Is this the best game of all time?
Is this the best game of all time?
It's tied with Fallout: New Vegas.
Which is funny because their follow ups are 2 of the worst games ever also.
Design flaws and oversights: the game
I'm sick of people comparing every game to it. Even if there is the vaguest similarity, DaS will enter the conversation like the Godwin's Law of video game discussion.
Of course. Its no coincidence that its also, by far, the hardest game ever made. And no, old 2D shit doesn't count.
No, it's flawed and unfinished, but it's one of my favorite games of all time.
>Old 2D shit doesn't count
Look dude, games like Ghosts 'n Goblins and Ninja Gaiden were hard AS FUCK by design, not by bad development or game design. What good reason do you have for not including classics?
(Also DMC3 is the hardest 3D game, IMO)
Nobody wants to play that old trash grandpa.
>Shitbox mess with artificial difficulty
Forty keks. Pathetic. Maybe git gud noob.
why would you reply to such an obvious bait?
The sequel is better
gid gud? on what? rolling with a shit ton of i-frames to not get hit by the badly designed shitboxes?
Play a real game, like monster hunter for example, not that you have enough skill to get into it but you can try I guess.
>monster hunter
top kek
it doesn't even have a beautiful artstyle, a mozart-tier soundtrack, deep and engaging lore, build variety, non-artifical difficulty or pvp. Why would anyone play that
Dark Souls 3 is the better game if you never touched a Dark Souls.
>beautiful artstyle
Dark souls don't have beautiful artstyle either, u fucking fanboy.
>mozart-tier soundtrack
MH soundtrack is way better than DS shitty music
>deep and engaging lore
we have the deepest lore
>build variety
way more weapons and armors and possible sets than all the DS games.
>non-artifical difficulty or pvp
DS=artificial difficulty PvP= stab the other player in the ass like the faggot you are.
MH>DS :^)
Not him
But Monster Hunter is gay and autistic
My negro
Heh. Still DaS score is fruity loops tier. Always gives me giggles.
>Monster Hunter
Enemies are just damange sponge
Why is it that all games praised by Sup Forums are also the buggiest ones?
New Vegas, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and VtMB come to mind
If you're not a faggot you know how to fix these games so they run without issue 99% of the time
My only taste of MH is Peacewalker since that supposedly borrowed gameplay from it. If that's true then MH seems bland as shit. It's just a grind fest with shitty bullet sponge enemies. Am I wrong?
the best game of all time is dungeon keeper gold
They started with some pretty bad bugs but those got packed ages ago.
And you like to suck shit logs to have suck a shitty taste m8.
just roll lol
MH>DS :^) you are all spineless soulfags.
That's not the cover of VtM: Bloodlines.
These games are so great despite being bugfests that the community take it upon themselves to create patches to fix the bugs.
The first half might just be
the second half is kind of meh, 6.5-7/10
Nah, it's easily in my top ten, which surprised me as I don't think any other game released between 2007-now is on there.
The sequels were a mistake.
To me, it is.
Its the living proof of weaponized autism in video game form.
>a mozart-tier soundtrack
Everytime I think I've seen every ridiculous soulsfag defense possible there's a now even more ridiculous one that surprises me.
that's not MGS2
Been an MH fan for awhile, but man did Generations leave a bad taste in my mouth.
Have you played BB? I went from DaS to bloodborne and I have no idea how anyone could think DaS is anything more than a decent game now.
>tfw you will never work in the difficulty factory synthesizing difficulty for all the plebs
It's not nearly even the best game of its series. Everyone acknowledges its second half sucked, but then you have to remember Lower Undead Burg, The Depths, and Blighttown, so that leaves only 1/4 of the game as good, and even then in comparison to the later entries in the series its mediocre and unfinished. Now, if you had asked "Is this the most overrated game of all time?", then you might have been right.
No, not quite yet. I'll be glad to eventually play it though, if it doesn't live up to the hype I doubt it'll be bad, if it does live up to the hype I get to play an amazing game, everybody wins.
It wasn't so good but it wasn't bad either, and It was nice to hunt in the snowy mountains again, the best is just to wait for MH5U to come.
For me it definitely lives up to the hype because literally every complaint i had about souls is not present in BB. The game is hard for the right reasons and easy for the right reasons, as opposed to DaS which seems to be an incoherent mess when they were deciding difficulty.
You could make a strong argument that it is, probably more than for any other game. As a self contained work, DaS1 is amazing.
honestly it renewed my hope in video games. No its not the best game ever but it was the perfect answer to skyrim (which released around the same time).
Bloodborne is better than this trash
>You could make a strong argument that it is
You really couldn't. It has a lot of stuff that automatically keeps it from being viewed as anything remotely close to perfect, let alone the best game of all time. Only way someone calls DaS the best game of all time is if they haven't played Bloodborne, or they have very weak criteria for judgement. Not saying Bloodborne is the best game ever either, it's just superior to DaS in every way.
Elaborate pls. I thought Bloodborne was good, the faster-paced combat was nice, but I didn't feel like it was harder or easier than Dark Souls in any meaningful way, but that might have been because I'd already played 3 other Souls games and got gud.
IMO BB has its strong points but I still feel like DaS was the overall better game. None of the other Souls games have level design that compares to DaS, which makes me sad since the level design was maybe my favorite aspect of DaS.
What the fuck, an actual journalist that knows how to write? I actually agree with him?
Is this the end of the world?
I'm afraid anons.
I prefer DS3, personally. DS1 is too slow for my tastes. But I prefer Bloodborne to both of them.
New Vegas > FO3 = FO4.
Personally, I prefer Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines to all of these games, except maybe Bloodborne. I play VTMB when I want more role-playing and BB when I want more combat.
Even normie games like Halo are harder on their highest difficulties.
Dark Souls is literally only as hard as you are ignorant of its mechanics.
Once you know what the stats do and how weapon upgrades work its pretty easy.
Well it would be easier for me to point out where you are more than likely omitting the negatives of DaS.
>I still feel like DaS was the overall better game.
>which makes me sad since the level design was maybe my favorite aspect of DaS.
If you are referring to the non linear aspects of firelink, that only accounts for about 25% of the game. If we are to be enitrely honest. Asking people to do glitchy shit like walk cross pillars in Anor Londo is absolutely terrible game design. Bloodborne keeps the non linearity but instead of one major hub like Firelink you have several small nodes so you don't end up with terrible shit like Tomb. Also, the non-linear aspects of the game are also game breaking because they encourage the user to just sprint past everything instead of fighting it. While you do this to an extent in BB, it's not nearly as bad as it was in DaS. In short, I think you are overlooking the bad that aspect of the gameplay did in favor of the good.
All games that get a lotof their bugs from being more ambition and complex than their developers had time and budget for.
blood borne literally wouldn't exist without this you retard. its like you're saying that someone the beatles influenced were better than them. You're literally retarded
Not even close. Its a solid 8/10 game but fuck you'd have to a blind retard not to see its issues. So many shit areas and crap bosses.
Amazing atmosphere and best looking out of the DaS1 games imo because of the darker lighting then 2-3. And i consider it better then 2-3 but not as good as Bloodborne
But fuck the Hydras were scary the first time. Scariest enemy in Souls games appearance wise they look so fucking vicious and insurmountable
>its like you're saying that someone the beatles influenced were better than them. You're literally retarded
You do realize many PhDs in music think Beethoven was better than Mozart right?
What year do you think this is?
It's the best game of the previous generation.
It's also the black sheep of it's own series.
>only Souls game where you can level up from any bonfire
>only Souls game where you can smith from any bonfire
>only Souls game where you don't immediately start with fast travel or a level-based hub
>only Souls game not painfully self-aware of the memes that ruined the franchise
>only Souls game to offer the trinity of what makes a good Souls game:
>• interconnected world
>• vertical level design
>• enemy and atmosphere variety
All of the best traits of the series are in this game, and for whatever reason, none of the others. It's also got the best characters, the best optional story, the best DLC, and the best art.
>>only Souls game not painfully self-aware of the memes that ruined the franchise
Just like my dick, faggot.
Generations was my first MH. I loved it. I spent hours trying all the weps and landed on HH as my main. Now I can't go back, because double notes make HH so enjoyable. Hoping 5 comes to Switch.
>a good article from RPS
I call bullshit.
Not really, it makes the top 100 that's for sure.
DaS1 is so overrated. Its a really really bad game
Just like how Doom clone, Diablo clone, Space invaders clone, Pong clone were a thing so too shall we be blessed with Souls clone in the future.
Proving once and for all that Dark souls is here to stay as one of the all time great.
>It's a "I'm a jaded millenial contrarian too afraid to openly like stuff on Sup Forums because it puts me in a vulnerable position so i'll just say that it's shit and not even back up my claim with an opinion." episode
DaS1 is the most overrated game on Sup Forums.
As someone who's an actual fan of the whole franchise that didn't start with Bloodborne and then pretend I'd played DeS and rank it high: here's a better look:
Including ALL DLC:
DaS2 >> DeS >>> Bb > DaS3 > DaS
Before you rush to respond in your retardation, just remember:
• PVP is a weak point in the series but Dark Souls 2 SotFS has the best online experience of any game when it comes to Co-Op and PVP
• More people have pretended to play Demon's Souls than maybe any other game on this board. Most of those people started with DaS3.
I personally feel DaS1 is a worse game than Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 2 had better connections, generally more versatility and didn't revolve around backstabbing.
Now that the dust has settled, It's the best game in the series.
Its the best one.
These are the only two I've played
All the other dark souls just feel like cheap imitations at this point...
You're too young.
I don't think I've ever considered this my favorite game series and yet ive owned it on pc and almost all my consoles mutliple times, got a ps4 and ps3 mainly for demons souls and bloodborne, I have a lot of things I don't like about the games, especially the first DaS. but I really like the freedom you have with making your character into how they fight. it might have one of the most toxic fan bases though.
>they should do a remake of this but like...dark souls
>this game reminds me of dark souls
>this game would be better if it was like dark souls
>wow a dark souls copy
it's actually made me shove off the series a bit, the games are not as hard as people scream them to be, especially once you finish one of them. It's up there but it's not an amazing series, if you want amazing play Legacy Of Kain or Metroid.
It has issues, but it's one of the best.
Is there anything that makes the game worth playing after O&S?
If enjoying it so little that you have to ask that question, no, stop playing now.
For a long time I've assumed the missing words in posts were due to non-native English speakers, but this is at least the third time I've seen one of the words in my posts actually get eaten. What the fuck is this?
I Think Dark Souls 2 Is Better Than The Dark Souls 1
I just started to play DS1, I really can't understand why people love it. There's not a single good thing I can say about it, aside from shit. I'm not enjoying at all, just playing to finish it and be done with it.
I wish could keep playing DS2, it's such a great game all in all. Sure, it had few issues, but they're very much far and between. I wish I was playing DS2 during its release window.
Try to understand that most of the good things you could say about Dark Souls 2 and 3 began in Demon's Souls and then Dark Souls 1.
I like Dark Souls and Monster Hunter for different reasons, but thoroughly enjoy both.
Dark Souls has rewarding combat and good exploration with a sense of 'focus, fucker focus' going on the bulk of the time but the community can still be fun as hell and do some wacky stuff even in the grimdark shithole of a world the game takes place in.
Monster Hunter is literally a grind-fest of a game, but it is grinding done right. I get the sensation of slowly building up my gear and leaning the patterns of enemies to farm what is needed to make me the most efficient at any given hunt. It doesn't take itself seriously with cute feline sidekicks and jibberish talk and pretty colorful world with odd monster designs here and there.
Bot have their flaws too. Some are similar. The hitboxes for both games can be absolutely fucked at times. The hipcheck for Plesi is a prime example for Monster Hunter and was the a long running joke, the entirety of Dark Souls 2 can basically be lumped into a mess of hitbox detection as well.
All in all, it depends on what I am in the mood for. A simple pick up and play for an hour or two game with a few fellow hunters swinging on a monster's nutsack for a while? Monster Hunter. A track through a shitty world where I have to face far more difficult but rewarding challengs? Dark Souls.
Bloodborne was probably the best sequel to Dark souls in terms of level design, but the lack of substantial differences being available in playstyle made it have basically fuck all replay value to me.
Dark Souls is one of the greatest games ever made, bar none, but it still has its flaws. I can't really argue with some people thinking it is the best game of all time currently. It sure as shit deserves that title more than Ocarina of Time despite that being mentioned left and fucking right in 'greatest of all time lists'.
DeS = BB > DS3 > DS (DS2 counts separate imo because no Miyazaki)