Is Death Stranding going to come to PC or will it be a PS4 exclusive?

Is Death Stranding going to come to PC or will it be a PS4 exclusive?

I'm currently trying to justify the purchase of a Playstation 4, but the only games I really know of for it that seem any good are Bloodborne and Persona 5 and I don't want to buy a whole system for only two games.

What are some good games for PS4

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despite what most of Sup Forums will tell you, a lot of sony exclusives are actually good.

Such as? I've never actually looked into many. I've pretty much always been a PC gamer.

I made a list of actually decent PS4 games I want to play:

>The Last Guardian
>Yakuza 0
>Final Fantasy XV
>Persona 5

this list for me minus ffxv which is getting a PC port """""eventually""""" and persona 5, which is available on ps3

so... 4 games. Not that bad, actually. Might have to pick up a cheapo used ps4 sometime this year

Horizon, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Gravity Rush, Infamous, Nioh, Tearaway, Yakuza, Odin Sphere

>Horizon, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Gravity Rush, Infamous

Don't listen to this user.

I don't have the screencap of it, but I'm pretty sure that it was confirmed death stranding wouldn't stay a ps4 exclusive

We know that it's at least partially funded by Sony and it's also using the Engine made by the Horizon devs.

So logically it would seem that the game would stay a PS4 exclusive.

However, Kojima is an egotistical asshole so it's best not to trust him. Him backstabbing Sony and getting DS to PC wouldnt surprise me the least.

The game was confirmed for PC a long time ago and there hasn't been a single source saying it's exclusive to the PS4, only conjectures based on the game being funded by Sony.

weeb, please. nioh is worst than all of those but i guess it gets a pass cause it's souls shit with a jap coat of paint.

Nothing can be worse than Infamous.

MGS1-4, Yakuza, Uncharted 4, and I'm not really much of a sonybro, so I'm probably missing some.

My friend is convinced that it isn't even a real game, that this is all some huge scheme


I bought it cuz it's so cheap for PS4 and it's such a good GAME

People here act like it's a movie or a walking sim and it's not

It's a very well made sp game, mp is also fun

Bloodborne is awesome, played that too

I'll also be getting yakuza 0 and persona 5

infamous second son is also fun and cheap

It was never confirmed for pc, we just assumed it was since we didn't know it was getting funded by sony

>Is Death Stranding going to come to PC or will it be a PS4 exclusive?

It's published by SOE and is using the same engine as horizon dawn zero. It's going to be an exclusive.

Oh wait last of us is a ps3 remaster
Forgot about that kek

No, Kojima said specifically that the game is coming to PS4 and then later to PC.

Source then

>Update: A Kojima Productions Q&A posted by PlayStation's EU Community Manager has confirmed that Kojima's new project will be coming to PC, but only after a stint on PS4. The length of the exclusivity period was not coughed up.

You may believe it or not, but this still stays truth.

Im sure it will.

If you want a PS4, go get one my nigra. The only thing that matters is your enjoyment.

Now we know the game is gonna be garbage at least

i hope they can have the same quality optimization that they did for mgsv


there's a newer update right in that article. that was also before the announcement that it was going to be using sony's engine. and here's a newer article from the same source saying they don't know if a pc release is coming.
>We still don't have official confirmation whether or not Death Stranding will be available on the PC or if it's going to be a PS4 exclusive. Kojima. Kojima? Please.

you can stream movies on every platform nowadays, even your phone

>Is Death Stranding going to come to PC
I really doubt it. Will buy that version though if it does.

There is no source to that statement you cuck

kojima sure loves seeing his name

Me too. I have a PS4 but fuck paying for PS+ when I could play online for free on my PC.

Gravity Rush and Gravity Rush 2.

Can you explain what's great about those games?
I tried the demo but wasn't impressed

It was announced by KojiPro as a timed exclusive that was coming to PC later, but that was quickly retracted and all references to the game releasing on PC were scrubbed. Probably some convoluted deal with Sony going on.
