Lets have an actual XIV thread. What are you looking forward to in stormblood?

Lets have an actual XIV thread. What are you looking forward to in stormblood?

Red Mage
Unsubbing after 2 months.

Dropped PS3 support

red mage and samurai

>inb4 some autisticaly depressed user who hates his life comes tell me about how sam is just mnk and rdm is just blm

i hope they fix the physics so that your feet don't clip through literally every buttcape and robe in the game

monk being wanted again

Nothing. Two DPS, dumbed down rotations/permaEnochian, and little substantial information about fucking anything killed any hype I may have had

Looking forward to rushing all my crafters to 70 and jewing the fuck out of the markets

f. Lalafell player

more erp with cute catgirls

What is the best way of buying this game?
Buying it now and Stormblood or waiting for a complete package to be sold then?

Relics for glamour.

Speaking of which. Post your favorite relic steps for classes you play. 2.x, 3.x, doesn't matter.

PLD - Almace + Holy Shield Novus
WAR - Ragnarok Zeta
DRG - Gaebolg Animus
BRD - Yoichi Zeta
MCH - Armageddon
AST - Atlas

You forgot
>m-muh no s-sam parties

>i hope they fix

New abilities will be cool. I was so sure that it would be really hard to get good new skills for HW, they were for the most part really good and made playing the classes more fun.
I'll check out rdm, but finishing as a sch.

Buying now so you can level before stormblood

For the game to finally die, so that the industry is forced to hit the reset set switch on MMOs entirely

I'm looking forward to spending all the gil I made in preparation for Stormblood

I hated sch's new skills. They're either boring, too niche, or useless (lul dissipation)

How would you make minions more useful? Right now they don't even worth to spend your time to press summon button.
I think that each(except for mogshop and event ones) minion should have unique small passive ability like +30% exp from lvl 30 to 50 or +20 GP or +10% running speed.
Also i think that minions should be summonable when you are mounted and/or summoned your chocobo

>little substantial information about fucking anything
Then how do you know everything is dumbed down rotations? Or are you just a shitposter?

I think they should be nameable.

I want to name my Wind-up Brickman "Brownbrick"

>How would you make minions more useful?
I wouldn't their cosmetic stuff for people who like that, no need to be anything more

>heavensward was the worst portion of this games life
>who's hyped for the next expansion!?

Emergency tactics, the new aetherflow aoe were really good tho. Dissipation was useless indeed

>forced to hit the reset set switch
You want WoW to die off then, FF14 is a symptom not the cause

>Relics for glamour.
>tfw sch so it's just going to be another fucking book


ET is useless as well. if not incredibility niche in actual use.

I won't hide that I'm speculating as to what "same number of abilities" and "enochian will be permanent because it's too hard" means exactly. Since they haven't confirmed otherwise I'm just not very excited at all

Deployment Tactics and Indomitability are both real fun and useful, Broil is nice but unoriginal and probably will become a trait or something in SB. Hopefully dissipation will get a rework, it's an incredibly disappointing final ability.

im really looking forward to actually having a cat wife this expansion

But this time the glow will be a different color, aren't you excited

Only the Fire/Blizz IV part of Enochian is stated to become permanent, the damage bonus will still need to be maintained through some means.

Succor and ET are basically made for each other.
Without it any situation where you have to cast two succors back to back to heal people up would be a fair reason for suicide.
Hell you can do meme shit like putting an adlo on Eos ahead of time then DT'ing it after the damage and restoring their hp back to full with an ET'd succor+indom.

Ur thinking of deployment tactics which is just a good but boring ability imo. Emergency tactics is overkill and situational when you just got an indom which is such a retarded ability for scholar, basically takes away the one drawback of being a proactive healer with constant free auto-healing and never having to leave cleric's

Considering Blizz IV would need a rework due to perm Enochain. You can beat your sweet ass us BLMs will still have to juggle some buff + Astaral Fire.
How I see it, if they really wanted to simplify BLM they would have just made Fire IV refresh Astaral Fire. They're just increasing the skill flooring and not decreasing the skill ceiling as we'll probably still have to do the same amount of things.

Glad to see that grey percentiles have no idea what they are talking about.

>Deployment and Indomitability are both 2 of the most broken abilities in the game
>Emergency Tactics fixes Scholar's lack of strong raw healing skills
>Broil is more than twice as powerful as shitty Ruin
>Dissipation is situational but can be great to recover fuckups

Hopefully SAM and/or RDM will be fun enough for me to drop tanking for the rest of Stormblood. If that fails, I will just main NIN or maybe DRG. I'm just sick of tanking in general.
I'm also hoping to see Tsubame again in NIN quests, complete himecuts for all races, sneks to be an interesting beast tribe, neat weapons to fill my retainers' inventories with more glamour shit, Phantom Village and other FFV references in Interdimensional Rift, and as little scion shit as possible.

Its still borderline useless as anything that needs Two Succors + Indom is very far in-between. Even than you'll have an Astro/WHM doing the bulk of AoE raw healing and/or Eos. Plus if no one needs to be topped off, you can just let regens top everyone off. The only reason I've found to use ET ever is A11S with proton when everyone has shields and need to be healed up and you can pre-cast it.
Thats why I said its incredibility niche

>tfw only book this xpac that didn't look like a glowing mess was the ravana one
>it doesn't fit with any outfit
They should really just give us some sort of staff main hand and book off hand option like how whm get a shield option

If snakes don't work out, I'm sure turtlebros will pick up the slack.

jack fucking shit
might play samurai but i know ill be so incredibly disappointed with it, and all the terrible fucking decisions the dev team have made, ontop of all the cancerous little fucking retarded playerbase that praises those decisions

DT, Broil, and Indom are good but boring as shit. I'm so glad they're nerfing the shit out of schs so schs who can't even read properly stop playing

>and as little scion shit as possible
Really like getting your hopes smashed, don't you user?

I played PLD for all of ARR and when Heavesnward came out I switched to DRK for about a year. Then I got sick of having so much responsibility and having to pay attention so I switched to NIN and BLM. So hyped for RDM and SAM.

>most powerful healing and mitigation skills on a healer that mitigates are "boring"
>strongest single target spell is "boring"

Define "not boring abilities" then so I can laugh.


DRK getting a complete rework.

Play for free with the free trial, until level 35.
Buy the base game on sale, should be around 5 bucks, and it includes a month of playtime. Play until level 50.
Buy Heavensward and play until level 60.
Wait for Stormblood.

Playing my OG red mage.
Even though it's obviously gonna be a DPS-priority class, I want to see if if they'll give them some useful support spells to the mix to live up to the diverse play style that rdm has always been.

Glamour them onto your chocobo companion. Do the same for retainers.

The recent Famitsu preview with Yoshi alludes to the GCD being based around 2 seconds instead of 2.5 as a base, and skill speed will have stronger weight after the TP adjustments. I just wish they wouldn't wait until a month before the expansion to talk about any of the Job changes, especially when it's a core part of the game.

>Also i think that minions should be summonable when you are mounted and/or summoned your chocobo

PS3 limitations.

Link that interview translation because I seriously doubt it said that.

>What are you looking forward to in stormblood?
Guy whos name starts with a M and ends in a Y killing himself and ridding Ultros of his life forever.

More queued puddle dodging and new empty scenery to act as its lobby


>tfw Azure Xanh will never kill himself

Have they said anything about a benchmark?

Spoonfeed yourself, EOP shitter.

>tfw no matter what they do, RDM will never live up to its previous iterations in any way
it's like I know I'm going to be disappointed but I can't wait to see how disappointed I'll be

No, you really need to prove this shit. The fact that you are being so dismissive towards him is making me start to doubt your claim as well.

>tfw wanted to play a roguish looking cat man
>get lumped in with degenerate furries


There's been no interviews recently and they obviously want to keep the combat changes secret until next month, so I'm pretty sure you're just full of shit.

>people pretending Red Mage hasn't been shit in every iteration outside of the original FF

Don't be disappointed, it's the future you chose

Trying to pick up MNK for the inevitable DRG/MNK switch in them eta for Stormblood, what dps should a BiS MNK do on the A12S dummy?

>roguish looking

You look like a generic special snowflake faggot with your shit tier white hair and no fashion sense. Get rid of those disgusting lore tome shoes.

Turtlebros look like cool guys too.

I'm sure that at least 4.0 MSQs will be focused on adventures with Yugiri, Gosetsu and probably one or two other guys from the artwork. This format worked really well in HW.

I'm also sick of noticing how bad other people are playing, especially healers. I tried to be a healer to take a break from tanking but watching bad tanks was even worse. At least as a DPS I can just focus on my performance and occasionally watch other players fuck up and bitch at each other from a safe distance.
I also hope that the UI changes makes combat more comfortable, or at least with a little less focus on looking at my timers and cooldowns. Some fights have pretty cool animations.

>playing on balmung

I'm pretty sure he typed Red Mage, not Knight or Paladin

just hit 60 got no time for that fashion shit
what the fuck is that?

Exactly dps is no pressure. Hell as long as you spend ~50% of the fight alive you are doing something right! Feels good.

>join a PF
>say hi
>(some dude from balmung) hiiiii


So I'm just getting ready for Stormblood now since I hadn't played in a good two years.

>nobody has figured out the big reveal coming

user, we're moving into 4.0

They're adding a fourth bar to the meter

Save yourselves the trouble, when making a PF, specify: No Balmung, Faerie and Adamantoise.

Void spells for blm
Maybe they use hp to cast instead, considering how much they emphasized how black magic can kill the caster in the 50-60 quests.
The level 70 spells does as much damage to you as it does the boss maybe.


Because there were no dps-specific mechanics in Creator, and the dps checks were so non existent.

Honestly, if after the first few times you downed a fight in Creator and didn't get 90%+ percentile as a DPS then what the fuck were you doing?

You can easily clear the first half of ff3 with a group of red mages since they were OP as fuck

Do what now?

DPS is as much pressure as you want it to be
Either you're fine with slinking by and clearing the fight, or you want to be #1 in damage, at which point it's a competition

If BLM doesn't get Comet I am going to be slightly to moderately upset.

Knight/Pally being shit doesnt make the majority of RM incarnations any less shit. I mean I'm gonna try it when it drops but my expectations for it are rock bottom.


>bought game in a sale
>can't install it in my PS4
>delete everything

I wanted to try something other than WoW but oh well.

It's especially tough on Monks, who offer so little to the party and have the highest potential single target dps that if you're not topping the parse of every run then you might as well have picked a NIN or DRG, cause' at least then you could help the party.

More fishing

Well obviously XIV Red Mage isn't going to be shit for the reason Red Mage usually is shit (being a shitty WHM and BLM who scales like shit).




Does anyone else want them to remove the damage on CC/interrupt abilities so we can stop weaving all of that shit so much? Do that and compensate with a small damage buff to main skills.

I'm not saying get rid of all oGCD weaving, just some of it where you lose your utility for more damage.

>Duty has ended
>go afk for 30 minutes

>shit players will be less shit now

i dont see the problem here

>>can't install it in my PS4
>>delete everything

Isn't LB2 just that?

there's a new race coming right? the rabbits? I can't wait to just stand around with my highlander surrounded by the little bastards when everyone fantasias' to them.

No fuck you
The only thing that keeps combat in this game slightly more interesting than in WoW is the amount of off GCD shit you need to weave in

No new race

at what point are level 1 and 2 limit breaks worth pissing into the wind unless your doing the fucking copperbell mines?

Theres no new race being added.