Does 4 hits per second

>does 4 hits per second
>deals 7.5/15/30 damage per hit
In other words
>deals 30/60/120 damage per second
>and she can't miss
Play her in tight spaces and you CAN NOT lose, she is INSANELY broken
>t-t-those are just made up numbers!

Other urls found in this thread:


can't shoot if you're stunned or tranq'd

Ha Ha nigga just fucking hook her ass and click and she dead nigga

Y-You're j-just a salty bronze scrub!!!!11!

I like having a support charicter you should think twice about going up against

same goes for everyone else
>actually trying to defend 120 unmissiable damage per second

she has never been support and with this damage she's basically an offense character

>is universally not picked at all higher-tier gameplay
>is only relevant in low silver because people cant aim
>mfw I can 1v1 her as mercy if her shield is down
nigger please youre bad
get the fuck off of Sup Forums



>mfw I can 1v1 her as mercy if her shield is down

Wow you can 1v1 a 200hp hero when half their health is already gone.

God damn you're a super retard

>Walking towards a symmetra

literally just press S and shoot when you see one lmao

>she has never been support

I rarely see her being offensive other than maybe CTF, but that's because the team isn't doing jack shit and Symmetra has to step up.

>Make it so that beam still connects without aiming, but does more damage if you're able to hold the reticle directly over the enemy
>Bad Symms can't get PotG by in quick play by jumping and holding down M1
>Good Symms are much more viable

That might help

>titles decide how the hero is played

Uh-huh. I bet you think the Pyro is OP, too.

Why is Sup Forums so full of underage shitters?

Look at this retard trying to evade the point. Symm gets fucked by disables, whether or not others do as well is irrelevant.

Overwatch is a shit game made by fags who have never played an fps beyond the surface level.

>>Wow you can 1v1 a 200hp hero when half their health is already gone.
I think he means shield generator
>is universally not picked at all higher-tier gameplay
Not true. She's not OP, but very annoying to play against. Like the other defense-oriented heroes, requires coordination to beat.
>>Make it so that beam still connects without aiming, but does more damage if you're able to hold the reticle directly over the enemy
This would be nice. Maybe the damage only charges if you are aiming properly, otherwise it stays flat

not her health her launchable shield
usually if she launches it at me I fly away and if she still wants to fight then I will kill her but she usually gives up and leaves because she knows I can hit her like 6 times before she can get back in range again
>mercy does 20dmg a shot
>40dmg a headshot
>20 rounds

also this

>lower her max dps to 90
>increase her hitbox size

There, fixed.

The two things I really hate about Symmetra is how her beam goes around corners/through walls due to latency and how long the charge level lasts. So many times I've tried to get away from her and watch as the beam curves around to remain locked onto me. On the other end, it sucks when I am playing someone who could deal with her easily under normal circumstances, but someone on my teammate has fed her charge before she gets to me and now I have to deal with her level 3 beam through no fault of my own.

Why did the video suddenly fast-forward and why are you ignoring your teammates also shooting her?

You know how I can tell you main symmetra? You're defending 120 damage per second on a hero who need to aim

That's 240 in two seconds
360 in three seconds
480 in four seconds
600 in five seconds

>j-just don't go near her!
Then you'll never take/protect the objective

theres a 3mb limit and they all missed the only one that might have hit was the roadhog shortrange shotgun spray that maybe did 20 dmg tops

>offense character
I'll disagree here and say defense character, she's still better played when the enemies are forced to come to her territory instead of vice versa. Yes it can be done on offense, but not bear as easy as setting a trap on defense.

it suddenly fast forwardeed because that kill took a lot longer than he wants to let you know

lol scrub you shoot her from far away then go to the objective god are you stupid?

oh wait thats not even the roadhog thats a dva shotgun spray

>120 damage a second

meanwhile Reaper:
>140 damage a shot
>2 shots a second
>280 damage a second
>This damage can crit, meaning 560 damage a second

Yeah Symmetra actually doesn't do much damage, user.

Unless, of course, you're saying you can't aim.

You CAN aim, can't you user?

You can't shoot through walls or her shield

reaper also
>can miss
>doesn't have a way to protect himself

enjoy bronze then

>tfw damage boosting a sym

wew lad thats a spicy meatball I know I suck but you see some shit in silver and gold games

>Can miss
>I'm shit and can't aim

>Doesn't have a way to protect himself

Are you literally autistic? What is Wraith form? Reaper has literally one of the most reliable get-out-of-jail-free abilities in the game.

He's not great because of the short range required, but Symmetra is in the same boat. You can -literally- 1 shot her with Reaper.

Anything Symm does, damage wise, Reaper does better.

Her niche use is all in her shield ability, and her two ults, NOT her damage.

Again, provided that you're not a silver tier shitter, which it sounds like you are.


Um, reaper has wraith form to disengage from bad fights. Once you engage someone as symmetra you're basically committed until they die or you die.

>>doesn't have a way to protect himself
Did you forget Wraith Form exists?

That's why you use the tele as a trap on offense

>Wraith form moves at the same speed as his walk
>enemy follows you
>puts a bullet in your head as you become tangible
>Reaper has been reaped

Wraith Form moves 30% faster than walking speed and if you're not a dum dum you're either going to Wraith back to your team or to a medpack.

>Being so far away from your team, that an enemy just following you in wraith form isn't killed before your safety period ends

Just uninstall, friend.

>doesn't have a way to protect himself
>can self-banish at any time for a duration of like 4 seconds with a 50% speed boost


It's funny how Sup Forums praises and loves Reaper's mediocre abilities while /owg/ knows just how bad Reaper is.

>her hitbox literally is not big enough to get the full damage out of reaper shotguns
>which means one miss or an unlucky spread means death regardless of what you do
I played team based shooters to escape the aimbots goddamnit

Just because Reaper is mediocre (because of his short range) doesn't mean that Wraith Form is an individually bad ability.

Could it be better? Sure, you could manually be able to cancel it.

Is it the reason Reaper is bad? Absolutely not. The reason Reaper is bad is because his teleport takes too long, he's too loud, and his damage fall off is too great. There is almost no situation where a McCree / 76 isn't preferable because they can kill Reaper before he even becomes relevant.

>Again, unless you can't aim or you have no situational awareness.

He definately works up to gold and low plat when people run triple tank or are uncoordinated as fuck and you can just drop and kill everyone or get like a zarya combo going. People are too fucking stupid to switch to like zenyetta or lucio and counter his ult and will just die OVER AND OVER AND OVER with mercy/ana and call each other noobs instead of just switching.

>tfw your teammate goes reaper vs a pharmacy

>does 4 hits per second
>deals 7.5/15/30 damage per hit

So how long until you kill a Reaper? 2.25 seconds if you're already fully charged. We'll round because I don't feel like doing Math and say 3 seconds if you're not fully charged.

That is six (6) (seis) (roku) chances to one shot her before you die. 2 shot if you do not and headshots.

Not to mention you can just Wraith away and there is nothing she can do to stop you (no stuns or anything).

If you -ever- die to a Symmetra as a Reaper, you belong in the Bronze/Silver tier you are undoubtedly in.

>anyone without perfect aim is bad
also forgot to mention, reaper has spread on his shots, symmetra does not

>At the Range Symmetra needs to be at to left click, Reaper's spread is still a factor.

You don't even need perfect aim to beat a Symmetra as Reaper. You need to do 200 damage (less than 2 full shots) and you have 6 shots to do it in.

Literally clip her in the body with 1/3 of your spread each shot and you'll STILL kill her first.

How bad are you?

Reaper doesnt have jack shit on hades
his moves are telegraphed as fuck

Hades is the same character but has a blackhole pull on his ult and an aoe smash instead of a shotgun blast + a cone of fear in front of him. But the mechanic is exactly the same.
The difference is huge. Even then hades is considered a C rank tank at best.

>moving the goalpost\
and yes, it is

I main symmetra, and if you wanna take her out easily, remember she's squishy as fuck, just fucking shoot her.

I have to laugh at the people I shit all over, because they see me pop out and BZZZZT them, and they try and run and panic, which just brings me closer to their team.

Literally just shoot her, it's that easy.

That's an escape, not protection
He can't fight while in wraith form

Symmetra can attack while shielded

>I main symmetra, and that means I'll lie as hard as I can about her because I think Blizzard browses this website for balancing tips

>implying I'm wrong

How does shooting her not work? Explain that one smartie pants.

"just shoot them" is how you deal with everyone, but it's not an excuse for someone to be massively over powered

Symmetra is the strongest hero in the game, not even Bastion can kill as fast as her

>go wraith
>go behind tank teamate

People are retarded. Reaper is bad because Roadhog does what reaper does (kill tanks) but can also instagib everyone else and have a fuckton of health. His damage, range, and passive are all fine. Shadowstep is a retarded ability and needs a rework. THe true solution is to make Roadhog not be a better reaper though

>Symmetra is the strongest hero in the game

Read the post you're replying to before replying

>Symmetra is the strongest hero in the game, not even Bastion can kill as fast as her
This is bait, right? Even if you ignore the fact that many heros can often get one shot kills, if Symmetra was anywhere near that overpowered she would be more represented in higher levels than you see now.


Name another hero who deals over 120 damage per second without needing to aim and is invincible from the front while they approach you
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but the pros don't use her!!!!!!!
If yoiu base everything you know on """""pro""""" players, then this conversation is over

Not even an argument, you've just been screaming "YOU'RE WRONG" at me with any way to prove that.

I mean, they do.

It's a monumentally stupid idea to balance a game around anything but the highest level of play; the professional players are the ones willing to exploit all the bullshit in the game to win, in addition to having the skills.

Basing your balance info off of their performance is the closest you'll get to truly balancing your game, because if you base your balance information around the performance of shitters that aren't capable of aiming, every sniper is worthless, as is anyone that doesn't have some kind of aim assist.

>Symmetra is the strongest hero in the game

It's very easy for something to seem overpowered on paper, but not nearly as much so once you take it out of the vacuum you're representing and into real game situations. I'm not sure why you think you're somehow such a special snowflake that you're better at recognizing OPness than people who do it for a living.

If Overwatch was balanced around "the highest level of play", then Lucio would have been nerfed into the ground for being too safe of a pick

Your "pros" only pick what's safe, they don't care about how powerful something is, money is at stake.

If you base balancing around how a few dozen pros play a game, then you're unbalancing it for the 25 million other players.

>If I post a reaction image his point is invalidated!

Unless you can't walk through the shield or can't get around it, then yeah she's the strongest character in the game.

Except in teamfights. She gets her ass demolished in teamfights if everyone isn't directly infront of her shield.

>Name another hero who deals over 120 damage per second without needing to aim



Good thing I've actually played with/as/against symmetra, otherwise you'd be right about that

Symmetra is the strongest hero in the game without a doubt, she has the highest reliable damage of any hero, everyone else in the game has to aim to do damage with their left click, symmetra's left click tracks the target.

76 has to aim
>inb4 he's trying to move the goalpost to include ultimates

Can't Junkrat just send himself over her?

Phara as well?

How about Hanzo's scatter arrow from an above angle?

Genji who get's behind her?

She isn't op. She gets fucked easily.

The opinion was so shit it didn't warrant any typing.

No, but they definitely decide what a character IS

There were no opinions

Genji is pretty much hard countered by the worst symmetra. She burns through his health and eats gengu stars

You never said ultimates weren't a thing.

Plus Symm can't hit things behind her. This is why flank classes exist.

Hit her with a Mei, or Tracer, or Pharah, or Roadhog, or Widow, or Hanzo, or Zen, or anybody with a gun, and she'll die. You seem to forget she has the range of about an arm's length. Don't let her get close and woooooooow she has no damage.

You just sound bad dude.

No, they do not.
Symmetra is currently a defense/offense character, her only supporting ability is he shield ultimate but even that is more akin to torbjorn.

>tutorial character
over level 25 people who still play him need to take off their training wheels

I forgot it locks on.

How about Zarya? Wouldn't she enjoy that "120 damage per second"

>strawman, moving the goalpost, backtracking, AND namecalling
You desperately don't want to lose this anonymous argument, don't you?

>not refuting any of my points
Sounds like I just have.

You have to have a point for it to be invalidated.

Can you respond to the points I made?

Phara, Junkrat, Zarya, maybe Hanzo? Wouldn't they deal with it pretty well? I mean 3/4 don't need to worry about the shield or the gun, and Zarya just bubbles up and boosts her damage.

>dude streaming a game is the same as playing it lmao

>people will say this game takes skill when shit like this exists

Quality post lmao

Don't forget about tracer.
>gets clicked
>breaks click

wooooooooow video games are hard

>3 times the range
>140 dps
>now with cc
according to your logic, mccree is fucking broken.

>Symmetra goes around the enemy team as they're engaged with her team
>microwaves the Ana, who panics and throws her Jarate which only serves to make her live long enough to fully power Symm's beam
>proceeds to move on to the other squishes and roast them in less than two seconds and finishes up with barbecuing the tanks

Zarya wins if neither have charge or if she has charge and Sym doesn't. But if she doesn't have her barrier ready and Sym is charged up it's an easy win for tech support.

Yes they do, she's in the game under support so she's support that's just a fact. Whether you agree with that placement or not is irrelevant, you don't make the game so you don't decide who's what.

the biggest problem with symmetra is that

her autistic ass isn't in a diaper

>you're both the same person
There were no points, it was just one guy trying to take the spotlight off symmetra's massive damage.

You would think, but apparently needing to aim means it's not OP according to this baddie.

>can miss
>can't protect himself

Teamfights. Not, she solos Ana with the rest letting her, if they let their healer go down they're shitty in general and it doesn't matter who you really play.

nah, dude, just don't get near her, so if she's between you and the point then just give up and wait for your team to teamwork.