and it sucks real bad. I have no problem subscribing monthly as long as it has a purpose, not just "here are the inventory slots we held back from you." Combat felt really dry too, similar to WoW, but way more boring.

Anywho, MMO thread.

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I'm in the same boat as you user. We're fucked.
I just started downloading Aura Kingdom because it looks similar to Fiesta!


Just fucking play wow and then when you get bored uninstall it and wait a decade for MMOs to not be shit.

Unless it's changed majorly I can't really recommend Guild Wars 2, it's got such a lackluster combat system and boring world.

all mmos these days are the same, just pick the flavour you like and roll with it.

It actually got worse, it's been getting worse consistently, and will continue to do so.

Yeah, I dropped it a long time ago, I knew it wasn't going to get any better. Still annoyed that this was the sequel to GW1 and the game that killed GW1.

I play gw2 on and off since launch, ask me anything about the game

SWGEMU, any of the "popular" MUDs like Aardwolf. None of the new stuff is any good