You bought some orbs, right Summoner?
Fire Emblem Heroes
You will never get me to buy orbs.
I would buy orbs if there were more Sharena units.
Are the donut steels worth 5 starring?
especially not Alfonse
Sharena and Anna are good units, Not-Marth/Chrom is also good, but is also outclassed by most red swords in the game as is, so he can wait.
Getting alot of shit rolls for the past month
Altough I got Lucina,Ephihram and Tacomeme 5 star drops after that its been straight shit
Whats in it for me?
The wait for this new banner is killing me.
I wish I got a Tacomeme to wreck fools with.
You got some pretty good fucking 5 star rolls though
Sharena will go on a friendly date with you as friends
Sharena is fucking perfection
How did ISIS do it?
I bought 75. I put 20 Orbs into the Alm banner @ 4.25% 5* and got a +Spd -Res Eirika.
I honestly think her design would be better if she had sandals
I fucking hate those shoes she has
I want to impregnate my best friend!
>finally save up 20 orbs
>get this
Why bother.
My jewish instincts protect me from ill-advised purchases for gambling.
>buy $100 worth of orbs
>get 5 4*s and the rest 3*s
haha no
Navarre is impossible.
Blonde + Braided Hair = Top waifu
The only good unit is Alm, so it's not a busy.
Nope. The nip's already done it with free 3*s.
What an I supposed to do with this? Besides falling in love with her.
hey its me
Curse my inferior white genetics.
You did finish all the GHB quests already right?
Think you might be mistaken desu senpai.
I found the fight pretty easy honestly
Stats are meh but bow is neat. Enemies can't counter attack but neither can you, but since you're a ranged unit, it's probably not a big deal. Can be a threat for mages especially with her high Res.
How long did it take you? I'm feeling like it's not worth it. I don't like FRobin enough to level up Navarre to killing levels.
give her bow to a better archer
Holy fuuuck!!! First roll...lets keep going.
I can't for the life of me beat Navarre with what is essentially a 3-man team. Even last time, I had to use a dancer and he still gave me the most trouble of all GHBs after Ursula.
for some reason it's harder than I remember. getting it done with the dead weight heros is taxing me
Beat the orb missions with Leo. Blazing Light would reduce their HP to 1 but not kill them, so the shit units could kill.
It was mostly luck, really.
Yep, got them all done a few hours ago.
The hardest parts were getting Navarre and Robin to kill their Lunatic/Hard selves, but it wasn't that bad.
That's what the crystals are for. Unless you don't even have those, reroller scum.
Holy fucking shit how. Never got 2 5 stars in 1 summon much less back to back.
I finished earlier today. Used a hoarded shards to level up FRobin and Navarre to level 20. The only real trouble was killing FRobin with FRobin and Navarre with Navarre. Had to equip the 2* weapon on Snacki and MRobin to chip their HP down so the others could land the killing blow.
congrats user, they're okay at best but I'm still jelly.
It's almost as if this is what focus banners are for.
Sarcasm aside, congrats.
post the summon screen with the two 5 stars
Top tier taste, my man
Well fuck me. I just did it with blue robin cordelia lucina olivia.
This is a good sign right? I should just keep going?
Where can I get all the sprites? that chibi style is adorable
Go for broke.
No, stop. Other units are blue; don't dry out your luck any further.
The best I've seen is 3 5 stars in one full roll so it's possible you might something neat.
If your rates are high then yes since you will lose it once you leave. If it's just a baseline 3% then there's no point.
Red is great for SI fodder, so keep going.
roll one more, if its shit, you stop.
>takumi had the perfect stat spread to bring frobin down to 1hp so my frobin could finish up
That was easier than I expected. Navare's looks a lot more dangerous and he's a bitch and a half to level too. Might not get that one.
If you're fine with rolling on a shitty banner, then you really got nothing to lose.
i wish i could give her klein's kit. klein actually has decent speed which makes brave bow+ garbage on him but faye has good attack and passable def and gets doubled anyway so it + death blow + quick riposte would be perfect for her
If you're talking about Navarre against Frobin, you can kill her in one of the story missions instead.
>Straight section with just my Zephiel and an enemy mage
>Mage backs up and attacks Zephiel
>Fucking baby damage
>Zephiel walks up and smashes the mage
>Mage has to keep backing up and firing while zephiel takes almost no damage
Its like a horror movie.
Lets do this shit.
We're talking in relative terms here. It's an overall shit banner.
>kill a level 40 navarre with your navarre
My navarre is level 27. Even if I corner him or get him down to -10hp can my Navarre still go against him?
Or is there some lunatic story/paralogue version that's guaranteed to be easier?
Nah, I already did the story cheese. It's the one where you have to kill lunatic nav with your nav.
Shit banners are irrelevant to me since I rarely get the focus units ever since the Devotion banner.
Rolled in this banner and got Olwen and another Marth for 5 stars. Only got Alm as a focus from my 60 orbs.
Olwen is fucking busted.
Lunatic navarre has 58 hp and 24 def.
Do some calcs.
Why waste 2+ Kleins on Faye if you're just gonna make her into a worse Klein anyways? She would be better on enemy phase I guess but then Takumi would be even better
I only have two Navarre missions left. I somehow managed to beat the "Beat Lv35 Robin with Robin. Nowi and Nino are lifesavers.
Navarre is a pain to train, though. Red swords that are not Lucina all are.
>cinematic starts
>its marth
>4 stars
Wtf man.
At least is not a 3 star Robin.
That's the hero king himself, show some fucking respect.
It could've been a 3* Robin
Still good, he's pretty much male Lucina. Check his IVs.
Consider yourself lucky, 3* Robin is much worse
>my -res kagero literally solo'd the 4* robin map
I didn't even need to use my dancer. She just took all the magic to her face while al and navarre jerked off in the corner.
Oh look, you got a better Falchion, now you have someone to spend 20.000 feathers on.
How do you guys feel about the dub voices for older FE characters?
I really like how hammy Zephiel is.
I think they're alright...TAKE THAT ANY WAY THAT YOU WILL
Zephiel hits all the right spots for me. I love him. I hate Catria mostly because Kelley Conner is a bad VA
There's some I love, like ursula and zeph.
There's some I hate, like Lilana and Catria.
What's wrong with Catria?
Oh god bros. Is it over for me? I dont want to wait another week or 2 for 20 more orbs...
I never played Shadow Dragon, but Abel has easily become one of my favorite units thanks to his voice actor.
>Free Vantage 3
You could do a lot worse.
Fastest man west of the Mississippi
Most are pretty good. Nino and Fae are perfect. Rinachan is alright too
4 Star Lon'Qu = free vantage 3
Your luck is definitely not over user
Some of her battle quotes are weird.
She says 'Here I go!' like she's reluctantly going bowling and her death quotes sounds like she has a mildly annoying stomach cramp.
>Free Vantage 3
>2 decent 5 stars
>S tier Red
Not a bad roll at all. But you're gonna be on a drought for a while. You will get 4 orbs from the daily bonus until then, plus the 9 orbs from paralogues.
I never played Ike's games, why does everyone hate Micaiah so much?
Her valleygirl accent is way too strong. It's apparent in other characters she doesn't. Also her timbre just isn't pleasant to me.
>Levled up most of the ghb characters to 30+ except for robin and navarre because they're shit and I never was going to use them again
>This challenge happens
fuck me I want those 4 orbs
Probably because she's not Ike in an Ike game.
At least they give you 7 days so it's plenty of time to get it done
I only played RD but she's not really notable in anyway other than being a main character and wanting Sothe's dick.
This is the final stretch. Send your energy my way. Im going for it.
>Her valleygirl accent is way too strong.
Fuck you, now I can't unhear it