Things that trigger Sup Forums more than no Ape Escape 4


Other urls found in this thread:

15fps vs. 60 silky smooth



>tfw pc niggers still think that consoles are holding back graphics

>Last of Us 2
>God of war
Steam on suicide watch

>Another Movie
>lol what
>God of Another Movie prequel

try again

You wish you could buy them instead of having to beg for Platinum for another port

Not really since I can just watch playthrus and not miss out on anything.
Exactly like watching a movie.

Console users are too low IQ to have a decent conversation with, banging your head against a wall will only serve to frustrate. Just alt tab back into your 60 FPS ulte high graphics game while they shitpost on Sup Forums

>left is build for one console only
>right is a multiplat downgrade
So, you're a retarded faggot?

I thought Witcher was made for PCs even with Hairworks and stuff?

dumb(REALLY dumb) frogposter

Cherry picking. I guess I could run Morrowind on a Titan XP and claim that's represtative of its abilities. Also that definitely looks like a prerendered cutscene.

>hair clipping through the bow

Why do game devs let this fucking happen? Seriously.

>not framerate and 60fps

That would take a lot of calculations to fix.
You want them to lower the frames even more?
Game can barely run at 20 with fucktons of motion blur to cover it up.


Who ever made this image intentionally showed Witcher 3 with mid to low graphic settings

>bad games vs good game
yeah im real triggered

>"realistic graphics n shit"
>Clipping issues

honestly by this point in time that shouldn't be a fucking problem.
Witcher 3 is almost as good as Horizon considering the PS4 hardware limitations

at least i can fuck bitches in witcher

It can be done in vacuum yes but not in games with a lot of calculations.
We're far but we're not there yet.

You really proved your point OP

Poland makes the best women
Netherlands makes the best scenarios.