Just finished Bayonetta 1, arguably the greatest action game I have ever played.
Just finished Bayonetta 1, arguably the greatest action game I have ever played
you need to play more games
I have Bayo and DMC3 on the 360 and they've been in my log for quite some time now, which one should I play?
I wouldn't mind getting one or both for PC too.
>greatest action game
What went wrong?
DMC3 for the crits, Bayonetta for the tits
Play tall slut with bland backstory
Name a better one. And don't say God Hand.
Ninja Gaiden 2 Xbox 360
That's the only one.
Great blog
God Hand.
By "finishing" do you mean you completed it once or 3-4 times?
DMC3 if you don't mind dated shit like the annoying camera and the weird, sometimes frustrating level design
Now all we need is bayo 3 or dmc5 announcement at e3 and the platinum games rennaisance will truly begin
DMC isn't Platinum, dumb fuck.
If I want to get into DMC should I start with the first?
I only have a PC though
Emulate 1, play 3 with the mod and 4
japs are just now starting to get the hang of adjustable resolution options. give them a decade or two.
>doing chapter 5
>get pure plat on every verse and alfheim
>fall off stone ledge, snake eats me
>have to replay whole chapter
FUCK this shit
Is 1 easy to emulate?
stop being terrible sweety
This one And also 3
DMC3 is the most overrated game ever.
Played for the first time in about 7 years. Not as good as I remember. The QTEs were a big blemish. 8/10 tops.
>half a game
>10 missions tutorial
>BP and Dante missisons is the only thing fun and challenging
OP doesn't have a fucking clue
Camera ruined the game for me. It was too obsessed with trying to be stylish over practical. The game was also bogged down by constant shitty cutscenes. Bayonetta also had a a goofy run animation.
that and Dark Souls and Metal Gear Solid 3
Name a better 3D beat em up
I love it when newfags point themselves out with huge red flags.
That's understandable, Ninja Gaiden Black still hasn't been emulatable or ported to PC.
not him but you can "glitch" that part and die because of it if you go 2fast with c@ form
oh and fuck the camera too. better than DMC but not by much.
I played it on 360, I just hadn't gotten around to it.
yep, that's what happened
It has obvious flaws (level design, enemy design doesn't make sense until DMD) but the amount of options and depth is astounding
There's a nude mod.
>mfw too busy signposting to try it
Is there a mod to unlock the outfits at the start?
You can spam punch kick punch and win the game. I disagree.
How DMC 3 and 4 can be an overrated games if I reach the greatest hits status?
man I suck dick in this game
I get those stone awards at the end of the chapter all the time
idk let me check for you b
shoot while waiting to dodge, attack in witch time, random QTE, rinse and repeat - the game
>greatest hits
4 is more of a very flawed game rather than a greatest hits
seems like the answer is no unless you get a save I guess
It's just about how many 60+ combos you can pull off the hardest difficulty you turbo autist.
>Bayonetta 3
>Switch exclusive
it's coming
Give me yours when you unlock them
2nd to godhand for me.
1 is better than 3
Good. Now buy a Wii U/wait for the Switch port and play 2. Who here got Chain Chomp Bro?
Kamiya pls go
Playing 2 right now, I like it better so far.
Fight Grace and Glory and tell me that shit again.
He isn't wrong you know
Bayonetta literally have the most frustrating level design by the end of the game
I like 3 for the combat and 1 for the atmosphere. DMC1 was survival horror as fuck.
Name one better but actually name the better one
the final boss wasn't as exiting as i remembered. the QTEs ruined the final Jeanne fight,especially .
bosses are a bit of a weakpoint for the game
Because you haven't played Ninja Gaiden or DMC.
God Hand isn't better whatsoever. It's a meme game, that people try to claim is the best action game ever.
Playing both the DMC series and Bayonetta made me realize that Hideki Kamiya is a shitty game designer.
2 is better than all now fuck off.
DMC3-4 aren't made by Kamiya
He only made the first one
considering the type of game it is, doesn't that make it a bad game then? there's only 7 bosses in total anyway, 5 of which get recycled.
I wasted 200k rings in the time bracelet thinking i could witch time the fuck of the game but the crapy accesorie also turn off dodge time.
Segey & Buttefly/Rage > all. at least until i get the 50 umbran bloods one
Razorfist was right. Platinum Games is the most overrated developer at the moment.
How did you reach that conclusion? I mean sure, DMC 3 and 4 are better than Bayonetta, and Kamiya had nothing to do with them. But DMC1 is the best in the series and he directed that one. Kamiya has only been shit recently. See: W101 or any Scalebound footage.
Stop dying
I wish DMC3 had a real PC port that didn't suck ass
Now you've done it.
how about you go fuck yourself
No that would be Bethesda.
using items affects your rank just as much as dying, making them pointless.
>DMC1 is the best in the series
Nice bait. 9/10 very subtle
no, the combat just serves the normal enemies far better than giant bosses, and there a lot more fights with normal enemies than there are giant boss fights
you can use 2 items before you get a death penalty, it just removes the No Item bonus
Let's get this out of the way.
Capcom > Clover/Platinum
Itsuno > Kamiya
Dante > Bayonetta
Devil May Cry
>aesthetic as fuck
>rolls of the tongue
>hammy and likeable characters
>references the Divine Comedy
>wtf kind of name is this
>reminds of that literal shit rice japs eat
>ugly hag character with trash accent
>sloppy seconds/cheap knock-off of DMC created solely because Kamiya was cucked from the original
I wish contratarians didn't exist.
It's the only game where enemies aren't mindless punching bags and the only one without shit pacing. Also Dante became a massive fag starting with 3.
I guess damage score is a flat number and not %of your max health
Should I play dmc devil May cry (2013) or dmc4. Just played bayo and liked it.
I'm on pc
if you have to play one of those, DMC4
Capcom is trash
Itsuno is better at gameplay and bosses. Fucking Dragon's Dogma's Griffin is more fun to fight than Bayonetta's GoW bosses
Kamiya is better at basically everything else
So is this the new meme? Sup Forums has been pretending they haven't always fucking loved Bayonetta ever since the PC release.
Bayo 1 is sure as shit the top of my action game list. I mean yeah God Hand, DMC 3/4, and Ninja Gaiden are all comparable but but for me Bayo beats them all out.
i actually like DmC more, C-. 4 was really boring.
What about that was wrong? 3 and 4 have awful enemy AI that isn't aggressive at all, they are constant enemy gauntlets with nothing to break up the pacing outside of shitty cutscenes, and DMC3 ruined Dante's character and 4 ran with it.
Has it really come to this? Bayonetta and DMC fans shitting on each other? And shitting on Kamiya because "BAWWW HE SAID MEAN THINGS TO ME"?
Bayo 1 is a decent game and always has been. To compare it with the best DMC and Ninja Gaiden games is laughable.
how dare i have a more honest opinion of a game i haven't played in the better part of a decade?
How? DMC3 is the only action game where the protagonist actually has character development
Enemy are aggressive as fuck in 3 and enemy DT mean you have to manage their health, not combo each single one forever. Different combat