Boss has over 1 million HP

>Boss has over 1 million HP

Other urls found in this thread:

>You do 500 damage per attack.

>Boss is actually the President of the United States

>Boss has 1 trillion HP

Isn't that normal? Hell it sounds a little low.

>Boss takes over 4 hours to kill

>boss's HP is shown as a power of 10

>the boss is

>Boss is impossible to lose to

>The last phase of the boss is actually against the boss's source of power, after the boss themselves has been defeated/destroyed.

>boss has 50 million HP
>max damage is 9999

>Dies in one hit

>level 1 enemy has 250 HP, you do 25 damage per hit
>level 90 enemy has 250,000,000 HP, you do 25,000,000 damage per hit

Literally what the fuck is the point?

>Nibelung Valesti

Sorry, wrong image

>boss doesn't die after depleting his HP bar.

>You're supposed to lose to the boss

>tutorial boss has 1 HP bar
>final boss has 50 HP bars
>post game hard mode boss has 5,000 HP bars

>boss can't be killed


This is why Japanese games are shit. Do developers actually think it's fun to do shit like this?

>first boss is too easy and simplistic to be enjoyable

>Boss has an invisible HP Bar

>You had god mode on and got stuck


>you are forced to lose to the boss the first time around

Besides that super boss in FFXII, what are the bosses that have the most HP and or take the longest to kill?

Yea boi

>boss spends the entire story going through alternate timelines, dooming entire realities just to prevent you from facing her and cries that she couldn't save you in her last moments

Probably something from some MMO or MOBA shit.


If you're referencing FFXII, they upped damage to 99999 in the zodiac version

>Boss is just a marginally more difficult version of the first boss.

>It's not an optional boss

Name 3 and a half games that do this.

There's a bunch of bosses in WoW that do this

>Boss is taking forever to kill
>Must be doing something wrong
>Check YouTube on others fighting boss
>"Boss (Part 1/15)"

Also Crypt of the Necrodancer and Skullgirls.

Kirby does this a lot. Prinny 2. Mario and loogie. Final Fantasy XI all the time.

>Boss takes five hours to kill

>Boss has 14 different phases


>defeat boss you're supposed to lose to
>lose all the items you used in the process because there was no way to know
>even when you defeat him the game still goes on like you lost

Jesus you Sup Forums shitposters are fast.

I actually love bosses with a ton of phases. Especially if they change up strategies and what they're weak to. Makes the fight a lot more dynamic.

name one game that does this.
I could see it being a 15 part video if it was pre-2008, when upload limits were pretty strict.

>I've been training for this day for all these years!

>Final boss music is anything other than rock, metal, organs, or choir

> This happens
> But get a sword that carries you to endgame and does an insane amount of damage

>beat boss
>he beats you in the cutscene
>this happens every time you fight him

>final boss is shadow/dark versions off every boss
>no final boss, it's just a boss rush against the recolors

>boss has 1 hp

>The secret final boss is the game's creator

>game has different endings based on how many times you die
>get to boss you're supposed to lose to
>reset game as soon as I die
>spend three hours grinding
>beat boss
>game boots back to the title screen
>didn't save

>Exploit that kills the final boss instantly

It is when your stats end up comparatively high.

I think PoPoLoCrois did that twice


I've always wondered how they calculate stats for enemies in games. I'm sure they use some algorithm but wonder how they set it up in a balanced manner.


>Boss has damage resistance based on how much damage you do

>Boss say he is not as his full strength
>Still annihilates your team

boss's HP bar reaches 0, then goes into negative values

>The boss has an instakill move
>He uses it when he stuns you to make sure he doesn't miss

>After you defeat the boss in a 4-hour long battle, he comes back again for a rematch

>All bosses have 1hp
>So do you

>and 255 evade

>boss uses all the elements in the game in a shitty arena

fuck you alatreon

>tfw I beat Alatreon to death with a giant fish
Pompadour dragon can eat my dick.

I still think thats a shitty mechanic. It basically punishes you for going for a low hp high damage run where you give everything to satan. It takes about the same amount of time to beat the final bosses on a high health normal damage build and a low health high damage build, which is kind of bull.

>Boss has 1HP
>can only be damaged under very specific conditions

>instakill moves still work


Boss HP is 1 millon but it gains .05% DEF with every attack. You do 500 damage + 1 special of 10000 damage every 100 attacks.

Not on Delirium, the new boss. Unsure of the new ultra greedier final boss.

>you have to take out the final boss' source of power before your party can even hope to have a chance against him
>his source of power is the earth itself

Son, you don't know shit about healthbars

it was removed after gen 3

>you have a skill that deals percentage based damage

>beat him
>another faggot jumps through the window, drops a smoke bomb and KOs you

>common enemies have instakill moves

There was a bug that let you kill Mammon in one hit with Little Horn's black holes while he was changing phases. It got fixed tho.

>Boss has 1trillion HP.


>you're supposed to lose against boss
>even if you manage to fight back its hp won't go lower than 1

>True ending has over 1 million requirements


Games where you win a battle you're supposed to lose should give you an alternate ending. Fucking uncreative fags.

>the fucking blood-spraying crystal in Bersaria

fuck that stupid mechanic

FFXV Adamantoise takes fucking forever

Beat me to it. Did anyone else enjoy it? Not done with it yet.
Name a game

>stat inflation means I attack in the millions of damage anyway.

>true ending requires you to do the xenophobic route
>you need to fail one of the missions
>and then later you need to make sure you don't skip one of the missions by accident so you can shut down a specific area so a character you need for the true ending will be in a different location in the next playthrough
>and then on the next playthrough you need to complete a mission that opens up another area and then fail a mission that reopens the place that you shut down in the last playthrough
>and then when you finally do the true ending playthrough, you can't skip the tutorial or you can't get it because you need to do things in it you never thought you could do without a guide


>boss has 100 health
>you have 5

>Boss has dynamic music
>Get to the phase where the lyrics kick in

>It's Shiva from XIV

Were clues to the best ending in Valkyrie Profile lost in translation or was it that impossibly cryptic in the original Japanese as well?

>Boss has ??? HP