What will it be like?
What will it be like?
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The spiritual successor to Brothers in Arms
same garbage as usual. don't understand how anyone is expecting anything different from Activision at this point.
Hopefully in the same vein as BF1, minus the WE WUZ elements. Cinematically gorgeous, awesome weapons/vehicles, huge maps, addictive gameplay. I haven't played a COD since WAW, so it's nice they're making these games again. Fuck modern SMGS and LMGS, and futuristic space shit weapons. I want to shoot people with a PPSH-4.
>inb4 OP gets called a shill
If it's anything like WaW then it should be good
Like old WWll game but with dlc and loot crates
>lmao lets go back to WW2 XD?
Fuck off man they should make an entire game based on Secret Weapons of of WW2
Why do you hate black characters in games?
You're joking right?
What I dont fucking get is how people are like "omg cods changed now back to WW2 :DDDDD"
Fuck WW2 its boring as shit but people are eating this up I do not get it
Mods can we get an underage b& here please?
You storm into Berlin and kill Hitler all by yourself
>go to germany
>go to imperial japan
ratatatatatat fire in the hole
>2 nukes dropped in japan
the end
dlc pack:
italian libya-british egypt campaign
southeast asia campaign
china civil war campaign
stalingrad campaign
maginot line campaign
yugoslavia campaign
battle of manila campaign
all which costs 5x more than the base game itself
Spawn die spawn die spawn die spawn die spawn die spawn die
The game will never be fun unless they slow it down to waw levels of fighting, fuck these gigantic ass hurtboxes with 99% of the bullets 1 hit killing
Extremely fucking good i'd imagine. It's like what, not even 2 more days right?We don't tumblerina, they just aren't in ww2.
Medal of Honor Frontline is the definitive WW2 experience, it will not surpass it.
How are they going to incorporate nu-male hairstyles and jetpack double jumps tho?
Try to guess the track for the reveal trailer
Just wait a couple days.
you mean big red one?
The same fucking thing you've seen every year with even more micro transactions.
Stay far, far away from this inevitable piece of shit.
I predict the story we be focused on a single character or a single squad and it will attempt to put characterization first by tackling themes about PTSD and horrors of war.
Wub remix of fortunate son
I don't. I just think it's cringey when companies go to great lengths to fill their diversity quota.
We Will Rock You is the winner here
The best entry to the series in a long time.
So Infinity Wars did Infinite, is Treyarch doing this one? I wish they'd say fuck the past and just make Blops 4.
Brothers in Arms - Dire Straits
That's not Medal of Honor: Rising Sun or Medal of Honor: European Assault
I haven't played COD in a long ass time, what exactly are the micro transactions for?
most people don't like most black people IRL. go figure
>blacks weren't in WW2
Revisionist history. They definitely were in combat roles in WW2
Its a rotation
one after another which allows them time to develop a game without rushing it.
>new call of duty announced
>daily threads on Sup Forums
>it releases
>threads stop completely
I wonder who could be behind these threads...
It might be okay.
The main problem with current cods is that they're too speedy and the time to kill is too fast
but if they cut things down to a more simpler world war 2 setting, it might help in that regard
also I think it's being made by sledgehammer
so it might be quite good
>COD anything
It will be average
>They weren't in world war 2
this is why Sup Forums isn't allowed to discuss military history.
it probably wont fit the theme
atleast the Harlem Hellfighters were a real unit in WW1, but i dont know of any front line black regiments in WW2
that being said i read there were black tankers in WW2, so i unno
then again perhaps it is moot to argue in favor of historical accuracy when the last WW2 CoD game introduced nazi zombies
Medal of Honor Frontline is the best WW2 shooter in my opinion.
When you rank up a guitar riff will go dun a du da dun.
They could have a mission about the Tuskegee Airmen.
But how will they fit jetpacks, boost jumps and wall running in a WW2 game?
> Common men fighting to preserve freedom in a world on the brink of tyranny
Finally! German campaign confirmed for sure!
this for sure
Didn't Sledgehammer do the shittiest COD's?
Counter-history trash with black people fighting for sides that had none.
What I hate is a minority being there just to fill a quota. In Bf1's campaign, the first mission (around five minutes long) was the only time you play as one and that was it. I'm not saying niggafy the whole campaign but there was no point to it.
They managed to save it from complete stagnation with Advanced Warfare
Doesn't mean the game was good but at lest they stole things from Titanfall and Crysis
Press F to Pay Respects never forget
>white guy in the last one
here's a (you)
Good competitively for COD and seeing how they made Advanced Warfare which is the best COD from Ghosts to Infinite Warfare it'll be decent.
>It's going to be another D-day
>Not the invasion of Italy and the battle of Ortana.
>he's not just playing day of infamy right now
now that was a good 1942 expansion pack.
When it comes to the US in WW2, the Army was segregated so it wouldn't make sense for blacks to be serving along side white soldiers.
Wasn't that meant to be a South Afrikaner?
american garbage, industrial waste
They still served in combat roles despite being segregated. It's entirely possible to have different missions follow different units.
I'm cautiously optimistic even though i shouldn't be. I just want new big WW2 shooter, a Battlefield would have been ideal but since they decided to go with WW1 then i guess i'll look forward to CoD.
if there were black combat units, it would be ok to have one part of the campaign focus on them perhaps
you know, as long as they make it interesting
but well, its call of duty i dont expect the game to be interesting in the slightest
If I had creative control I would force the player to finish the single player campaign first before being able to play the multiplayer.
The single player campaign would start off as typical Call of Duty fare but then progressively gets darker and darker as the player either witnesses or participates in german, japanese, and soviet war crimes. This is broken up by American missions that portraying the Americans as on the highest moral ground possible. The last level will be called "The End of Innocence" where you play first as a crewmember of the Enola Gay and then it switches to the perspective of a young japanese schoolboy living through the aftermath of the atomic bomb and finding his family dead.
The multiplayer player starts off telling you to have fun and not to think about all the people you killed. It also congratulates every time you get a kill in a cute girly voice and every time you die it tells you that it's alright and that you can always get revenge.
not a bad idea, but i dont trust the devs to keep multiple flying missions interesting
they can barely make a competent FPS, you expect them to make a flying game too?
meh graphics
>feeling bad about killing the godless Japanese
>german """war crimes"""
Grow up.
does it have enough players? i love the fuck out of insurgency
There's no "if" about it. There literally were black combat units in WW2.
>tfw there will NEVER be a trend of Korean War videogames ever
Only the third shot looks poor, mainly because of the weird lighting that makes it look like it was shot in a Hollywood set with a matte painting background
I guess we've finally come full circle.
johnny cash - hurt
A WWII game actually feels refreshing at this point.
I never got tired of WW2 shooters Thought WW2 is my favorite thing to look up shit about, so I have that biased. Plus everything CODs been doing since black ops has been fucking stupid.
chillax nigga im simply not well versed in the topic
someone mentioned the Tuskegee Airmen, those guys could probably make a decent campaign, not that i trust SH to do so but well
i would honestly like to see a game deal with a unit like the Tuskegee Airmen or the Harlem Hellfighters, being discriminated and shit despite risking their lives constantly for their country, one think is to fight the good fight for the folks back home, but what happens when the folks back home are being treated like shit?
its honestly a very interesting conflict that would test the sense of duty of the characters
buuuuut, i dont expect anybody to really go ahead and do it
Oh, the game doesn't judge you and it rewards you for skillful play during the single player with skins for your guns and cute costumes for Death-chan the multiplayer lobby avatar/match announcer.
It's up to you the player whether you feel bad or not.
Literally every other CoD.
It's a damn shame, I'd love to remove Nork and Chink.
All Star - Smashmouth
>no ww2 with robots and cybernetic hitler as the last boss
>he didnt play Wolfenstein the New Order
Just wait for Death Stranding.
>Korean war game gets made
>barely includes the Chinese because nobody wants to portray the them as bad
>will never get to stomp the PLA with a mix of WW2 surplus equipment and new shit
Can people still play COD without jetpacks and running up the side of buildings and not turning invisible?
Then cried because that will happen.
>mfw they could do so much good shit
>mfw I thought they could do it
wolfenstein is what you are looking for
Is that fucking REX
But then you'd have too many people complaining about "who cares about this social progressive bullshit in video games! I just wanna kill Nazis without being preached about racial equality!"
Brutally boring. A hodgepodge of all the most mundane, cliché setpieces we all saw a thousand times in a thousand WWII games throughout the late 90s-early 00s, rendered at 4k.
And of course normalfags will eat it up and claim it's brillaint, because they have no taste.
I can't believe it's literally just called "WWII"
They didn't even try
Why yes i do believe that is REX
reminder that the majority of habitual cod buyers literally do not know that the series ever had games in ww2
What anime is this smug semen demon from?
Quartermaster Store Corn Shucker isn't exactly a combat role, Tyrell
There are also people who are unaware of the existence of Fallout games before 3 and Final Fantasy games before VII
What's your point. People are idiots? CoD fans aren't special retards.
>go on youtube to look at the trailer
>all the results are 10,000,000+ view youtube celebrity dickhead first impressions videos
>mfw i can't actually find the trailer itself
Advanced Warfare was in development long before Titanfall. The studio had the idea back when they were working on Dead Space 1
Reminder that the majority of people who hate CoD haven't played CoD in a decade/at all
Trailer comes out on Wednesday, numbnuts
Can't wait to fly the Enola Gay in the VR compatible mission!