ITT: pleb filters

ITT: pleb filters

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I tried getting into it but it's too slow for my ADHD filled brain.

At least actually post the filter

somewhere between this and oblivion is some magic sweet spot perfect for me.
either that or it be another bag of hangups for me to bitch about

I saw some of them the other day. I steered clear of them.

Also called an autism magnet by plebs.

Is there any other game that has as many spells and effects and a custom spellcrafting system like Morrowind? It's pretty much the only game that even comes close to letting you feel like a wizard even within it's own limitations.

Same here dude!!! I much prefer my Skyrim cumguzzling mod.

I've heard others say the same.


Do spells miss?

No, well if you legit miss with a projectile one then yes, but usually it's only affected by absorption and resistances.

Spells can only fail, IIRC. Same principle as DnD.

It's more of an autist distiller.

is it the lack of magicka regen

i bitched out and downloaded the fair magicka regen mod

dont regret it though, i love playing as a mage but hate sleeping in a cave for 18 hours

no. but if you are mad about weapons missing, just up AGI and you're good. weapon skill doesn't even matter, AGI does and so you hit pretty much always.

Daggerfall doesn't have as much spell variety as Morrowind, but it's pretty close. The enchanting system is also a little different, rather than having access to all the same spells you use for magic, there's a separate set of bonuses and unique advantages/disadvantages that can apply to them. For example, a magicka bonus that only applies during a certain season, or only indoors. There's a decent selection of spells to enchant onto them but there's not as much customization per effect as the spellmaker.

Also you don't need souls to enchant in Daggerfall. Souls can be used to increase the enchanting capacity of your item, and some come with their own bonuses or disadvantages. For example, if you use a Ghost's soul, you will gain 300 enchanting points and the Feather Weight bonus which makes it very light on your encumbrance, but your item will also constantly lose durability while it is in any Temple and you'll deal reduced damage to undead enemies. Finally, and this applies to all souls, when your item breaks (which it eventually will as magic items can't be repaired unless you enable a cheat) the owner of the soul will emerge and attack you.

No. In Morrowind, spells can be resisted, absorbed, or reflected but they do not miss. However, your chance to successfully cast a spell in the first place is determined by your skill and the strength of the spell, which is basically the magic equivalent of missing. But it's easy to make 100% success rate spells and it's usually more magicka-efficient to stick to weaker spells anyway.

it's a shit game though, yet I finished all of it.

Skyrim = still best Scrolls despite everything.

>i love playing as a mage but hate sleeping in a cave for 18 hours
Just be glad you didn't pick sign of the atronanch like a real man.

that sign can go fuck itself

>oh joy, I'm an atronach so that means I'm dependent on stupid mana dranks now

Nope. If your spell physically comes into contact with their hitbox, it will always 100% hit, unlike arrows or other weapons. Now, your spell can fail.

Atronach hardly affects the game at all unless you refuse to use Alchemy on principle or something.

Here's a (You) for your efforts.

Altmer Atronach for life, Bretonfags can go fuck themselves.
Just summon a ghost and punch it.

How do I play an atronach?

The lack of regeneration would bust my balls in

If you're up for mods, try this out:

Altmer Atronach with the Mantle of Woe, Necromancer's Amulet, and that +10 INT +10 WIL ring was my shit.

When is the new Tamriel Rebuilt getting released? I'm considering reinstalling morrowind and wondering if it is worth waiting.

Weapon skill matters massively and is easier the raise than Agility. At about 50 you'll pretty much never miss.

>Does anyone ever actually joins House Hlaalu
>maybe by mistake

The sad thing is that it's true. Since they're right in Balmora, lots of people probably joined then before they knew better.
Telvanni are crazy fun and have tons of mods.
Redoran is solid and good feeling and honorable and they have LGNPC and Pax Redoran.

Hlaalu has nothing.

>Hlaalu has nothing
It has sexual harassment.

To be fair, Hlaalu is basically the only House for you if you have dubious morals and are not a mage. Redoran is too honorfaggy. Plus, where is an n'wah to go if they worship the Imperial Cult and shit?

Can any other game even come close for sandbox?

For the rest of my life I will remember flying above balmora (levitate+blinding boots of speed) enveloping entire portions of the city in clouds of poison.

Summoning multiple monsters with a single spell and watching them tear through city guards as I watch on and bet who will die to the single skamp.

The satisfaction of gathering a hundred strong swarm of cliffracers and launching a fireball into their midst just to watch their bodies slowly fall to the ground.

But hey, in skyrim we can shoot ice, fire, and lightning in a few different ways. So cool!

I think a lot of people let how alchemy be spoiled for them by the stories of how easy it is to exploit, but if you just show the slightest bit of restraint to not use the infinite loop of Fortify Intelligence it's fine to use in a legit playthrough, and adds some depth and utility to the more simple non-magic characters. For mages it's great to fortify and restore your magicka so you don't need to rest often, which helps a lot in cramped dungeons where you can't easily find a place to rest. There's a lot more Morrowind's alchemy than making "fortify x 31679 points for 521004 seconds" potions.

>all that reactivity tucked away into the dialogue
It's the little things that voice acting makes increasingly impractical.

Make a warrior.
Pick atronach.

>With Redoran you become an Honorable and Holy Knight
>With Telvanni you become an insane and powerful Wizard
>With Hlaalu you become a criminal that gets sexually harassed

You start out doing illegal and immoral backstabbing crimes, and later on your back gets stabbed in a different way.
Literally pic related.

There's that new mod that lets you join and progress through the Camonna Tong if you're a Dunmer. Outlanders aren't supposed to be allowed of course but after some 15 years I'm surprised no one had made a mod for it before.