ITT: Vidya journalism shit that pisses you off

>game is called a 10 outta 10
>doesnt have birbs in it

Other urls found in this thread:

>still no open world bird game
>with realistic flying and food chain

Is this the Kemono Friends thread

What games can I play as birb?

>still no game with realistic borb physics

>Bird lady changed to stock photo
>"You are not entitled to good characters"
I was the first time in a long time that I wished for violence.

she's so proud of her little dress shirt

>No open world vr game where you play as a bird in a food chain
Never ever

Sonic Riders

Wrong birb.
[/spoiler]I meant proper birds. There's plenty of games with athro birds. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.[/spoiler]

Wasn't there some game at E3 two or three years ago about being a bird in Paris and playing capture the flag with other birds? I kinda remember something like that...

That was last year, wasn't it? I thought it was just VR garbage.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon?

That's pokemon, not legit birds. Pretty close though.

what about that hawk ctf vr game? is it dead?


I saw one of those irl. Was pretty cool.


who is best borb

smart borbs best birb

Lapwings are pretty neat

>look out window
>see big crow fly by with what looks like a small brown bird in its beak
>group of small brown birds are flying around the crow, some of them flying into it
>lose sight of them
I hope they rescued their friend.