
What went wrong?

It's like a low-end gaming PC with no access to anything but the Windows store.

windows 10
if windows 10 wasn't a thing they'd have a decent amount of exclusives

That's the PS4 at this point. And the Switch is a crappy tablet. At this point consoles make no sense as they are just shittier, locked down versions of already existing technologies that are vastly superior. And the old 'exclusive' angle is starting to lose it's draw as exclusives are just the same shit over and over again, "Oh another Halo," "Oh another Uncharted."

Don Mattrick

But, user, the PS store has games.


>And the old 'exclusive' angle is starting to lose it's draw as exclusives are just the same shit over and over again
Microsoft in particular is by far the worst for this. They are beating franchises that should be dead at this point. Halo is pretty much dead, Gears of War should have been done at 3. Forza is the only exclusive franchise worth mentioning at this point but its a racing game so it already has somewhat limited appeal.

And so does Steam, and GoG, and dozens and dozens of other outlets for PC's, and I can at least use my PC for more than just watching movies and playing games.

>Microsoft in particular is by far the worst for this.

It literally doesn't matter. It's not a competition. They both are in the "suck" of a suck meter, degree's are just window dressing.

>Talk about xbox console
>Someone always replies "BUT PLAYSTATION!"
Every single time.

They both are awful, and I mentioned the Switch in there too. But read into what you want you console fanboy.

>watch OP's webm expecting the Xbone to fly off into Earth's atmosphere
>it never happens

exclusives lost their meaning on Xbox because Xbox doesn't really have any REAL exclusives anymore and the only exclusives" it does get are halo, gears, and forza. at least 2 of the 3 every single year.

PlayStation at least gets a good amount of new IPs every generation in addition to sequels to established franchises.

I wouldn't expect a pcbro to understand exclusives, as you haven't had one for decades.

"Oh another Yakuza", "Oh another Gravity Rush", "Oh another Ratchet & Clank", "Oh another ICO/SotC", "Oh another Souls-like", "Oh another Horizon Zero Dawn", "Oh another remaster for a game I missed the first time", "Oh another port/multiplatform release from that handheld I didn't buy"...
>inb4 subjective comment
PS4 is great for me now a couple years after release and Switch most likely will be down the line. Just because you don't think you like the games don't mean they're bad.
Arguably, PC is worse in this aspect. 90% of the non-indie games are "Oh another MOBA", "Oh another competitive multiplayer shooter" etc.

>PlayStation at least gets a good amount of new IPs every generation in addition to sequels to established franchises.

Too bad they are all uninteresting and, as a potential customere, a total turn off. I haven't owned a console since the Gamecube/PS2, and I haven't seen one release for a console since that I WISHED I could play, and definitely none to justify buying a console that can only ever be that, a console.

"play anywhere" was retconned by microsoft when they saw everyone simply pirating windows store games

it went downhill when peter moore left

Who the fuck cares about exclusives? Don't want my money? Don't care. Holding something in a sekrit clubhouse doesn't make other people want in. If you put a keep out sign, people just assume you want to be left alone. You ignore my medium, I guess you don't want my money. Simple.

>Arguably, PC is worse in this aspect

are you fucking retarded PC gets 99% of the games ps4 gets, if you have a PC you can even emulate 90% of nintendo consoles negating the need to buy 2 paperweights, holy shit kill yourself blatant shill

exclusives are an inherently cancerous concept and shouldn't exist

>as you haven't had one for decades.

Nobody said they weren't, but when the ps4 is obviously better and more preferable, trying to make a competition out of this is just stupid and desperate.

An Xbox shit posting thread Sony friends go play bloodborne again.

do you guys think phil spencer is doing a good job?

>ps4 is obviously better and more preferable,

It's not. It's just as shitty. Just as much of a waste of time, effort, and space as the Switch or Xbox. All to play a few shitty exclusives that are pretty uninteresting looking, at least to me and my money.

Microsoft plans to correct that mistake, by removing any reason to choose Windows over the Xbox.

The evil sonyger empire destroyed them.

>PC gets 99% of the games ps4 gets
I'm talking exclusives, the best reason for owning a console.
Outside of indie games, PC gets basically nothing in terms of single player experiences now. It's all battle royals, mobas and shooters.
Who the fuck hires someone to shill for both Sony and Nintendo, anyways.

this is falseflagging right

I had to buy a PS4 as a pc gamer, because we get no good SINGLE PLAYER games

The ones we do are also on consoles

Last of us is and bloodborne are 2 games I got so far and I'm so happy

They're SP and incredible games, I'll be getting yakuza soon too

On PC we keep getting copies of dayz, dota clones and f2p shit

A lot of fun MP games come out but they die in a week

It sucks

>I had to buy a PS4

prove it.

>I'm talking exclusives, the best reason for owning a console.

Speaking as someone that has skipped the last 3 generations of consoles, if that's their best shot, it's a bad shot. Wasting the effort and money (even with a console only costing as much as a shitty video card) to play maybe 3 games is incredibly stupid. And I'm not saying they only have 3 exclusives per console, but the likelihood EVERY exclusive appeals to one person is low, so in reality it's probably one, maybe two series, per console, so like 3 maybe 4 games. All that for 3 maybe four games, released over a period of several years. Yeah thanks, but no thanks. Not a single exclusive has been appealing enough to waste time on a console.

>I'm talking exclusives, the best reason for owning a console.
the only reason
and they're controller only, inferior res and framerate experiences that have no technical reason why they can't be ported, just a big fuck you
and you reward that attitude by buying their shitbox, congratulations retard

PS4 is worthless trash just like the Xbone, it's bizarre that people brag that their gimped PC is slightly better than the competitor's gimped PC. PS4 vs. Xbone is like fetal alcohol syndrome vs. down syndrome, you're both retarded consolefags.

>At this point consoles make no sense as they are just shittier, locked down versions of already existing technologies that are vastly superior.


>I wouldn't expect a pcbro to understand exclusives, as you haven't had one for decades.

here is what people need to understand--there will be no ps5, and no new xbox, etc. they will all be obsolete to the pc, to mobile, to steam, to having your library in one place, accessible on all of your devices. you won't need a ps4 or an xbone hooked up to your tv because you will just stream pc games to your tv or other devices in the near future.

>here is what people need to understand--there will be no ps5, and no new xbox, etc. they will all be obsolete to the pc

Unlikely to happen as long as the PC is dominated by a console company.
Microsoft will block Steam before they allow the Xbox to die.

Its not even a question of if anymore, the functionality is there in 10 now. Its only a question of when.

>>Microsoft will block Steam before they allow the Xbox to die.

lol the backlash from this would bury microsoft's gaming division

>And so does Steam, and GoG, and dozens and dozens of other outlets for PC's
But not the same games.
And you know it, so why be so obtuse about it?

not him btw.

i really need to stop forgetting my tripcode is on outside of /fit/

Man, I can just SMELL the 13 years of life experience you huys have from here.

Yeah yeah "durr console b dum, rite? Exclusive shitte. Bad boy. PC more."
seriously, I hope you are actually underage, it would be too sad if you aren't

>Microsoft will block Steam before they allow the Xbox to die
they would never do this

>What went wrong?
If you only game on console, nothing. In fact, if only consoles are concerned than both the heug and the 360 both were optimal choices in their gen.

If you have a high end PC though, the Xbox consoles have been almost entirely irrelevant. You would have to specifically fall into some kind of hyper specific niche like needing to play Gears 2 or Halo 3 THAT badly to make them worth a purchase.

So it really depends on how much of an idort you are.

Yeah I hope they show off their rebuilt first parties at E3 this year.

He's definitely doing what he can.



What are you going to do? Install Linux?

The astroturfers will be out in force saying its a good thing and making it Valve's fault. Especially once it becomes clear that they were saving their 3 games to encourage people to switch off Windows.
Most people though will just bend over and buy their games again.

Do you people not understand that even if a game is coming out on PC that most will still buy it on a console?

Most people don't give a shit about resolution and fps, they want to put a disk in and play

It's so mental how you people don't realize that shit

They've already done it, all that's left is for them to make it the default.

>speaking as someone with a heavy bias, I must say I have a biased perspective
Wow not shit, you're a smart one big boy.

"Yeah I haven't had a gaming PC in 20 years but I must say..."

It's true.
I don't have any plans to buy a scorpio, but having their "exclusives" being "also on Windows 10" doesn't actually hurt their sales chances.


the likelihood EVERY exclusive appeals to one person is low, so in reality it's probably one, maybe two series, per console, so like 3 maybe 4 games.
Maybe you should pick up a new hobby or at least stop talking like you have some kind of authority when you don't even like videogames.

>the only reason
Besides one system meaning devs don't have to support different hardware? There's a reason why barely any AAA multiplat/PC exclusive uses physics in the gameplay.

>inferior res and framerate experiences
No, it's the only res and framerate. The way the Debs are content with. They're exclusives. Sucks to not be able to handle 30 fps but that's your problem, don't project it on others.

I've gaming on PC since 1995. Consoles have always been trash. The Commodore 64 was better than the NES. A 486 PC-compatible was better than an SNES or Sega Genesis. Windows 95 was cooler than the Playstation or N64. Consoles are trash because they gove you no control of the hardware or software. All the problems retro gamers have today with getting consoles to work right are because they're so locked down, you usually have to mod them to get a decent signal. Meanwhile I can literally install DOS or Windows 98 on my modern PC and have it work with a little bit of tinkering.

The Scorpio is going to be the Avatar of vidya and change video games forever.

It's amazing how PC master race always says how inferior it is on consoles when it bothers nobody but them

>I'm talking exclusives, the best reason for owning a console.
Literally NOBODY buys a console for exclusives though.

But consoles have gotten objectively worse. Depending who you ask 4th or 6th gen was the height of console gaming, 7th was shit and 8th is a complete disaster.

>Consoles are trash because they gove you no control of the hardware or software.

It's a games console
It plays games

I don't need it to be a fucking toaster

I did
I'm happy with the PS4 so far

I'm hoping they'll keep the amazing games coming

You have to own a good computer to really realize what little you gain over consoles, and I washer most PC elitists are on laptops parroting another.


Welcome to an insignificant minority.

What the fuck is going on in this webm? Did MS put an Xbone in space?

I own a gaming PC and have for years
Bought a PS4 a few weeks back

I'm not one of those retards who stands around looking at wall textures

If a game is good and playable that's alright by me

If it's insignificant why do console exclusives exists at all?

That would cause global destruction.

Yeah I can remember all those Commodore64 classics, those games definitely outshine NES's library.
What the fuck was even going on with SNES, and MegaDrive? I can only think back to the hundreds of life-changing point&click PC games. Those stick to my mind above all else.

You're still missing the point, on purpose, I hope. You can't be this retarded after all, right?

What are you going to tell me next, that owning a Betamax player was OBVIOUSLY better since it has soooo many advantages over that shit VHS turd? Let us ignore the support they got, what you could actually watch on them, j-just look at the specs please.

Phil Spencer is too çuck to against Satya Poo nuttela and made to shill DX12 for W10 and Window app store too so they didn't get keep all of xbone exclusives. Also Their play anywhere policy makes Scorpio pointless to own if you already have a PC. What is sad about is that most the publisher will eventually put their game to Steam since majority of PÇucks don't want to migrate to Microsoft's storefront.

xbox target demographic doesnt exist anymore.
dudebros and viva piñata fags are already grown up adults that understood they never actually liked videogames and spent their time at netflix.

i cant think of anything at all that would save their ass, maybe targeting to the MLG demographic? overwatch esque halo game? an openworld porn game?

t. communist pcbro

Their play anywhere policy makes a gaming PC pointless to own when they plan to remove its advantages.

>What is sad about is that most the publisher will eventually put their game to Steam since majority of PÇucks don't want to migrate to Microsoft's storefront.

Ten ain't done till Steam don't run. You think they plan to give PC users a choice?

Gabe knows what's coming. That's why in the last month they've hired something like a half dozen more big name Linux devs.
The problem they face is getting enough users to switch before Microsoft shuts Steam for Windows down that they'll be able to survive on just Linux.

Most of the people I see when I play are 30+ set not many kids or teens. I guess the 360 crowd went PS4

I watched that whole podcast. Almost makes Moore seem like he has a soul. Good shit.


Is it funny that when the Xbone had the weaker specs, Sonybros would shittalk about how the PS4 was more powerful, but now that Scorpio will have better specs, they just shitpost and derail?

As someone ON Windows 10 and who has Popcorn Time installed, this is fake as fuck. r/Playstation is waiting back for you.


>Bad reveal that affected the console right from the get go
>Forced Kinect at the beginning
>Don Mattrick and his garbage exclusive lineup
>Phil Spencer comes in and gets rid of exclusives altogether
>weaker than the PS4
Granted, the bone slim is a great console if you're not into PC gaming. The dashboard update made everything extremely quick, the bone controller is still goat, and Gears 4 and Halo 5 are some of the best multiplayer games released this gen (though that's not saying much)

It also has a 4K UHD bluray drive. That alone makes it worth the $250.

>be me
>xbox one s on sale black friday for 212 with battlefield 1
>dont have a blu ray player
>its a fucking 4k bluray player
>buy it
>sell the game for 30
>get reuninted with xbox friends
>do the game sharing thing and alternate who buys what game
>kinda get back into achievement hunting
i have a 1400 dollar gaming pc and it isnt as amazing as my xbox was to me. granted, i built it a month ago, but 144fps battlefield 4 isnt as fun as i though.meanwhile, playing halo 2 for the first time on the mcc will probably be the best game i play all year

>I haven't owned a console since the Gamecube/PS2, and I haven't seen one release for a console since that I WISHED I could play

Don't play video games for years
Browse a Video Game channel

>And the old 'exclusive' angle is starting to lose it's draw as exclusives are just the same shit over and over again, "Oh another Halo," "Oh another Uncharted."
pretty much, even the new ip such as horizon zero dawn is just a reskin of far cry

this may come as a bit of a surprise to you but you can play video games on something other than a console

and people say the earth isnt flat.... lol...

this is what i came into the thread for, godspeed user

MCC is the only reason to own one, and even then Halo CE and 2 are on PC and 360s are dirt cheap

is that a fucking evangelion reference

Have you tried to either play H2Vista or try to get it running? Yeah, no. I won't let him deal with that.


Believe it or not most consumers don't want to custom build a $12 000 PC that might be prone to problems if you get shipped faulty parts.

i know, and i agree. the online and modding community for ce and 2 are active and i really like playing halo with kbm. i also have for honor and titanfall 2 for free from my friend and andromeda so really think the 200 bucks was worth it, which is a price of a 4k blu ray player. so, i basically got an xbox for free
i got project cartographer running no probemo. well, it tells me everytime i die in the campaign to connect to gfwl, but i just hit no and i can keep playing. even my laptop can do it. if it doesnt work for you, do halo online. its the next best thing

2 works on W10.

PCNEETs don't understand that people don't want to troubleshoot games after a long day of work.

I have both on my PC running Windows 7, Halo 2 works fine

My copy of normal H2V runs like ass. I'm able to run other games. Also, H2A has better cutscenes.

Anyone can buy an expensive balloon thing that can take small objects into the outer atmosphere. It's not very useful.


>people forget the intial Xbox One reveal, and continue to ask "what went wrong?"

Gee, I wonder...

h2a was amazing, even the multi which i liked. iknow its not the original h2, but it gives me hope for a great h3 aniversary. i dont know if im more xbox or more pc. i love my one s, but REALLY want mcc to come to pc. ive been playing halo 5 forge and it seems like with that, halo wars on steam, and gears cross play that mcc will come to pc as a litmus test for 6.
i hope

RIP that greasy E3 man