Just got this.
What am in I in for?
Just got this
Other urls found in this thread:
all nighter in diablo 2?
3dfx makes me nostalgia pretty hard
>3D accelerator
whats a 3dfx?
>dad buys a voodoo3
>spend an hour installing it
>have to fuck with drivers cds and shit
>download new drivers, take two hours
>finally get it working
>boot half-life
>crank up the resolution to 800x600
>plays like a dream
that card was the shit
>Graphics cards no longer have 3D models on the box
How am I supposed to know how good a card is if there isn't a hot woman on the cover telling me?
that was the perfect card for d2 back in the day
>16 mb
jesus christ, isn't this a bit overkill?
what game are you even playing that needs this, Daikatana?
the nintendo of GPUs
I like the box art a lot. Once nVidia took over, all the boxed had those fugly 3D characters from no game that nobody wanted.
3dfx knew how to sell their shit.
Just seems like a waste for benchmarking after buying a new card since everything is pre rendered.
I strongly disagree, user. The Diamond Stealth III S540 with 128 Mb of VRAM was the superior 2D card before the GeForce series.
16bit colors and 256x256 textures.
But a very good performance and compatibility with old games, specially those that require 256 color textures.
Looks like a Chinese bootleg, what a garish font.
is this a thinly veiled vidya nostalgia thread?
Why do "shit" graphics feel so much better than modern AAA visuals
Is it really just muh nostalgia or is there something about the style/limitations that make things easier to visually parse?
There's neither uncanny valley nor bullshit modern postprocessing. That probably has to do with it.
It's easier to see the things.
Enjoy your """"""32-bit"""""" color depth Glidailures
>gtx 8800 with ddr3
>not gddr3
>3dfx is kill
>ati is kill
>nvidia is becoming skynet
what happened
some of these custom maps were fucking nice.
i remember one that was just bowling.
only two classes, engineer or sniper.
the engineers crouched on the bowling alley, and the snipers would shoot a charged shot at them. no damage so the engineers just get launched and hit giant bowling pins (no physics, they just disappeared).
>early 2000s
>prebuilt computer
>know nothing about upgrading hardware
>only know I need a dedicated graphics card instead of the onboard graphics
>friend tells me to shop on newegg
>have no idea what I need
>ask for help from GameFAQs
>end up buying something like pic related
>only a modest upgrade; still barely able to run games
If only I knew then what I know now.
look at that fucking box.
i'd have bought that too.
clever girl
what is a megatexel
20979 triangles
Fill rate for pixels in textures as I recall.
*Decelerate your 3D graphics
Fuck, I had one of those things. Went from software mode being faster to being able to max everything (other than Glide games) when I got a RIVA TNT.
You can emulate it now.
(And the 3DFX voodoo 2 chips as well, in case you want an actually good 3D performance).
This is what happens when you refuse to buy AMD. You deserve this.
I've always hated that box art
I don't want to see some nasty bitch's pores
>He doesn't want colored lighting in D2
try this bad boy
Speaking of tomb rider, everyone go play it right now in browser