What is the video game equivalent of "why didn't they just fly to Mordor?"

What is the video game equivalent of "why didn't they just fly to Mordor?"

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How many times are you going to make this thread you fucking fag

In Botw, why didn't Link just go straight to Gannon and defeat him?

Oh wait... you can do that.

Why Not Use A Phoenix Down On Aeris?

Can't explain that.


>Why didn't they just not use the White Phosphorous?

Why didn't Saddler just let Leon rescue Ashley so she could infect the president with the parasite?

Cutscene zombies in dead rising

Why didn't Devola and Popola just tell Nier what was going on instead of being retarded?

Pheonix down only revives people that are unconscious/at the brink of death.

Aeris died so there was no way to save her.

>tfw you will never see the wonders of Arda

Resident Evil 4 is just a Gears of War clone with worse controls

Makes you think.

I used to think that but apparently phoenix down just wakes you up from getting knock, it doesn't bring you back to life

What is the video game equivalent of "oh, muh rubber nen"?

Why don't you just buy [console/pc]

Blade wounds don't kill immediately; even if she was stabbed right through the heart, there's still enough oxygen in the bloodstream to keep you conscious and alive for 15-30 seconds

Why didn't they just release Bloodborne for PC?

damn dude this has been my desktop for like 15 years, thought i was the only one with this photo

Why does the death of the main character in any Persona game result in a game over? Why can't your teammates just use Recarm on you or something?

ah yes the phoenix legend, famous for regaining consciousness after being knocked out.

The eagle king dude who got the birds to give the fellowship a ride did so only because he owed Gandalf a favor. They were not friends, and eagle king dude would've done everything in his power to get the one ring if he had known that they had it. If Gandalf asked for a ride directly to Mordor, the eagle king would've known.

The truth of the matter is she deserved it and the tears of FF7 fans are still delicious to this day

Because the felforge at Sammath Naur where the ring could be undone was actual inside a fortress built into the side of Mouth Doom that was guarded by an entire army that was miraculously left completely unguarded because of Aragorn's brilliant feint at the Black Gates drew every single soldier in Mordor that Sauron had to there.

The entire purpose of the Fellowship was to prevent Sauron from ever realizing what they intended to do with the One Ring by feigning to head towards Minas Tirith and if Sauron had ever gotten a hint of what they intended, he could have permanently sealed Mordor against assault forevermore. Not to mention Sauron had ample aerial forces of his own that would have contested the Eagles outright should they have attempted to come in force.

Ulmo is the best Valar