FUCK MY LIFE. I just have one questions: WHY?
FUCK MY LIFE. I just have one questions: WHY?
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Why not?
i only hope that mouse support doesn't suck
PCFats don't deserve it
kek kys
Dumb larper
I get to finally play my favorite Plat game at a framerate above 15, God bless sega.
Because they would like to expand and renew their fanbase for the game, increase profit, and potentially consider a second game with the increase.
>waaaaaaah now how am I going to justify my underpowered hardware mommy bought me?
>I just have one questions: WHY?
Mouse aim
60fps instead of 10-30
Fast loading times
What more reasons do you need?
Do I even need to spell it out to you basement-dwelling neckbearded manchildren that refuse to get with the times and are stuck in your troglodyte ways?
Okay, it's because of two fundamental reasons.
1) PC gamers are pirates. This statement speaks for itself. Vanquish is just too good a game for the grubby penny-pinching sister-pimping paws of these scum.
2) It will lose that luster and for lack of a better term that "console magic". Call me a fanboy or whatever you like but deep in your heart you know this to be true. Also, if this travesty were to actually go through... we'll be met with the cringiest memes made by bandwagoners that weren't even able to finish the game on the second hardest difficulty.
I could go on but these are the two most important reasons as to why Vanquish should NEVAR EVAR come to the PC consoles. What's next? Red Dead Redemption? Fuck... my whole day has been ruined. Thanks Platinum.
>wahhh now even more people can enjoy a video game
literally hang yourself
PC gamers just shitpost about their GRAPHIKS and don't accually care about the art of video games
So what did I miss from playing this?
Just imagine the butthurt if and when nintendo ports 101 to pc.
He's just baiting for replies because he saw on Reddit that Sup Forums is for le epic consolewar falseflag shitposting. Don't reply to this fag or this thread.
>don't accually care about the art of video games
>implying console fags do
>PC gamers just shitpost about how shit the game is when they are shit
I dont care about the graphics. I don't care if it's 720p. I just want 60fps. That's a gameplay thing just as much as it is GRAPHIKS.
If it means more Vanquish webms, I'm all for it.
Bayonetta made enough money for the company to want to bring more games to PC. Its that easy.
Why do they do this shit? I have absolutely no reason to support Sega or Sony anymore. If I buy a game for a PS3, it should stay on the PS3. From now on I think I'll just pirate their games from now on to show them the same gratitude they showed me.
>PC gamers are pirates
which is why Bayonetta on PC sold so poorly, Sega gave Vanquish PC port the ok(supposedly). Oh wait.
>console magic
you're just being a fucking moron.
>we'll be met with the cringiest memes made by bandwagoners that weren't even able to finish the game on the second hardest difficulty.
No. You'll just get a lot of shitters that couldn't get past 1-3 on God Hard
>porting more than ONE (1) game to PC
Vanquish will come, no sooner than 2018 though. Sega's gotta milk that console money first.
Is this a new pasta?
trigged pc sjws
so, tell me whats good about this game
you can go at hihg speeds
VC made enough money for Sega to want to bring more games to PC, only problem is they haven't. Their primary focus will forever be consoles. PC could have gotten Yakuza Zero or Future Tone, but Sega believes that those games are more important for consoles and won't port them until a few years have passed.
I mean, I don't blame them. It's only 2017, multiplatform engines is something straight out of science fiction novels.
actually i don't think so as long as they'll add mouse support
it will probably make this game way easier
Kys you blithering fucking faggot. You wanna know the REAL pasta you literal imbecile? Your brain that has been turned to mush after a steady diet of memes and processed sugar.
Yes I AM mad. Mad that every a man's passion towards his pursuits is considered to be a thing of fiction nowadays. Mad that I have to share this board with double-digit IQ zombies like this creature right here.
>only pc gamers are pirates
you do know that console games are pirateable right?
PS4 got hacked already? I've been waiting for that news to drop
oh this looks sweet, I wonder if they can pull of another great port like bayonetta
Why do you guys reply to obvious bait and pasta?
>god hard
Is it bad that I misread it as God Hand?
And is it bad that I thought of this God Hand first and not the Capcom one?
Did vanquish have any kind of online multiplayer? I'll just pirate it otherwise
Thes will have to add additional difficulties for mkb peasent.
what console money? Vanquish is a 7 year old game on a dead console generation, and there don't seem to be any plans to port to the current generation if Bayonetta is any indicator
>Is it bad that I misread it as God Hand?
Mikami directed both. So it's fine.
>Mikami will never make a Vanquish-like action game at Tango gameworks
>Mikami will never make a GodHand-like action game at Tango gameworks
How is the Bayo art book from the Steam release?
>all these retards replying seriously to this false flag
>Mfw I was actually hoping for a remaster of Vanquish for the PS4
>Or dare I say it... Vanquish II
See this instead. This is legitimately the worst timeline and if you fail to see anything wrong with this then you have indoctrinated.
you're a fucking idiot holy shit, and a peice of shit too
Can't wait for the game to do super well on PC
>release a port of a game several years old
>somehow surprising that this 360 game runs well on modern systems
Sega is a console focused company. By that I was referring to their more recent games, like Yakuza Zero, Future Tone, and Puyo Puyo Tetris. Sega could've instead given PC one (or all) of these games since it's 2017, but they continue to throw out old ports.
>replying to obvious bait
Either you replied to yourself or you're new.
>mfw I have PS4 and PC
feels good man
What is this game and why is it worshipped so much?
no bully
I only ever played the demo for this game, but I remember playing it a bunch of times because it was surprisingly fun. How was the full game?
Genuine question. How old are you?
Why are you so terrified of someone voicing actual concerns that don't validate the opinions of millennial sheep such as yourself?
This game is strictly single player right? Id rather pirate it if that's the case
I wish Yakuza would come to PC as much as anyone, but that's a very Japan-focused game, and the PC market is practically non-existent in Japan
I own a ps3, ps4, wii, wiiu and my pc is a fucking toaster, but I really don't understand why someone would be upset that someone else gets to play a game you like almost a decade later. It's not like Stalker 2 being announced as a dumbed down console shooter, or the next gen Mario as a multiplayer heavy steam title with a bunch of hats.
It's a fun game, enjoy it
>release a port of a game several years old
>somehow surprising that this 360 game runs well on modern systems
Shit can go horribly wrong. Just ask ZoE
Why do you try so hard to fit in? It's a little embarrassing how desperate you are to shitpost and fit in. I hope I get called a shill or SJW next.
it seems like "fat" is the go-to insult with this particular little shitstorm
Do you even understand the fact that you're a shit gobbling loser that can't think for himself? I'm not even going to make fun of you and destroy the minuscule amount of self-esteem that you've managed to hold onto in order to avoid the noose.
I'd be like laughing at a babby for falling down while playing. Or a dog for squirming in its own feces.
>Dont deserve it
Its all business, game is old so why not port it and get more money. Nobody deserves anything.
Console-only players are a bunch of Stockholm syndrome fags.
Games being released on PC is good, everybody gets to enjoy them, and they are preserved forever.
Anybody could play this at any point in time as long as they have a PC instead of having to buy an ancient console and looking for the specific game, that may no longer even exist at the time.
>Muh hugbox
Don't jump in the furnace if you can't handle the heat redditor.
>mfw i pirated it on ps3
you are like a child.
> Sega is a console focused company
They own quite a few PC-focused companies like Creative Assembly though.
>Gets utterly BTFO
Like clockwork.
I'm just asking why you're trying so hard to fit in on Sup Forums when it's an anonymous website. It's pretty desperate. Try being original or at least subtle.
>All the mad consolecucks in this thread
were you aware that Sega publishes several PC-exclusive franchises?
they saw that they could make more money without doing a ton of work
so they're doing it. what's hard to understand? Who honestly gives a shit about Ps3 exclusives in
>current year
Found the false-flagging PC lard-ass.
I guarantee you that not a SINGLE PS3 on this board has pirated a game as good as Vanquish.
Hey man, take this upvote. You finally fit in on Sup Forums, fellow Redditor. I XDed at all your shitposts. Very epic. You are now officially a member of club Sup Forums. You worked hard for this imitating other shitposters.
It was on the 360 tho
>Faggot is too confused to come up with a proper response
I remember having fun with vanquish on ps triple.
I wouldn't mind playing it again.
Well, whatever makes you feel better I guess. Good job using unoriginal shitposting tactics to get replies? Your medal will be in the mail. You're now officially with the big boys here on Sup Forums.
>shitposting this hard
>against someone who knows you're just bullshitting him
That didn't prevent them from bring it over to the PS4 for the west now, did it? NONE of Sega's ports are available for sale in Japan, so whether the platform is relevant in Japan or not is completely moot.
Ah yes, western rehashes of strategy games. Truly the pinnacle of game design, games of such an exceptional caliber, console games BEG for them daily.
Oh shit really? Fuck, why even care then
>game only on micro$oft and Son y consoles
>"hehe those fucking pcfags will never get it! never ever!"
>framerate drops from 26 to 19
>can't aim
>slide off a cliff
>"this game that I like is for consoles only and that's how I want it to be!"
>"I don't even care if the developers could port it to PC and make even more money to facilitate a sequel!"
>"I'd rather have nothing than give those fucking pcbros anything!"
Actually I think I just rationalized that mindset.
Amen to that brotha.
put the goalposts down and nobody gets hurt
>He thinks Vanquish will sell with the PC twitch streamer crowd that are absolute shitters and quitters
Oh my sweet summer child.
Bayonetta apparently did well enough for Vanquish to get greenlit
Have the (you) that you so desperately crave.
>consider a second game with the increase.
I can imagine it now.
>Vanquish is ported
>game sells well
>Sega comments that this revived interest in the game
>Sega announces a sequel to it
>only for the PS4, Xbone, and Switch
>no PC version in sight
i'm more worried that mouse support might make this game too easy
Agreed. This is like Dragon's Dogma all over again. We gave it to them thinking it'll be successful enough to warrant a proper sequel.
Why are we now?
sweet thanks man
Hmm... this would actually turn the whole thing around if it became reality. Damn you user now you've made me feel indecisive...
On one side I don't want PC fatasses to get it... but on the other I want no I NEED Vanquish 2.
>Bayonetta 3 announced
>Vanquish 2 announced
>all Switch exclusive
to be fair I bought Dragons Dogma on Ps3, then Dark Arisen on Ps3, then Dark Arisen on steam
I gotta say that game looks fucking beautiful beyond the ps3's capability to render. I gave Capcom my money in every way I could while supporting the Dragons Dogma IP and what did they do?
They made a shitty Korean MMO and never ported it over here. That's bad business practice, not nefarious PC fags.
>"console magic".
its called bad frame rate and analog aiming
Not so friendly reminder that THIS is the sort of scum that will get to play Vanquish if it gets ported
Thanks consolefriend. Soon I'll have all your nice exclusives I couldn't be bothered to pick up, for like 5 bucks.
post Kot
You can go back to MAL/Reddit/Neogaf or whatever shithole you came from anytime, you know?
Bayonetta AND Vanquish on pc?
Sounds too good to be true
>being mad over pirating
>they should have to pay for every game at 60 dollars like us!
Nigga there were 360 and Ps3 .iso's on Piratebay that you could throw on a fucking empty disk and then play your console game for free.
Now why are you upset?
It's alright, you want to fight.
You've got a hunger.
I was just like you when I was younger.