Who was the best companion Sup Forums? Who was the worst?
New Vegas Companions
EDE and REX were the only good ones because they shut the fuck up and didn't have completely awful, embarrassing, boring and/or juvenile dialogue.
The rest are trash.
wtf I hate Fallout: New Vegas now
I like lesbian punch and floaty Robert
Disgruntled Pete
They all make the game too easy so I never want to get a companion
Boon because he snipes the shit outta them
boone made combat like literally ez mode
Dialogue wise, Stealth suit Mk II is the best, Cass is the worst
ED-E. Portable Sarsaparilla Fridge that makes the Perception attribute redundant. All others are shit, boring characters or game plays itself for you mode with Boone
raul is the best
he's not too easy to get, he's not overwhelmingly powerful, he's a fun guy to be around and he never judges you harshly for your decisions
i can't say there is a worst companion but i don't like veronica solely because i dislike felicia day
Are you playing hardcore mode?
Who gives a shit, take anyone you want.
Boone and EDE, the others either run up to melee and get annihilated by cazadors or do fuckall damage unless you give them really good guns.
Is Veronica the only companion who can wear power armor?
I think gayboy can wear it. I forget though.
What were they thinking giving Veronica a worse EDE workbench.
they all can by default
the req of PA training only applies to the player.
How do I stop Rex from immediately dying.
I didn't really like any of them, they're just kind of annoying to keep around.
Arcade has a great questline, EDE is an okay floating suitcase for your crap, Boones okay to keep around, and the rest kinda suck.
Boone and Danny Trejo. And the eyebot. Actually, the only companion I didn't like was Cassidy, or I think that was her name. The cowgirl. She was cool at the start but I remember having some sob stories that I didn't want to deal with.
Everyone else was a blast. Well, not boone, but he was a sniper buddy even if he was a stick in the mud most of the time.
Ignoring EZ mode Boone and EDE, Raul was probably my favorite was digging his upgrade except for the sombrero
Send him away and grab a better companion
EDE, of course. The game isn't really geared for any other companion, they just neuter any kind of playing style.
>Because fuck the Legion
>tfw no legion companion
Arcade is the closest thing, but realistically it would have cut off a good 2/3rds of the map to have a full-blown Legion companion in your party.
Explain the cut.
When you've got Boone (pretty much the most pro-NCR companion) in your party, you basically can't enter Legion territory without losing rep/fighting them. By the transitive property, a pure-Legion character would probably aggro NCR NPCs, which means you'd be fighting your way through most of the map given that the NCR controls most of it. At least with Arcade, he's got some knowledge of the Legion and can recount stories of them without drawing aggro.
This or solo.
Sounds likes something a mod could take care of.