Dead Space better than RE4?

Is Dead Space better than Resident Evil 4, Sup Forums?

Dead Space is the greatest horror game of all time.

Nope. STALKER: SOC is a better horror game and it isn't even a horror game.


Unironicly this.

Nah. It might be smoother to play, but it also repeats itself too much and lacks memorable moments (desu that regenerating bastard is the only really memorable thing in it). RE4 has so good pacing that it's hard to beat.

This. Dead Space is good, but it lacks that special something to make it great.

>really want the foam finger gun
>tfw too much of a pussy to play on hardest difficulty
>tfw too much of a pussy to even beat the game on normal

I got to the stalkers but they fucked me up bad. Wait, maybe I'm thinking of Dead Space 2. Whoops. The one that had versus multiplayer similar to L4D

I unironically think that DS1 would have been better if they had just completely removed most of those "return to sector x" chapters. Return to medical was fine, but the ones where you have to go back to engine etc. felt like filler.

No, I liked dead space but the aiming felt off, the over the shoulder view camera was far too close to the character, the game had boring and unimaginative (shoot the yellow stuff) boss fights although the re-generator was cool. Being on an abandoned space station almost the whole game started getting old too.

Yes, the great part of RE4 is the castle level, everything else is kinda average.
DS is masterful from start to finish.

No, but I enjoy them both.

I prefer dead space but re4 was probably the better game. if DS had more shit to do and was harder it would've been great

Better than RE 5
Too the sequel are fucked


I thought DS2 was even better than DS1. As for DS3 I actually ending up liking it despite buying into the Sup Forums hatetrain when it came out. Not that its no without flaws, because it most certenly has flaws, but those flaws are usually covered up by shit that didn't really matter much imo. I'd rate it higher than RE6 at any rate

Those labs still get to me, man

2 was great but you felt more "capable" overall, so it felt a bit safer.

3 threw tension/horror into the vacuum of space.

Nope. It's a bad RE4 knock off. It's better than RE6, but not 4 or 5. DS is incredibly overrated on Sup Forums

STALKER is very obviously supposed to be part horror.

dead space 2 dropped the ball after ishimura. I had so much ammo and health then that I rushed everywhere killing everything easily.

It has better gameplay

they both suck, resident evil 5 is much better

RE4 has better replayability and a fair bit of extra content besides the main story. The tension in Dead Space that first time through is nice though

This tbqh

Post more Dead Space comics


yes i saw the mark brown video also.

no, it is not

It doesn't matter. Neither were scary.

no, because it's boring

I think it's neck and neck for me, although the dead space lore and setting trumps that of resident evil easily.


RE4 has some amazing stuff that will never get old (the best item shop ever created, amazing cheesy dialogue, etc), but Dead Space is the superior game. The excellent gunplay, beautiful UI, and fantastic enemy variety really make the game stand out as something special.