U mad

>u mad
How the hell do you even respond to this?

Other urls found in this thread:


stop, please

Pardon me sir, but I do believe there are a couple threads currently in the catalogue that already address this topic.

with something that they will find funny

that's what she said


>gg ez
>sure thing m8

>gg ez
>more like bg

>gg ez
>i agree you need to git gud

These or just don't reply.

go on /r/overwatch and post how players shouldn't be allowed to say it

All of those are retarded.
Just don't reply.

you start by gitin gud
then you don't have this problem


You don't.

run the set/mge me/duel me etc
There's only one way to reclaim your honor

No, they show you don't get triggered by somone saying gg and give you the highground as you are looking down/ ignoring/ not acknowledging someones attempt at angering you. It's a win win situation.

"Yes, But TG, NT"

Except the only thing they're looking for by saying "gg ez" is a reaction.

>thinking you have the high ground after you just got your shit stomped in and it was both an easy and good game for the other team
do you know what actually counters ggez? Winning.

Complain about lag and that's why you're performing less than usual and if there weren't lag youd be able to kick their butt but because of too much lag they beat you.



You don't.

You either congratulate them on winning, or just say nothing. If you are looking for anything to say, you are 100% mad, and no matter what you say, you'll end looking like a loser


Fucking snowflake faggots are destroying multiplayer games

>being such a worthless pussy that reading 5 keystrokes will ruin a game for you

Usually I say it first that way I am the one in control.

My observation of the highground was based on the situation where you either played well but still lost or you actually did not lose at all and the person is trying to anger you. The way you reply shows that you also do not lower yourself down to simple memes but acknowledge ones abilities even tough he made attempts at triggering. My personal experience comes mostly from smash, so perhaps we are talking about a different group of individuals.

like that but longer

I'm not supporting the idea that people shouldn't say gg ez if that's their prerogative but how does not saying it "ruin multiplayer" as you say?

leading to censorship and even catering more to the filthy casuals who shouldn't be playing in the first place

I see, thanks for the reply

you don't

they will just respond to anything with "ya...u mad!"

well you lost, this is your punishment, nothing to be done really, just get better and hope you can win next time

I remember MY first online FPS.

If you gotta ask this question, then you can't afford the answer.

>i memba me first efpees
>usless meme about a meme

Really trying to get the quality of replys up, aren't we?

There we go.

This reply to that post is a great example of the meta mind-games of online shooters.

Take a few minutes to really look at the answer and reply to see what's going on here.

This is well-crafted bait, user. Thank you.


Ever heard of "Kill em with kindness"?
>U mad
"Sorry to hear about that, mate"
"Glad you had fun, my dude"
Just say completely irrelevant niceties to them, and they'll get confused and pissed.

Not to mention, If you ingrain this into yourself consciously as an ironic response, you will actually eventually start to subconsciously become a happier and nicer person, with enough a grasp of biting satire to make normies think you're witty and deep, despite having the shallowest, robotic mindset possible.
It also makes you own actual insults much more valuable, since people rarely see you get legitimately offended by something.


I really wish this wasn't a thing. I have no idea where this has sprung from, nor why people think it's a great idea to type this at the end of a match they've just won, but there's literally no good that can come from gloating after a win.
People say it when they steamroll another team. People say it when they've barely won a game. People say it when teams seemed fairly balanced. Sometimes, people even say it when they've lost!
Sure, there are some players who say it ironically, or just for fun, but a lot of observers don't get the joke and just parrot the term when they next win a match.
All it does (and is designed to do) is to infuriate the other team, and creates a shitty atmosphere for all involved. Even exploiters, name-callers, ninja-quitters and angst-ridden shouty teammates are less cancerous than the "gg ez" crowd.
Can we just... Not?

>tfw somone got actually that triggered by gg ez

Wew, you sure must have been btfo'ed pretty hard.

good post, easy b8

>someone says gg or ez
>add them on steam
>call through voice and use wireshark to get their IP
>get their approximate city and send it to them with a :)
>8/10 times they flip the fuck out

Lean in youg one! I shall give you the insight that you have juuuuust been waiting for.

*whipsers*If someone has to write the gg and the ez then it probably wasn't as good and easy as they say it is.

Now! Go out and spread the word young one, for you are enlightenend now! Commence to have your eyes open by infinite wisdom and continue with your little games!

>pointing out how pathetic you are is somehow b8

Was the loss that bad?



good post easy b8

>How the hell do you even respond to this?
>hope they have this feel

i'm gay

>enemy team wins by one point
>"gg close game"
>"damn that was close gg"

Thats how it normally goes down.

>¿hablas español?
are god tier.

>lol k

pisses people off

I just reply: "lol"

>say gg ez


That's the worse version of posting moonrunes. Implying that you are from the japanese masterrace usually freightens and intimidates your opponent. On the contrary, exposing yourself as a spic simply disgraces the bit of honour you had left and ultimately leaves you without the possibility of regaining the highground, even after you lost.

>check their match points
>Lowest player
>Point out that single individual whos acting like a faggot was the worst member of the enemy team and isnt allowed to talk shit
>Super high clearly hacker score
>"You cant even play the game correctly you hacking faggot. You talking shit means nothing."
>Normal high scoring player
>Alright cool.

It's pasta, you fucking retard.

I don't say anything. I just beat their ass in the next game and they suddenly aren't so talkative anymore.

>I played babbies first shooter and I don't know how to respond to "u mad"
Lurk moar faggot