>what is binding of isaac
What is binding of isaac
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It's making fun of Undertale, you dunce.
>horror game
Every Kirby game ever
It's a horror rogue-like
Shin Waddle Dee when?
>looks evil
>actually friendly
I mean, yeah, this is true. But that's how a lot of good horror is made. Take something people associate with safety or normality, then subvert that belief with danger/disturbing material.
It's how a lot of really good horror games come about. For indie games especially it makes sense to focus in on that concept because of limited resources. When all you have are cutesy RPG Maker assets, you can't exactly go for high fidelity gore and grime. Instead, it's best to make slight alterations on what appears friendly, until the player feels uncomfortable.
Having to escape from a ruined prison filled with psychos trying to kill you.
And you're deaf.
Does this Bitch counts?
Guys, vid related ( It's 360 degree view video, you can drag around )
Subverting expectations by taking the familiar and modifying it with sinister implications is like the basis of all horror you retards.
Yeah that's pretty fucking horrific
What about BoI? It doesn't use this gimmick at all, it's just you vs weird shit.
Don't forget to make le pixel art characters, and then when they move have their pixels rotate as well.
i tried giving her a friendly handshake at the end but it didn't give me the option, this game sucks
>actually thinking the flower wasn't evil
If indie games want to horror well they need to figure out how to market themselves as not horror games. The thrill of a spoop is kinda missing when you know it's going to happen.
I think low budget games need to try to create events that break established rules of the game to surprise players. Like having a turn based enemy move toward the party instead of taking its turn or enabling encounters in an area the player thinks is safe.
In what is it edgy?
When gaming became extremely mainstream everything started being simplified and dumbed down so any ape could play a videogame. I don't think games should be obtuse but it's been over a decade since I've played a game and felt genuine wonder due to not knowing what was going to happen. Or finding a boss that did something I've never seen before and having to figure out how to get around without a skyrim waypoint or tutorial telling me what to do.
Not to say old games were better designed, it's just a result of lack of explanation and guidance on the game's part, but developers should try to remove that kind of handholding that has been established.
There is no real surprise when everything and every game is properly tagged, categorized, introduced and explained.
Pretty much only indie horror games this fits are
Five Nights at Freddy's (The sequels and fangames)
Bendy and the Ink Machine
.exe games
Dunno where the picture creator got idea that every indie horror game out there is about le cute character who is actually evil.
This right here makes me sad because it's true.
Eversion, too.
how new are you fuckers? it's refering to eversion at the very least, which came out back in 2008
Was gonna include that, but it's more like a platformer with sudden twist.
Eversion is actually good though you stupid nutshit.
Can we agree that every horror idea, trope, cliche and stereotype is over done? There is nothing actually scary once you experience something once. It's nothing surprising, after you've played one thing you've played them all.
I'd like to play a horror game where you keep expecting something, but it never comes. It keeps leading you on with those ideas you're familiar to, SOMETHING has to happen, but it never does. It kept you scared the whole time because you've played a horror game before.
yes, and? at no point in the OP's image or any of the replies it was said the game has to be bad to fit the category
Some old games simply were better designed, like Thief perfected a lot of the design philosophy stealth games at that time, and everyone fucking threw it aside.
And it's why all these spiritual successors to CRPG games like Pillars of Eternity are shit, they don't build on the strides the older games made and put their own spin on it, they just throw all that out and start over from scratch and fuck it up.
The only games that have gotten better are FPS games to a degree which have constantly refined those FPS mechanics until they feel better and better. That said then you get to the level design and other game mechanics outside of shooting and it often falls apart because people just don't think about things like level design in relationship to game mechanics like they did with older games Timeshift, Thief, etc.
>but it never does
I hope you don't mean that literally nothing scary happens at all. Otherwise maybe Anatomy?
see: Gone Home
marketed as a horror game before its release and intentionally set up with familiar horror atmosphere about spooky houses, but nothing happens.
why not have things that look hideous but are friendly instead
Binding of Isaac does that.
Nigga BoI is friendly for like 10 seconds in the animated intro
Are you implying blacks are evil?
there's almost nothing friendly in that game
This game fucking haunted me
You should try HOME, it does exactly that.
And it kind of sucks because of it.
>what do yoooooouuuuuu think happened?
That ending pissed me the fuck off.
Home was fucking horrible
What? There's a shitload of "buddies" you can find to accompany you. And then you can play co-op and have the second player as a co-op doll.
There is literally no way to satisfy horror cucks just make gore porn and call it a day.
The point of my post was that the OP's image was a guideline on making a horror indie game, and BoI is an example that disproves it.
Demonphobia was pretty fucking scary and horrifying.
>horror game
there's a name I haven't heard in a while. It feels jarring to think of it as an "older game" but I guess it is now.
I always thought it kinda undersold itself on the time control mechanics, they could have done more puzzles with it but I think I agree with you that it's more interesting in terms of layout and enemy placement than any triple AAA shooter I've experienced recently (althought it's been years since I played Timeshift). I guess when you have time control mechanics it might be more stimulating and fun to create situations for the player to engage. Making levels for something so monotone like call of duty must be a fucking chore.
The game mechanics and levels themselves are so boring, although the controls are admittedly tight.
>b-but I wasn't wrong! you're the one who misunderstood me!
it's okay user, we knew you were a faggot even before you started posting anyway
Can I fuck it?
A lot of the familiars are basically a fetus with some kind of condition like a Harlequin fetus or one that's just a rotted corpse and spits out flies
No it's not. The basis of horror is triggering primitive fears ingrained into us through evolution. Basically anything that emulates a warning sign of something that's a threat to survival.
I got the impression it was making fun of RPG Maker horror games like Ib, The Witch's House, etc.
>Binding of Isaac is a horror game
literally fucking what
>how to make a Sup Forums horror game
>looks like a boy
>is actually a girl???
What about a game that starts off as horror but then the horrifying monsters are actually good guys and it gets a lot less scary by the end?
amnesia: a machine for pigs
your idea is actually amazingly bad in practice
>I like jokes without punchlines
>I'd like to play a horror game where you keep expecting something, but it never comes. It keeps leading you on with those ideas you're familiar to, SOMETHING has to happen, but it never does. It kept you scared the whole time because you've played a horror game before.
So basically, psychological horror. You'd need a top-tier story and atmosphere for that, on top of competent developers to craft meaningful mechanics around the idea. Not gonna happen.
well, yeah. that's the gist of it, isn't it? You've heard the setup and payoff so many times, that sometimes the beginning is good enough.
I don't need to hear your stupid idea on what a punchline is, I've heard it a hundred times before.
You fill in your own punchline, that's the way some jokes go. Some. see? how I said not "all" ?
Tell me a knock knock joke, you start.
and it gave me a boner
sequel never ever
I don't mind that.
I just wished that horror games erred towards gameplay that's horror-themed. Amnesia and friends were a mistake.
Eversion is awesome
>plot twist is that you were PLAYING A WESTERN GAME THE WHOLE TIME
The great Toby Fox would never sink to aping a fad right?
Pic related
And forgot my pic
I feel that there are two main components to horror. The first is setting up the atmosphere. You want the player to feel threatened and like they're not safe no matter where they go. The second component is the actual threat. This is what's going to keep the players nervous and on their toes the entire time once the atmosphere becomes familiar to them. You can't really have one without the other and expect a decent horror payoff.
I also think that a criminally underused horror element is the Uncanny Valley. Let's say that there's a game where the protagonist stops in a small town in the middle of nowhere for gas, but can't help but notice how the people there seem to stare at him a second too long, and the inside of the gas station is stocking strange, foreign looking products that are mildly disturbing. It's all about exploiting that little feeling that something appears to be very wrong, despite the town looking ordinary on its surface.
user, I would buy your horror game
>Everyone ITT is wrong
Ding Dong was making fun of all the shitty indie games people like Markiplier play, like that Bendy game.
I had a look at Bendy and the Ink Machine recently and it's probably the most disappointing thing it could possibly be.
You've got a goddamn classic cartoon character as a villain, why not go the whole hog with it? Black comedy, where the slapstick that's harmless to cartoons is deadly to normal humans. But no, it's just a by-the-books horror game where the character is animated by black magic and is mad at being abandoned so it uses ink to attack the protagonist.
I guess a lot of horror nowadays is missed opportunities. The first FNAF played up its concept well enough, but basically everything else is just the same as each other.
Because it's made by a talentless indie dev who is just cashing in on cliche horror with a new aesthetic. The only reason it's popular at all is because he got lucky with the fan music blowing up.
is there an actual video game that uses psychological horror instead of "WOOGABOOGABOOGA" shit?
It's because it's an easy formula to follow and kids who are hooked on Let's Players will eat that shit up every time. I think it's the reason why the genre became so stale in the first place.
Bendy is just more boring 'Uh oh the spooky satanic rituals made him come alive'.
The first time the evil hand popped out of the ground scared me good. I really liked this game.
>horror game
>how to make horror vidya
>looks friendly
>actually is slutty??
At least that one song isn't too bad. But man, the wasted potential pisses me off.
The slapstick black comedy is what I thought FNAF was going to be like when I first heard about it but hadn't seen a single thing. I'm disappointed nothing has popped up in that vein. But it might just be too ~hard~ for indie devs to make look decent.
At least this dumb trope means that it's a bit refreshing when people don't go for it.
I mean, subversion of 'safe' material makes for good horror, in the right hands. Indie games lend well to the concept of subversive horror because they're allowed to be a little more experimental than big publisher-funded material, where horror is already a niche.
What's the problem here again aside from "I am bitter and I hate indie developers"?
>tfw the horror aspects of undertale are what drew you in initially when you played it before it hit the mainstream
I know the fandom has straight ruined it but I really like meta-horror. No doubt if I'd played it when I was a kid, it would've screwed with me real, real bad.
What the fuck is that user
A Hulder.
But that clip is from the movie Thale.
Something that needs to be bred long and hard.
This is a great example of good horror.
>Isn't actually focused on the horror, which is added in for atmosphere and game mechanics
>Focus is on any other "genre" Horror isn't really a game genre so much as a defining characteristic put on top of a genre, such as FPS, walking sim, platformer 2D or 3D, RTS, etc.
>Game is overall considered better than any game that banks on selling it as a "amazing horror game"
>Black comedy, where the slapstick that's harmless to cartoons is deadly to normal humans.
That sounds great and I'm now incredibly disappointed.
Who framed Roger Rabbit already did that. The Mask comics too if you want to get technical.
Not in purely horror setting though.
A skinwalker about midway through changing
at least shooting them makes them fuck off, and they don't leave the deep woods thank god.
My new waifu.
I cannot for the life of me get why bendy and the ink machine is massively popular, coming from someone who loved the first fnaf but got the impression that its incredibly popularity was for all the wrong reasons.
Having a game where you're stalked by warped old timey cartoon mascots could be fucking LEGENDARY. Spooky as hell. For the love of god, don't make it conventionally spooky. Have it operate kind of like a Tom & Jerry esque but the traps and gags are excessively lethal for you.
oh god what
there's nothing really wrong with WOOGABOOGA as long as:
>The WOOGABOOGA is good and doesn't just make you want to laugh
>There's real good buildup so the WOOGABOOGA actually means something
Tattletail really disappointed me like that where I was poopin' myself for most of the early game where they don't actually show you the monster or what it's capable of and then when I got first caught, I was stonefaced because it was so disappointingly not-scary.
>tfw you don't like horror games because you know they're all just cheap scares and just a bunch of data
>despite this you know deep down you're actually just a gigantic pussy
That's the closest a game has gotten to actually making me shit my pants.