How's your space empire going?
How's your space empire going?
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Pretty good desu
Why would anyone do that?
Started about 5 stars or so away from united nations earth, luckily we were both egalitarian and xenophile so I made a federation in about 10~15 years. felt good
How was I supposed to know?
There are too many moments in this game where you do nothing but wait for numbers to go up, I just get bored and restart. Sucks because I really like the game
What happens next?
I haven't finished the game even once in my 200 hours of playing, late game is just too boring for me.
it doeskin seem like enough after what happens since you only get 50 years
it goes well, but still could go either way. trying to take over as many smaller empires before i have to duke it out with the Kalaxenans
Stay strong UNE
Specialized planets or go tile by tile?
The shroud consumes all the planets you own and you get exiled to some random empty planet with barely anything. Oh, and it also spawns hostile, nasty beings on every consumed planet and your old homeworld gets to be the starting point of the strongest enemy being in the game. It will go and consume everything in the galaxy for the shroud unless someone is insanely strong and can actually kill it, but nobody usually is.
>Option says "Do not do this"
>Does it
>How was I supposed to know?
Deserved, Cycle Ended, next.
So how fucked am I?
You lads have any reccomended mods? Or should I just go in raw. I haven't played in awhile but I just bought leviathans DLC and was considering doing a re-play-through.
>>How was I supposed to know?
War with the UNE is over, cleared out their main fleet and it just small fleets now. Just a matter of time
so it turns out the AI can actually make the deal
does wiping them out stop it?
I bought utopia but havnt played it.
What difficulties are people playing at?
Glory to the ever expanding Reich.
Early game, tile by tile unless planet has super good bonuses.
Mid to late game start specializing.
>does wiping them out stop it?
No idea, but you should get on it asap.
The fall of the Eldar. The shroud is the warp. Developers hinted as much.
is there any setting which ensures you'll get a proper large empire that actually keeps up?
I have to resort to tagswitching and giving all AI empires 20 free techs in each category just to get them to keep up, even the second largest empire only had a science output of 100 each in 2300
problem is: they're literally on the other ass end of the galaxy
they're also right next to the materialist FE, dunno exactly how strong it is, never fought it before, but could they take it out themselves?
Mod for more interesting icons?
I don't know if it stops it but its power is for sure based off the population of the empire that made the deal. Cleansing should work, and I don't know if the shroud-marked icon goes away if you take it.
I was a robot empire and was kicking the shit out of all these small empires around me...until I attacked a planet protected by gene seed warriors.
Holy shit they are strong. Repeated retreating, orbital bombardment and then attacking with my robot armies eventually got them.
Don't be a pussy, destroy whatever comes to stop your path to victory.
>100 each in 2300
Stop focusing so much on science
well, I'm a hivemind, time to eat me some eldar
>new game, having a good start with lucky anomalies
>found my first frontier outpost
Is it a huge empire that's Shroudmarked? If yes, probably not, but they could put a dent in it.
>It's an Unbidden spawn and no other empires beside mine do anything about it so they snowball out of control episode
2300 is when you break 500 in each category at the very least if you've got more than 10 planets
You do realize that the chaos god that spawns at their homeworld has one million fleetpower right?
What the fuck are you doing man? There is literally no reason not to invade with 30+ armies at once since they're so damn cheap
>AI empire is right next to xenophobe FE, like maybe 2 systems over
>they're blocking the path for my scientists to use PSC so I build a frontier outpost to push a system out of their borders so I can hop across without needing warp II
>FE immediately asks me to destroy the outpost that is further away from them than the AI empire
>unbidden spawn
>They are wiped out within a couple of months
>My fleet power is shit
Im fucked arnt I?
>gene seed warriors.
Of cause they're strong.
its actually one of the smaller empires
7 planets in total, though all of them are 20+ pops
bit of a complication though, the unbidden just spawned on my god damn border on the other end of the galaxy our shroudmarked friends live
I also don't know exactly when they started the shroudmarked thing, only noticed because I clicked their capitol for diplomacy so they better not fuck things up while the unbidden are still around
So about the same as a fallen empire on hard difficulty?
Rip and tear your way through.
If that fucker is summoned, it's over.
The rest of the game is pretty much a playable game over screen
I tried Stellaris when it released and was super disappointed when I couldn't REALLY glass a planet
Can I now? or with mods?
Depends on if your ships are built to counter theirs or not. If they are you can beat a fleet twice, possibly three times as powerful as your own if you hard counter theirs.
Is it fun and balanced yet?
Or do I have to relegate control of my planets to an AI after the first couple hours because the game doesn't think I can handle managing shit?
I had a stack of about 25 robot armies and the 5 gene seed armies sitting on this one planet was easily winning that fight. I had to wear them down.
I'm playing the Star Trek mod.
Just BTFO the Cardassians and formed the UFP.
In that game I had a fleet of about 200k and theirs was 700k with a good tech advantage. I thought I had them hard countered but I didnt really. They rolled me. Ill have to do more research.
My monk birds are doing just fine op, thanks for asking.
Let's generously assume you have +100% research speed stacked in modifiers, so that's 250 base science for every category, 750 overall
A planet outside your homeworld can only have level 3 labs so that's 6 science per tile
That's 125 tiles
You specialize 5 entire planets completely into science? Chill out with the tech shit man, it's not that important, especially since you hit repeatable tech at that point anyway
Remember to position yourself so you have a range advantage. Unbidden have really poor attack range
That run is over unless you can seriously BTFO the Unbidden, because you know the AI isn't going to do anything about it until they destroy half the galaxy.
>get my clone army build time down to 10 days
>my competitor has gene warriors
I think by the time I took his capitol his elite soldiers literally drowned in my troop's bodies
oh well, hivemind, not like anyone's actually gonna be sad about the million to 1 k/d ratio on their part
I'm a kinetic guy, but this made me want to use laser weapons.
This is assuming no habitats of course. If you spam habitats you have already won the game by default
NuUnbidden are hard as fuck if they show up early.
>tfw you can't even just suicide the portal anymore
>Have a faction of religious elves.
>Find this event
>Empire reforms from pacifist to militarist with their newfound strength, go and spread my message to ends of the galaxy.
>Fucking eye of terror opens in my homeworld.
>I'm a kinetic guy
remember that the curators give +15% to all research, dark matter gives another 15% to physics and depending on where you spawn, research stations can give a crapton of research
also by 2300 I was spamming habitats everywhere and splitting them about evenly between science, 1 had only 1 planet that was truly science focused
and having high bio research is always mighty useful if you've gone genetic ascension, modifier 100 pops in a month is neat
>using lasers against the Unbidden
I just started playing, but I have seen some gameplay already and understand the gist of it.
Do you guys have any tips going forward so that my first game lasts more than a few hours?
>Empire reforms from pacifist to militarist
The faction system is so fucking hilarious
>play inwards perfection agrarian idyll bullshit empire to get all dat unity and fill out the tradition trees + perks I want
>fight a liberation war for some shitty planets I don't even really care about to raise support for war faction
>click one button and suddenly your empire goes from being peace-loving to full-on jingoists
I had this really nice game where the Pythagorean scourge spawned on the edge of my empire and were constantly spawning fleets to attack my planets. I was able to jump back and forth and take them out but I was making no progress and losing some fleet power. I decided I was being worn down.
So I just did a suicide run on the one planet they had colonized to see what I could get done. Wiped them all out while their various fleets were attacking my planets and then it was just a mop up job.
Felt glorious.
>splitting them about evenly between science
I'll assume you mean between science and energy; Next time you should have about 1 energy : 2 science or something like that, no one needs that much fucking energy
Actually I'm in a bit of luck, unbidden decided to fuck with the xenophobic FE, which then shoved its titan so far up one of their anchors they could taste it
only portal is around at the moment
what gaimu?
Play on normal. The AIs arnt particularly aggressive.
Better than missiles.
tried playing this game before but didn't understand it. planning on starting again, give me fun ways to play this
I recently had my first taste of unbidden in Banks, but it was a complete shit-show for them. They spawned a few years after I finished killing both of the fallen empires which tried to war in heaven each other.
>keep your fleet at the cap
>minerals are more important than energy early game
>have at least 2 science ships exploring
>Pick which planets you settle carefully, the penalty to research can be a pain early game so try to settle only size 18+ planets
my fleet is slightly oversized due to ongoing war in heaven
I need that energy
Stellaris. Its very nice. End game has flaws but by the time you reach that you will have more than got your monies worth. An excellent time sink.
Disregard this comment, if you go xenophobe (which every halfway sane 4X player will do), they will fucking hate you and attack if you chillax too much
Always push your fleet up to the limit
Walk along the razor's edge of them becoming superior in fleet power to you
But don't look down, just keep your head or you'll be finished
how exactly are you managing to only have a fleet strength of 200k with 800+ fleet points?
Pick a theme and design your species around it. You can quite literally be spess murhines from wh40k or be the federation or whatever. Pick your favorite aliens and be them.
Red pill me on missles, that 100% accuracy and range seems really good early on before the AI gets reactive defenses
Truly the patrician crisis
why does this game have 90€ in DLC, I wanted to add it to my wishlist but fuck that.
>before the AI gets reactive defenses
Yep they're amazing though they do tend to all lock onto one corvette and then fizzle out once it dies
Just go plasma as your main weaponry you faggot
Missiles are okay early game, but they're complete shit overall, don't fall for the memes
Because its grand strategy. Wait a year and it will all be bundled together at a reasonable price.
mod an event that constantly spawns armies for them, currently they run out of armies way to fast ensuring 90% of their fleets are stuck bombarding planets
>"Do not do this"
>does it
>bad thing happens
>Who could have seen it coming?
>Got Native Preservation Mod
Now I can finally truly become the Ur-Quan and go on a quest to enslave literally every race in the galaxy and slave-shield their worlds.
It's for their own protection really.
I captured a swarm queen one time. Maybe you can answer this, do they just stop growing at 10k fleet strength or was I doing something wrong?
since it's a single player game, can't you pirate the DLC
>fleet finally coming into its own, being able to match the big faggot empires who cockblocked my progress 50 years earlier
>that first big battle after you occupied 3 or 4 planets already and finally caught their fleet
>that utter destruction of everything they built
>those battleships that emergency retreat because your fleet doesn't use battleships so they barely got attacked or did anything
Missiles are still the worst early game but completely fall off once people start toting PD. I use them on some races along with bombers though because sometimes you just want explosive ordinance flying around.
Yeah that was what happened. They had no armies so even though they could bombard planets and I was struggling to take them out fast enough, I wasnt really losing much and they wernt gaining any territory. I only had to hit their one planet to end them all.
A nice traditional deus ex to end the unspeakable evil.
Do any events pop up if someone manages to stop the shroud or no?