Subtle game clothing Nintendo Edition

Has there been a more accurately named retailer?

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how many times are you going to ban evade tonight?

That's one puffy Kirby.


You know it!


Is this real? Looks like something tv would love


why is she so fucking mad and ugly is that a trans

I bet that girl is 30 something in that pic

Why does this just feel like child modeling with Kirby photoshopped onto it?


Yare Yare Daze

>Nintendo is not only aware of this, but they also sanctioned it

What's Nintendo's problem?

I would buy one of these if I didn't know I were giving him money. God dammit.

When you're 20 minutes into Planet Robobot and chill and she gives you this look.

The puff

>society cries REEEE at the continuing teenage girls fucking older males, (even other teens) as horrible muh soggy knees.

>clothing bitches keep designing and manufacturing 'fuck me harder daddy' crack whore clothing for pre teens and girl children < 10 y o and marketing sluttishness and whoring out as 'good' and 'normal' to girl children.

i feel like these SJW cunts just don't fucking know what the flying monkey fuck they want.

Why does she look like she wants to murder someone?

no fucks

Kill yourself whenposter

I'm waiting for his no-shoto shirts to come back so I can buy one.

Because it's one of the thousands of prepubescent girls from Ukraine and Czech that ends up modelling or doing gravure in Japan.

Seriously. There's like thousands of them. Their agents make most of the money while they get almost nothing. There's a documentary called "Girl Model" that details this exploitative industry.

Girl in image is most likely between the age of 13-16

Holy shit! Maybe it's two different types of people with different goals!

Not gonna lie, she's got a nice ass

How DARE you for consuming media that sexualizes women

but the actors, directors, marketing companies and everyone creating the content are all totally blameless

because she's a childmind in a rapidly changing pubescent body being told by the photographer to give sex face to the camera and doesn't understand how to be coquettish or coy.

>because she's a kid.

>that they're sexualising

>but it's OK because we're in FASHION and MARKETING !!!

>that makes our depravity totally acceptable!

That little girl looks like a crack addict.



She looks like a 28 year old heroin addict y'all chill.

Because she's probably from Russia, the land of "dress up as a french maid for your high school graduation".

I'm still not sure Russia is a real place.


>we're in business so we're totally allowed to tell girl children to act like whores and get freaky with the camera's because SEX SELLS! man, it's just the nature of the beast!

> 'business ethics', What's that?

>>society cries REEEE at the continuing teenage girls fucking older males, (even other teens) as horrible muh soggy knees
And we all know who's behind this. Remember the 60's or even 70's? Back then hebephilia wasn't demonized like it is now. And it all started when (((They))) started to put their filthy noses on the subject.

based nintendo

Mods leaving it up because they are nintodlers

the point being is that the product is a ''fuck me please'' outfit. for tiny girl children.

It's a pendulum. The 60s/70s were when it went all the way to child porn in cinemas. Now it's swinging back. It'll come around again.

I was more amused by the fact it was nintendo, but the whole site is full of this stuff. I think other anons right in that it's 30yr old crack/russian models.

Also japan

i just want people to make their fucking minds up.

no one can follow 'the rules' if some bunch of fuckwits keep changing them on you.

One of my ex GF's dressed pretty similar, when it was just us in the house.
She probably did have daddy issues.

>Tfw they are about to call your name and you were not able to make your boner die down



I'd legit shop at a grocery store called yummymart.

well, japan IS the country where high school girls will sell themselves as a girlfriend experience sex package to anyone with money and go to 'love hotels' in order to fuck, just to make more money.

That girl looks puffy in all the right places
I'm talking about Kirby of course

This thread is interesting.
How old do you think this person is.

who the fuck dresses in a kirby underwear when they want to have sex with some one else?

do you wear your Mario Undies when trying to hit on girls, user?

>It's a pendulum
Except it's not. Hebephilia wasn't demonized until the post-modern times. Back in the old days, you could fuck/marry a 11-year-old without issues.

which is made worse when fashion and marketing tells girls that they're SUPPOSED to act and dress like crack whores.

Blocks your puff

You make that sound like that is in anyway a bad thing.

C u n n y


I'm talking about relatively modern times. Before the hippie times came the restrictive 50s, before that the roaring 20s, and so on.

American level, hamburger music starts playing

woah is this a real product lol
id want it just to see how my bf would react

Honestly I prefer the maximum tomato pantsu

Really? That's what you see when you look at that? I think that's a problem with you. I just see a cute outfit, aimed at any girl that likes Kirby or that just thinks its cute. There is something severely wrong with anyone that looks at that and sees something sexual. People, like you, projecting their own disgusting inner demons on everyone else will never stop being revolting.


So what should the age of consent be? serious replies only pls

Yeah when they've got stunted growth leading to a late puberty due to malnutrition that's prepubescent.

If you think I haven't fucking SMASHED a bitch in hulk boxers you are wrong.

it's a little bustier made out of soft material so it's easy to take off and on, with sexy underwear that draws attention to CUNT and ASS by painting shit over them.

>next you'll tell me tight pants that have words written accross the ass aren't meant o draw your eye to check out that ass

>which somehow makes you an asshole if you do look.

>or tight chest tops with words written accross the boobs to make you check out that rack

>which also makes you an asshole somehow for looking at.

i really hope they are trying to go for a suicide squad harlequin homage look, because this model cant pose for shit

... what does count represent...

The same age as the age of criminal responsibility.

If you're considered mature enough to understand you can go to jail for stupid shit, you're mature enough to fuck.


This is not the first time I've seen this stupid fucking burger style.

>Jews are the cause why I can't fuck little girls

Sup Forums retardedness never ceases to amaze me.

Well, they at least honest.

What's up with her eyes?

>yummy mart

>sexy lacy bedroom panties

methinks you need to check thine fashion sense.

16 seems good.

Cute Burger

A few centuries ago yes, otherwise it was just common for two 15 years old to marry each other.


Driving age, voting age, drinking age, consent age, all of it, the age needed to join the military and go off and die for your country, every thing you need to be old enough to do, should be 21.


The amount of total children there are of the specific age, globally

Maybe she's so angry looking because they give her all the silly outfits

Are you retarded? Counts, you know, nobility. They get together to compete about who fucked the youngest girls.

Don't they sell any clothes for guys?
I want to wear cute Kirby outfits.

Make up.

You fucking loser

I'll be monitoring this thread

Yeah. Let's heap all responsibilities and privileges on people at once. That sounds like a great idea.

Around 16 they know damn well what they're doing. So that seems like a good age

Someone send this to Kotaku and see how hard they flip out about it.


Reallllllly reaching aren't you.

No, Im gonna call you an ignorant for not knowing that children fashion is all about plastering logos and images up front so the kid can see it clearly on mirror or show off to friends, regardless of what piece of clothing is

For girls print panties with a print on the whole thing or the back side is also pretty common
You dont even need to go to Sup Forums to realize this just walk near any store that sells clothes and you will realize this
Also kids dont care about design looks, just character brand and easy to use, so comfy and easy to put in and out clothes with a brand recognizable character are always their favorite

To be fair the body can be a very beautiful thing.

Just buy the panties you fag.


16 is way too old, by 16 they're practically adults. AoC needs to be at 12 tops so I can fugg dem nymphets.

Stop it.

Those individuals would still qualify as prepubescent if their puberty was sufficiently delayed

Where is the FBI when you need them

They're practically old hags at that point. 8 is the highest I can go.

You're one of the morons who didn't get that HH was delusional, hm?