

That brings me back

Jesus, OP. That's worse than the fucking Kramer comic.


Been a while since I last saw this. I still don't get it

>Peter piper pilfered a pack of pricey PSPs
What did he mean with that?

I miss Moon Over June

this is fucking ironic, right?

It's been 11 years.....

>tall, athletic, knows that you should not play video games in public

>manlet, autistic, weaboo and socially inept pedophile that plays with his toy in public

History reapets itself


I wonder if these people look back on the stuff they posted to the internet a decade+ ago.

There are some forum posts from when I was just a wee little underage b& out there, and they make me embarrassed to look back - and they aren't even that bad.
With something this bad, I wonder how the artist feels about it.

Would you, Sup Forums?

Japan's in the right here.

Jesus doesn't the UN have better things to be doing than banning Shindol?



>I still don't get it

That's kind of the point. It's avant-garde

>only one "ne"
This is nothing like my Cantonese animations








>fictional characters aren't real

>on a cartridge based system that isnt the Gameboy
>actually dancing on the mat instead of stepping on the panels
fucking furries


This comic really activated my neurons.


A timeless classic.

Any pictures of the artist? There's no way he has that fashion sense.


I get that you're shitposting ironically but I hope you get hit by a car.

really gets that noggin joggin