ReCore Thread

Just finished this. Honestly, this is a solid 8/10 game. The only thing that is holding it from a 9/10 is the lack of polishment in it's visuals and gameplay, thanks to the obvious small budget.

Can we have a thread about it?

What you think about it?
Favorite corebot?
Favorite dungeon?
Any thoughts in the five floors of the Eden Tower? (game gets quite hard there)
Apparently a Definitive Edition is being prepared, do you pretend to get it?

I even forgot that i was playing Hollow Knight on my notebook thanks to this game

Other urls found in this thread:

>thanks to the obvious small budget
>Made by californians

>Made by Californians
The fuck is that supposed to mean?

Awesome game. Plan on replaying it and Ori and the Blind Forest when I finish BotW.

Worth $15? It's been just off my radar since my backlog is pretty big. On paper it seems great, made by some of the Metroid Prime team and all but it just didn't really strike me as a must-play.


I might get the finished version eventually.

low quality, made without love, made by people who are in the industry for political reasons, etc.

It was worth it at the $40 launch price.

I had a blast with it. Going to due a third playthrough soon. Hope it gets a sequel, wont ask for much more due to reception.

>Without Love

It only got hate on here because it was paid for by Microsoft.

wait what, that game is out already? didn't even hear about it

Been out for months

I want nothing to do with inafune

I don't judge whoever made it, just like I don't judge actors for their personal lives. What did Inafune do anyways? Regardless I love Recore.

Yes it is.
It's very creative, story is quite nice and is a total blast to play.
Go for it.

Stop shilling, it was made by the conman and 3 ex Retro employees. Rushed, the game was 70% complete and they decided to release as it is instead of extra polish
how balanced! how intelligent! how superior yo you are :)

Got a few dumps from release date threads

Californians probably made some of your favorite games of all time. Planescape Torment? Diablo? Any of the Warcrafts? Legacy of Kain? Anything made by Lucasarts?

You really should re-evaluate your life man. Just enjoy some video games.

are you baiting or did you just arrive from reddit?


cute doggo


You seem jilted. Be honest, how much did you blow on MN9?

ReCore threads a few months ago:

>ReCore 2 when?!
>Cute, cute!
>ahahah playing in my 1080 XD
>Simplistic but sexy :}
>Repeat after me: Microsoft back in the market baby

>made by californias

You say that like it's a bad thing. Rather live here than some bumfuck flyover state, the south, or cold-as-fuck eastern states. Is this about SJWs? Cause those dipshits are everywhere.

I really want a sequel. Please don't let this turn into Mirror's Edge 2.0 Microsoft!

They should do like a tacked on multiplayer mode or something to get more numbers like Bioshock/Mass Effect.

I agree, the lack of polishment is criminal.

>You say that like it's a bad thing
I did? sorry I meant they are pretty decent people (not only they love video games but also make good video games).

Fuck ReCore and Inafune, easily the biggest piece of shit I played this gen.

Recore is one of the reasons I bought my bone. I want to play it I just haven't had the chance to yet. Gotta get to it later this year.

>I meant they are pretty decent people
Imagine Toronto. Now imagine Toronto 30x worse.

>literal fedorafag

it means it's bad because california provides welfare for the rest of americas shitty states.

Well, The parade lasted 7.5 HOURS..we only lasted about 4 hours. Apparently there were over a MILLION people that attended the parade, I honestly wasn’t that surprised. When we were there it felt like there were 2 million it was so crowded.

It's alright needed more tlc but Microsoft rushed it out last fall beside gears and forza 3. 7/10 needs more porn.

If it is ever on sale for cheap, I might grab it, I loved the way it looks.

I can't wait for the definitive edition of this game, when I get a Scorpio it Recore Definitive Edition will be one of my first buys.

>still 40 bucks on windows
im salty.


>complete covered up by armor and clothing
>still extremely cute

How Joule manage to do it?

>ReCore threads
ReCorpse had threads?

I'm still mad about T8-NK