What games will teach me how to make friends?

What games will teach me how to make friends?

try Russian roulette

/I'll be your friend user

>Friendly reminder this is an actual industry

>try to make friends
>new acquaintances ask me to go out and do things
>say no and stay home
>realize that I don't actually like going out and doing things

Once you get old enough, you'll just make peace with the fact that this is how you are.

is it Japan only?

tomodachi life

No, they're called prostitutes

Is that Japanese for something?

i do have some old friends from high school that i hang out with once a month maybe
we actally have a pismo trip coming up ub june and that will be it for the year and im perfecly fine with that
we all keep in touch through our group txt
too much effort with new people they always want to go out to bars and clubs and shit that i dont want to do