PC gaming question. Are mechanical keyboards actually all that necessary, or are they mainly just a preference...

PC gaming question. Are mechanical keyboards actually all that necessary, or are they mainly just a preference? To me they've always seemed like the same idea as playing a fighter with stick instead of pad. Neither are guaranteed to make you better at the game, it's just what feels most comfortable to you.
As far as I can tell, no game absolutely needs more than 4kro, which most membrane keyboards can do no problem. It seems like a mouse and monitor are more important than your keyboard.

Am I wrong?

There's barely any "competitive" advantage to mechanical keyboards as in they won't make you better at games.
To me it just makes the process of playing (and all the other things I use a keyboard for) much more enjoyable because I prefer the feel of mechanical keyboards.

If you're buying a mech keyboard because you think it will improve your skill, you're doing it wrong.

You buy mech because it feels better on your fingers. I bought a board with cherry blues a few years back, and while it didn't improve my vidya skills, it certainly makes using my computer more comfortable. As for mouse/monitor, monitor is far more important, since high refresh rate goes much further than a gaymer mouse with extra dpi that you pretty much won't use.

Can anyone weigh in on the quality of Brown switches? I'm currently using Reds, but would like something with tactile feedback (not audible)

Its all down to preference and you don't gain sort of advantage using one, mechanical keyboards are more geared towards typing than gaming. I prefer them myself because of the way the feel of them, more durability, easier to repair, and I like having a heavier keyboard like you get with mechs.

But again people should just use whatever they are comfortable with and prefer.

Do you need an annoying click to confirm your keypress for you? if not no.
Do you already have a baddass 144hz monitor and a GPU to make use of it? if not no.

From what I can tell the real advantage is the click for keystroke timing.

I use cherry reds myself. It feels alright, but the key spacing took time to get used to. I found myself making typing mistakes I didn't usually make.
Ultimately to me it seems like preference not anything spectacular for performance. I almost feel like the "pro gamers" use them because of marketing deals and nothing more

They aren't necessary at all.

But damn, they feel nice.

They're not as good as blues in my opinion, but if noise is a legitimate problem for you then they're certainly better than reds.

This, mech keyboards are a complete luxury but they're definitely nice to have. If you want something that'll actually improve your gameplay get a mouse with a good sensor and a 120+hz monitor. But you'll still suck if you don't practice of course

Most of them have exceptional build quality, much more satisfying keystrokes, and longer life compared to typical rubber dome flat keyboards, but it really does boil down to preference.
You can perform just the same with any keyboard, but the quality of mechanicals will always be my preferred pick.

It's like finally playing with a 120+ hz monitor over a 60 hz. You just don't really ever wanna go back.

I do have a good monitor and a gtx 1080, so my pc is personally powerful enough to do what I want

>You buy mech because it feels better on your fingers
Pretty much this. I couldn't care less about "performing better" or some shit at video games, but fuck me does typing on this feel so fucking good.

I have a Razer keyboard and mouse

You'll soon have a broken keyboard and mouse.

preference. youre not going to become a pro gamer overnight because you bought a keyboard.

I do for the nkey rollover. Never going back.

I hope you're using ps/2 then.

My condolences user

Do you ever need more than 4 keys at once? What games does this come into play for?

Keyboard is a veeeeeeeeeery distant third behind monitor and mouse when it comes to gaming (especially shooters).

The only thing you can safely say about mechanical keyboards is that they tend to be more durable than their rubberdome counterparts. Everything else is down to personal preference.

It's better for rhythm games, thats why i bought one

Other than that i don't think it'll make a big difference in other types of games

I've been using a razer keyboard/mouse for the past 4 years and they work fine. every time an user mentions razer people say they break right away, i don't get it.

>Are mechanical keyboards actually all that necessary,

hell fucking no, don't blow your budget on that shit

>hurr the clicks just feel better, that's worth $200 of my budget!

just get a normal keyboard for now

Mechanical keyboards would be amazing if they weren't so loud. I just want an 84 key board that doesnt click clack at me constantly.

Maybe fighting games? There are even some fight sticks with all cherry buttons

It's possible you got them back when razer still made decent stuff. But over the last years quality has gone absolutely to shit.

Try cherry reds and use O-rings or if you have the money buy topre switches

Well all the deal about mechanical keyboards sums up in
>Personal preference
You like how it feels to type, you like the sound, just gives a cool vibe to own one, you happen to have spare money for one because why not, etc.
Muh performance, muh competitive gaymin, muh elitism etc etc

You choose which group you belong to.

>As for mouse/monitor, monitor is far more important,
Kinda depends, a mouse with a good shape for you and a decent sensor is more important in a shooter than a 144hz monitor. The monitor's nice, but your aim will be directly hampered if your mouse is uncomfortable. A mouse that's too awkward for you can also start hurting your hand.

There's plenty of mechs that aren't clicky, just look at 1. That's overkill
2. Topre are bastard switches

honestly, I had disposable income at the time and have no purpose for my money so I bought one
I enjoy it, but it's definitely a want

just got mx browns today

much prefer brown to blue or red

It's kind of rare but I can think of a few scenarios where you'd need more than five. I remember having a couple issues with my old membrane keyboard because of that reason.

All I can think of is not being able to press W F and E, but I can never think of when I needed to do that other then testing to see if I could

Once you pay attention to it, more than you'd think

i have 10 dollar onn wireless keyboard that has never let me down.

sometimes it misses a keystroke, but i don't play twitch shooters or cod so its fine

They're better. The difference would be like using a cheap generic PC controller to a Xbone controller. Both achieve the same results but the Xbone controller is much more comfortable.

Well I don't find the Xbone controller comfortable at all
It's better than the FFXIV controller though

You are 100% correct OP. Though I think arcade sticks is not correct. I think they give people advantages.

>keyboard nope
>gayming mouse, only for WoW

A 6 button pad like the Sega Saturn controller can not only allow you to hit every button quickly, you have to travel less to make movements.
Your choice on fighting controller is 100% preference. Most stick fighters either grew up with arcade or were lied to by other "pros"

I don't think you need one to be good at video games but I have a cherry brown mechanical keyboard and I like it a lot better than using membrane bullshit

This, I can game adequately on my MacBook keyboard but it's not the same. If you are serious about gaming on the PC you should have a decent quality mouse and a mechanical keyboard.

I bought one off a friend I work with that he never used and damn, I love it. It has had absolutely zero effect on how well I play anything, but it looks and feels fantastic and the customization is insane.

I have the exact same overpriced keyboard you posted.
And I assure you mechanical keyboards are purely a marketting gimmick.
The "sound" the "feels", hipster bullshit.
Actual performance increase? Sure as fuck not in games.
Maybe in typing, but you'd get a 5-10% speed bump for $200 while you could have switched to dvorak and gotten 20%-40% for free.
The reason to piss away that much money on a keyboard is simple, build quality, and looks. Programmable LEDs give me a boner.

I like flat keys. I hate these large as fuck memeboards because ppl were like "muh nostalgia"

Has nothing to do with nostalgia. Most people that have them never had the old keyboards.

Hey, I have mine solely so I could make it glow red side to side like kit from Knight Rider.

>here take this laser optic mouse that has 18 buttons, slick as fuck, and makes no noise while it sucks you off
>here take this rainbow board that still goes clack-clack-clack-clack
Are you sure? Keyboards havent change much over the others. Except maybe laserboards

>muh tactile feels

admit its more about feeling pro when you clack on the memeboards.

I fucking love typing on blue switches.

I prefer Browns but none of tyem are close to what I would call silent.

The only people who say this are either

a. Fags who can't afford a decent board
b. Retards who buy Razershit and think it's indicative of all mechs

They are not better. Any benefit is just a placebo. I own one i regret it . the noise is annoying

memechanical keyboards are just another thing for autists to obsess over instead of actually playing games

I have browns too. I love my browns.

If I wanted to buy a memechanical keyboard, do local electronics store carry different types of switches to be tested out?

Local stores may have different boards on display, if they're good ones, but they're unlikely to have a wide range of switches.

If you want to test how every cherry switch feels, there's switch testers on amazon, but paying for that seems stupid.

The only mechs I've ever seen at retail stores on display to touch tend to be either Razer's proprietary bullshit or the occasional Corsair/Logitech, and even then they rarely showcase all the switch types.

mechanicalkeyboards.com has some pretty in-depth guides and a fuckhuge selection, along with "switch testers" so you can try out a bunch of switches at once, but those are about $20 and will pretty much be useless after you buy a board.

Go to a frys or Best Buy. They should have them on display