What comes to mind when you see this image Sup Forums?
What comes to mind when you see this image Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Never ever
>ps4 exclusive
Something Sup Forums overhypes
At least I got mine for $50.
Good games. I hope Japan Studio works on the new Armored Core and keep it PS exclusive.
overrated games
Two best developers in the industry
Their next game which will probably be revealed at E3 is gonna blow dicks off
Metacritic Rampage
tokyo souls
Ape Escape 4
something Sup Forums never played more like. just a faggy excuse to vomit on the board like
i see a bunch of lazy bums that haven't made a mecha game in a while
and also sony too i guess
Ape Escape X Gravity Rush crossover
Armored Core 6 at E3, mark my words.
>tfw no Hoshino for nearly four years
It's been too long
a mine of salt just look at this
Reminder that SonyJapanStudios and Toyama liked some tweet showing Spike and Kat dressed as Toro
JAPANStudio always makes me think of one thing
Isn't the remaster coming out this year?
I used to think they made Jumping Flash
What if Gravity Souls?
Funny engrish.
>What comes to mind when you see this image Sup Forums?
A crying wojak
Demon's Souls
A homeless superhero molesting a red/yellow haired kid
Armored Core and Patapon.
Ape Souls when?
>A Souls game is called the best PS4
>In the same timeline where AE4 doesn't exist
I want to touch Kat's feet
12 y/o autismo bucks
I agree, JS did an amazing job with the Ape Escape trilogy, shame on Knack though
Rehash over rehash. If the Souls series was just Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne I would hold it in much higher regard.
But that combination only made 2 souls games
What will their next IP be? Hopefully something cyberpunk.
Or maybe a game about a bunch of kids capturing monkeys with gadgets while travelling through space and time.
Or Evergrace 2
Pure ludo
good games that will generate a lot shitposting for years to come.
15 fps
Please, tell me this is just another one of those silly ironic memes.
It's bait of course but if you have any serious suggestions to add then feel free
good games ruined by an awful fanbase
Life is worth living.
Good stuff
Miyazaki x toyama when
Demon's Souls
I wouldn't mind a PC Armored Core but I doubt Microsoft would be willing to pony up the money for AC