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Literally who?
Such a great guy, what a shame for him to end his life. Too damn young.
Suicide is the faggot's way to die.
No fucking respect to those who kill themselves line fucking pussies while the rest of us are living our pointless lives.
he died from cancer you mongoloid.
Not even joking, who is this?
been playing wow for ten years and i have no idea who this guy is
Suicide from cancer, what a faggot
Sad, but as many said already.
literally /who
>so do not worry if i go silent for some weeks
this made me really nostalgic/sad,i've always wondered if/how many of my past online friends ended up passing without me ever knowing, only seeing the last online 300 days ago ago
>That video Heelvsbabyface put out
Now thats some actual tears.
What's the song they play at your funeral going to be? I've requested
It reminds me of my life.
i played WoW for years and I have no idea who this is
Went through his videos after this was posted and his "Evolution of Dungeons" series is top notch stuff.
>watch videos
>it's actually a devolution
If you don't know him, its because hes a B tier WoW celebrity. I don't mean that offensively, but he has 50k subs compared to the top dogs around 250-300k. His videos focused primarily on lore throughout the series and how things were removed, changed, or hidden each expansion. Very high production quality consider its size. Worth a watch if you care about >WoW lore at all.
Cancer sucks but literally fucking who? Sup Forums only talks about these "whos" when they die.
Its a shame really. He put a lot of work into his videos but has less views and attention because he isn't some faggot streamer who pvps. He produced content to the very end. And even in his passing he decided to leave the monitization of his videos up to donate the money to cancer research. He never even brought up his cancer until recently when it interfered with his content (unlike another youtuber who bitches about it all the time). Rest in Peace
Decent guy, liked his videos showing how WoW kept getting dumbed down.
But jesus Hayven dies and totalbutslut biscuit doesn't die fuck this world
Rare footage of him actually not acting for once
>Monetized video
What an asshole.
Wanting me to empathize for a fellow gaymer? You'll get no sympathies from me.
literal nobody and all these youtubers moneytizing on his death top kek
This makes me sad. The judgement set reminds me of good times in WoW.