Should I get it Sup Forums?

No, it's garbage.

No, its bad.

Terrible 0/10 Do Not Play

on sale yes

it's not a canon metal gear game

Get it, don't listen to these faggots

If you can get it for less than 60 dollars.

Get the Definitive Experience version. Don't listen to these fanboys.

Do you think incredible gameplay can overshadow a 4/10 story?

If so, it's worth it.

The fact that you havent alredy played it means you dont give a shit about MGS, so go ahead and play it. Its awfullness shouldnt bother it.

bought it on G2A for 17 bucks and yeah it was alright, i'm not a MGS fan though, so i didnt care for the story.

Worst case scenario: You're disappointed. Not that bad imvho.

Except the gameplay is not incredibly

in the future never ask Sup Forums if you should get a game
they will always say no

gameplay isnt even that good its like any other open world game, I have more fun with MGS2 in fucking VR missions than in MGSV just fucking driving for hours in an empty open world

I like it. I've dropped 110 hours and im A new player. just finished the story at a snails pace today actually.

The game play is super satisfying and the music is fucking great and fitting. People saying it's not a mainline metal gear game are stupid because of"reasons" that are flimsy. The twist is foreshadowed plenty and for some reason this triggers people because they spoiled themselves beforehand and lash out at others. It's neat, also the intrigue Into the conspiracy that is the metal gear universe is given to you like a hamster's water feeder, which is good enough if you're slow or not interested.


Yes, it's literally the best game in the series in terms of gameplay, and that's really the only thing that actually matters in the end anyway.

all the boss fights are just pure asspull cancerous no fun bullshit.
completely fucks with the rest of the game.

yes, but it's a clusterfuck of design.

Still leagues ahead of 4, but very flawed

MGSV's gameplay being amazing is one of the biggest memes on Sup Forums