When did you realize reviews meant nothing?
When did you realize reviews meant nothing?
2 out of 5 ain't bad
Holy crap, Sony btfo by a month-old babby console. How will sonyfags ever recover?
This, P5 and BotW are amazing.
Back when I read reviews in magazines for Genesis and snes games honestly. Only literal retards, redditors, and underages think reviews mean anything for any form of media.
I've never cared for reviews. I honestly don't get why people worship a stupid number like it matters. I know what I like, so I just watch gameplay videos and that is almost always enough for me.
>meant nothing
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the biggest game in the series for %90 of the world that didn't buy a Wii U user
They aren't accurate, but pretty much anything above 75% is gonna be a decently enjoyable game
Zelda, TPP and Persona 5 all deserve to be there. And I don't even know about Mario Kart since I'm not a big racing guy, only one I really disagree with is Uncharted 4.
>, only one I really disagree with is Uncharted 4.
>anime shit deserves to have +90% review scores
>actually gorgeous and well-animated third person shooter with addictive multiplayer doesn't
kill yourself weeaboo trash
Sup Forums likes to act that games aren't good anymore but the actual fact of the matter is that it's juet that games have gotten so consistently good that not as many games stand out as being better then their competitoiors.
Zelda BOTW is the Ocarina of Time shift of the current decade, people favor the new design and while things can be improved, it's the overall change in the franchise that people loved
Phantom Pain is the ony game in the series that won't have the entire game experience ruined by a shit story, you have a lot of shit you can do and capture just for the fuck of it
The Majority of the world prefers Mario Kart over realistic driving games, and being a game that includes DLC from a console nobody bought is a fantastic deal of content worth
Persona 5 is fantastic,nothing really needs to be said
Uncharted 4 is by far the most visually impressive game this entire gen for a genre that appreciates it. The characters are fantastic and they didn't do anything stupid like die.
like 15 years ago
A while ago.
I'd argue that BotW, MK8, and P5 all deserve to be on there though
The only game there that deserves to be anywhere near that list is BotW, and I wouldn't put it in the top 10, let alone top 5.
>Persona 5 that high
if anything this makes me trust reviewers more
it's good anime shit though
TPP most definitly does not. Its a a fucking sin that TPP scored higher than GZ, it's open world is tacked on and utterly pointless. In fact, TPP wouldve benefited greatles from having 15 or so GZ-sized areas with respective guard density per area and variation of objectives and routes, as well as option side missions using different layouts, enemies, and objectives just like in GZ.
GZ is like the tanker chapter from MGS2, but you were misled in terms of gameplay rather than in terms of narrative, and that is a huge fuck up that can not be excused for any reason.
>third person shooter
There is the problem. Shooters are the lowest tier of vidya along with MOBAs.
Not a single one of those games is good if game journos like them that much. People like jim Sterling and Patricia Hernandez have been pushing, from day 1, that games should be artistic cinematic hallway simulators, and they actively despise any semblance of good gameplay. So it is physically impossible for them to consider a good game as good. And no, there's no such thing as a "broken clock being right" because that only applies to rational non-biased human beings. The "beings" that run websites like Kotaku and IGN are more akin to reptiles that poorly attempt to mimic human behavior.
It's the best MGS game and one of the best stealth games ever made.
The original trilogy is superior, its not even a contest. Even GZ is a better game.
>shit, all those amazing nip games are coming out lately, which one do we rate the highest
>oh, I know, the dating sim one
Figures the one with least gameplay and more flair would resonate best with the faggots.
Life of Pablo is good though. Maybe not a 9.0 though. 8.5.
>using memecritic instead of opencritic
Yeah but your complex rockpaperscissors JRPGs are highest tier, am I guessing right?
> Bloodborne
> Nier Automata
> DOOM (2016)
> Breath of the Wild
> Sunset Overdrive
Still way too generous. I'd give it a 7. These hacks gave fucking Yeezus a 9.5.
I like all of those other then Uncharted 4. It's like whatever.
What's with these mspaint covers, Sup Forums?
TPP has way more fun and engaging gameplay, less menu surfing, less 300 year cutscenes, and unlike GZ isn't thirty minutes long.
Should've been a 10
>Sunset Overdrive
Nice try, Phil.
Doom was good but really?
>Fucking Mario Kart DLC
Really makes me think.
The problem is that quite a few people DON'T know what they like because they are braindead zombies. So they need those numbers to tell them what they should like.
Never said they are. They are just level above, for at least pretending they have some kind of strategy in it.
I wonder how hard will Nintendorks backpedal if TLOU2 scores a 98 or higher
It does kind of feel like they're inflating reviews again. I know everyone said it was bad back in the late 360/PS3 era and that critics got "tougher" at the start of this gen, but I feel like we're right back into the same situation.
There are plenty of things that you probably don't know you like and haven't tried. You remind me of my friend who literally only orders pepperoni pizza 24/7 whenever we hang out
You don't get to call out Persona and then praise the west's equivalent.
Why do I hate games like Call of Duty because they're so rehashed but I enjoy new Mario Kart games when they come out? It really isn't that different but I can't understand why one annoys me and the other doesn't.
BotW and P5 do belong in the best games of the generation though.
That list is awful.
In no particular order for top 5 this gen
>Breath of the Wild
>Persona 5
>Shovel Knight
Perhaps I should have said like or may like.
>a fucking dlc
Good memepage you got there
When people here started spamming Metacritic scores as braindead console war ammunition.
>only one movie game
I refuse to consider AAA games to be GOTY. Lower the price and get rid of the fat, then come at me. Pic related.
I agree with everything but shovel knight.
I stopped caring for reviews other then their first digit when racing games got higher scores then games that had actual story and characters. And even then I only use those to decide if I should bother with looking at gameplay.
Don't respond to you know who.
It's been awhile now, but seeing the exact same mario game that's been released a dozen times over the past two decades get so many perfect scores again definitely reinforces it. What the fuck is happening with Nintendo game reviews, I feel like I'm living in some kind of bizarro world.
Maybe you just like kart games. I play CTR at least once a year since 2001 and still enjoy it.
I don't know, MK7 and 8 are so-so.
>2 Nintendo games
>2 Playstation games
>1 Multiplat
The absolute STATE of Microsoft
Yeezus should be a ten.
Who the fuck knows.
Shit taste, bro.
That is some backwards as logic.
MGSV was shit though, the open world sucked and the story made 4 look Shakespearean
>this autist again.
Take out MGSV and I would be okay with this
Uncharted is a bit overrated tho
can you teach me how to get rectal ruptured from a video game company user.
Backwards? How do you figure?
TLOU's score doesn't count for the same reason Uncharted doesn't count. No one cares about your movies sonybros.
>mfw exactly the same happened with BoTW
What went wrong bros? Open world is supposed to be the ultimate genre.
>but seeing the exact same mario game that's been released a dozen times over the past two decades get so many perfect scores again definitely reinforces it.
>a dozen
>eight games
>a dozen
>playing a game for the story
read a book nigga
early 90s
neo-Sup Forums's autistic insistence on review scores is one of the dumbest things about this place
If Mario Kart 8 delux counts then TLOU Remastered should be up there. But then GTAV would be too..
Right about when i first heard about the concept of fake/paid/sponsored reviews.
Now i couldnt give a fat shit about reviews or reviewers. Fuck them and anyone that treats them as anything other than a glorified opinion.
Why is the same game 6 points higher on the switch than on the wii u?
I wouldn't put TPP there.
Gameplay was well done but the 2nd half of the game was unfinished.
Yes, I can. Let me know where to meet and what mascot costume you'd prefer me to wear.
>Kotaku loves movie games
>Kotaku also loves BOTW and Xenoblade and Bayonetta
Really makes you think...
>persona 5 is one of the best games of the past 4 years
tell me, what's new exciting or interesting about persoan 5 if i played a persona before
i'll wait, you have unlimited time.
Movies don't count and neither do Reddit tier games like GTA.
Get fucked loser. Bring a real game to the fight or don't fight at all.
>Bit Trip Runner 2
>2013 GOTY
Come on man, I'm super excited for it too but do you really think it will be able to top the first one and get a better score?
It's going to be scored lower than it should because people will just compare it to the first forever.
The power of an extra frame per second.
Reviews for games like Uncharted are always paid. Nobody would actually think that game is a 10.
is the west
when i was in middle school, I refused to listen to the Beatles and Pink Floyd. I said because so many people loved them, they must suck because common people don't have taste.
You are that guy. Btw, those were my thoughts at about 12-13 and I phased out of it by 15.
Over a decade ago
>If Mario Kart 8 delux counts then TLOU Remastered should be up there.
Why would you place a straight port with the MK8 remaster?
>No one cares about your movies sonybros.
Yet they get unniversal praise and sell by the dozen, really makes you think
Compared to the launch of 8, Deluxe has 16 more tracks, 12 more characters and a proper battle mode
Some of them are, but the audience always rewards garbage like the latest in C movie experiences. There's just no point pandering to the shit eaters that make up the majority of the western audience.
Not an argument.
honestly tho the beatles are pretty fucking gay
And Pink Floyd's best album is Animals
All of them are fun and great experiences, whats the problem?
>Movies don't count
>But Persona “Press X to watch character hit a thing in between hours of shitty anime” 5 is okay
I guess it's okay when Japan does it
You can't really compare music to video games user.
Especially when most AAA games tend to come out with a bloated file size and glitched to fuck requiring even more patches to fix.
Maybe if every Beatles and Pink Floyd song had horrendous levels to the point where every 5 seconds would clip and if it were one disc per song
No, if something made by some SJW gets high praise for no good reason, it was clearly paid.
Stay mad, cuck.
>I willingly trust people who take money to give positive reviews
Not even a nintendo fan but TLOU reviews upset me way more than LoZ reviews. At least with LoZ i got some semblance of an actual game. TLOU was hands down the biggest disappointment I've had in gaming.